In the past week, two more girls from MTV’s 16 & Pregnant have revealed that they have gotten pregnant again after appearing on the show. Danielle Cunningham of Season 3 took to her Facebook page a few days ago to share her big news with fans of the show.
“Yes, I’m almost four weeks [pregnant]” Danielle confirmed to The Ashley. She found out when she went to the doctor to go get birth control. (So much for that!) She is due at the beginning of July.
Jamie Alderman, the father of Danielle’s first child, Jamie Jr., is the father of this baby, Danielle’s mother, Casey, told The Ashley. Still, Casey is shocked to say the least.
“We have known but needed time to process it…I guess I cant change anything so I will be happy,” she told The Ashley. (Click here to read more about Danielle’s second pregnancy.)
In other “Girls From ’16 & Pregnant’ That Got Pregnant Again” news, Danielle’s Season 3 cast mate, Jamie McKay announced her own big news last night.
After posting a sonogram of a baby with the caption “R.I.P Little Angel” on her Twitter account (which she later removed), Jamie revealed to fans that she recently had an abortion after getting pregnant again.
“I made a mistake and I can’t take it back. I have had this in my heart and it has been very hard on me,” she said on Twitter. “I was afraid to be judged by my family, my mother, even my dad. So I did it before they could find out. I should have looked into my options more but I didn’t.”
After getting quite a bit of criticism on Twitter, Jamie deleted the photo and told fans, “I keep the picture in HONOR of my child. I did not make that decision for nothing. I am focusing on school and Miah. That picture is a reminder to stay focused.”
Jamie said she is now on birth control to prevent future pregnancies.
Anyway, for those of you playing at home, let’s count how many girls from this show, which is supposed to be preventing teen pregnancy, have gotten knocked up again:
Season 1:
Ebony (Just gave birth to baby #2 in October, suffered miscarriage in 2011)
Season 2:
Brooke (Due very soon with baby #2)
Markai (Had an abortion)
Leah (Miscarried in January 2012, is currently pregnant with baby #3)
Season 3:
Jordan Ward (Gave birth to baby #2 in November 2011)
Kianna Randall (Claims she miscarried back in the fall of 2011)
Danielle Cunningham (Currently pregnant)
Jamie McKay (Had an abortion)
Season 4:
Kristina Head (Currently pregnant)
Several of the other ’16 & Pregnant’ girls have been rumored to have been pregnant again, but these are the only ones that were actually confirmed.
21 Responses
Most that are having babies ARE MARRIED. AND AREN’T EVEN TEENS ANYMORE! Just because someone got pregnant at 16 doesn’t mean they should be damned from having anymore kids, they are fine and grown ass women now in their 20’s!
that danielle is disgusting!
she is such a waste of life.
i mean most of the girls on the show r but danielle is top dog of a waste.
people like her should not be allowed to have babies at all! ever!
i wish i could put an end to wastes having babies.
makes me sick.
Emily mckenzie from one of the earlier seasons also has a second child, a girl who i think is called anaya. (her son that she had on her 16&p episode was called liam)
are there any pictures of her? Or any “proof” of her? I’ve seen the post on facebook “Liam <3s his sissy" but I haven't found any pictures or anything else about her. And it wasn't written about since I don't remember her ever even announcing it.
@Samantha That was a fake Emily spreading that rumor. As far as I know, Emily only has 1 baby. -The Ashley
All of those on their second babies are married aren’t they? So they should be allowed to have as many babies as they want. I think it is to be expected. I’m not shocked at all.
Ummm guys…. Leah was added to the list if you would read it again!
For ALL those saying “you forgot Leah”….they HAVE Leah on here with BOTH the miscarriage AND current pregnancy…
Didn’t Danielle say on her 16 and pregnant episode she also found out she was pregnant “right when I went to go get birth control”? Why doesn’t she just admit she didn’t care one way or the other if she gets knocked up (considering this is her third pregnancy, she miscarried earlier this year from another guy’s baby) and move one.
Nikkole also had an abortion. Her best friend Sam said it on twitter she went with Nikkole to have it done.
Leah Messer Calvert and Brooke Smitherman-Tarrant are also pregnant again! Unbelievable. At least they’re married, but they’re so young!
You forgot Leah Calvert (Messer) is pregnant with 3rd child due winter 2012. Season 2.
and had a miscarriaged winter 2011
You forgot to include Leah and her 2nd pregnancy this year..
Hi The Ashley,
You forgot about Leah from season 2A
Leah Messer-Calvaret had a miscarriage and is currently pregnant
You forgot to add Leah… she is pregnant and had a miscarriage last year…
You forgot Leah and her 2nd pregnancy (miscarriage) and being currently pregnant, as well as Danielle’s second pregnancy which was a chemical pregnancy (or so I heard)
You guys forgot Leah Messer shes currently pregnant again and suffered a miscarriage last year.
Let the abortion backlash start… I was uncertain how I felt on the matter until I read this article: http://thedeadauthorsclub.wordpress.com/2012/10/26/fetal-personhood-and-criminalizing-abortion-a-prosecutors-perspective/
Fully and TOTALLY worth the read.
Isn’t Leah pregnant again too?