Production Companies Step Up to Pay ‘Buckwild’ Star’s Funeral Expenses

Shane Gandee

When the two production teams behind the MTV show Buckwild heard that the family of deceased star Shain Gandee was having a hard time scrapping together enough money for a proper funeral, they decided to to step up— big time!

While Shain may have achieved a certain level of fame for starring on the show, it’s very unlikely that he made much money at all from the first season. (Generally, MTV will increase their stars’ pay each season, and is notoriously cheap when doling out first-season salaries!) Shain’s family was reportedly trying to raise funds to bury Shain.

“I know the strain they are going through,” Shain’s cousin, Ashley, told TMZ earlier this week. “It’s hard to provide a proper burial. It’s already tough with the loss of family members … expenses are tough as well.”

When those behind the production companies heard this, they vowed to cover the cost of all of Shain’s funeral and burial expenses. All funds raised on the donation websites that had been set up online for Shain’s family will now go toward paying the expenses the Gandee family incurred during recovery effort, and towards helping with the cost of the funerals of Shain’s uncle and friend, who were also found dead in Shain’s truck.

According to TMZ, West Virginia police have confirmed that Shain and his cronies died from carbon monoxide poisoning. The truck that they were riding in had become stuck in the mud. The truck’s exhaust pipe had been submerged, which caused gas to leak into the truck’s cab, killing all three people inside.

Shain’s public funeral service will be held this Sunday.

Kudos to the production companies for helping out. Now if only MTV would open their wallets….

(Photo: Facebook)

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