‘Teen Mom 2’ is Likely Next MTV Show to Get Cancelled, Sources Say

"We're outta here!"
“We’re outta here!”

Sorry, kids. If you’ve been dreaming of ten more Barbara Evans-filled episodes of Teen Mom 2, it looks like you are mostly likely out of luck!

The show, which is currently in its fourth season, has NOT been picked up for a fifth season at this point (despite what other reports are saying), and, from what The Ashley‘s sources tell her, there doesn’t seem to be much hope of it getting renewed. This morning, another popular MTV reality show, Buckwild was cancelled by the network.

“I’m 90 percent sure it’s over,” one person close to the cast tells The Ashley in regards to ‘Teen Mom 2.’

In fact, Kail Lowry, one of the show’s stars, confirmed to The Ashley on The Twitter this morning that the show hadn’t yet been picked up.


It’s been nearly five months since MTV cameras last filmed the lives of Jenelle Evans, Chelsea Houska, Leah Calvert and Kail for the show. As you faithful Roundup readers know, these girls can cram more into five months than most people cram into their lifetimes! There have been babies born, bitter husband and wife feuds, miscarriages, pregnancies, baby-daddies going to jail, all things that would have made for great TV!

Although another ‘Teen Mom 2’ source tells The Ashley that some of the show’s producers appear to be optimistic that they can pick up where they left off with the girls, it’s highly unlikely that the show will continue. However, as The Ashley said before, there is still a chance that they could get the green light for a fifth season.

The Ashley’s sources tell her that we can probably expect an official announcement from MTV sometime next month on whether the show will continue or not. It appears that the show’s cast would all be open to doing another season. However, given the casts’ antics, it’s highly unlikely that MTV will pick it up.

There are only four episodes left! Let’s hope Babs gives us some stellar quotes, or that MTV finally comes to their senses and just gives her a spin-off show!

If you wanna read more juicy behind-the-scenes gossip (and, I mean, who doesn’t?!) might The Ashley suggest you order  a copy of her about-to-be-released book, Teen Mom Confidential: Secrets & Scandals Behind MTV’s Most Controversial Shows?!

(Photo: MTV)



16 Responses

  1. Please stop talking with “The Ashely” In every sentence. It’s quite annoying and disturbs the reading. I just read 2 different articles and quite frankly, I’m done. I cannot keep reading, “The Ashely” in every sentence. But you do have a nice site and nice flow of colors and easy to find content, it’s just “The Ashley” is highly annoying.

  2. I enjoyed watching teen mom and I hope they have a season 5 . People talk so much crap about this show but yet still watching it if you don’t like it go watch a soap opera that’s real lol. Hope to hear there will b teen mom 5

  3. I really like this show I totally relate to leah I am a teen mom and I recently got married and had another baby and Im 22 We can afford it and I am a Sahm and I think since I started my family young I think i should finish having the kids me and my husband want and raise them right I cloth diaper baby wearing sahm and I hate when people talk bad on other teen moms that get married and want to have more kids I mean if they can afford it then they should live there life the way they want too. Jenelle is just rediculouse they should just take her off the show all together but then again that shows teens that maybe adoption is the best decision if there life style is like jenelles. Kailyn yes maybe she does have a anger issue but shes working through it she is a great mother too her son regardless of her flaws everyone has flaws but if you get help why should people talk down on her at least she knows that’s her problem and admits it and told javi he needed to walk away shes making progress unlike other people who would just be out of control.

  4. This is a guilty pleasure for me. Do they mean there won’t be another season with these girls, or the entire show is cancelled?

  5. It’s reality television people! These ladies have grown and matured though out the years on the show. Some of them, lol, not so much. But it’s real. It shows what really happens to these young mothers out there that other mothers can relate to. I see a lot of haters but if you hate that bad.. CHANGE THE CHANNNEL!! I was a teen mom myself. I was 17 when I had my son. I didn’t get pregnant again until I was 31 with my daughter, She’ll be 17 months old this month. I really like watching how these ladies handle themselves in their different types of lifestyles while all sharing the same thing-being a young mother. Why are the haters making such a big fuss over a tv show.. if you don’t like it DON’T WATCH IT. Go TM2

  6. maybe it’s getting cancelled because none of these girls are teens anymore. It’s kind of stupid now too, they are famous on the cover of magazines. They all have new cars, and fake boobs, and houses. It’s just rediculous, scripted and fake. They never talk about being famous or MTV, so we’re to believe they never ever talk about that? To their parents to their husbands/boyfriends anyone? The whole show is ridiculous.

  7. I think the final straw for the MTV producers were the idiots that got knocked up again while the show was still filming, and the one who refused to take any birth control and COULD have gotten knocked up again. It’s a LIFESTYLE for these none too bright clowns, just think how many different kids they will have with different fathers by the time they are 40.

  8. @Melanie,
    Farrah got an associates degree, not anything further last I heard. I could eb wrong. I don’t consider it graduating college unless you have at least a 4 year degree

    1. You mean the same Farrah who, according to several news sites, happens to be in a “negotiating period” over the porn shoot SHE staged and financed HERSELF with the hopes and intentions of fooling the entire country into believing that some sort of private and intimate tape with another individual (who just so happens to be a well known professional porn star) was somehow leaked?? Well good for Farrah for finishing school! Looks like she’s putting that hard earned college education to some good use!

  9. I HOPE this train wreck show is finally cancelled! The FAKE purpose of the show was to show the reality of teen pregnancy and get our high rates to drop. The REALITY is these dumb hicks just kept on getting pregnant with whoever was paying their bills this week. NONE of them finished college, or were established in any career, while they blew their MTV money on tatoos, tanning, cars. Cancel this show now!

    1. I see people write this all the time and I honestly don’t get it. Why would anyone expect a reality tv show on MTV (the channel responsible for Jackass, Punk’d, The Hills etc) to serve any purpose other than pure entertainment? It is not like you’re watching some after school special on PBS that claims to have some sort of educational/inspirational/moral value. Do you also expect The Jersey Shore to have a positive impact skin cancer and substance abuse rates? Just enjoy it for what it is- an hour of trashy reality television.

  10. I tweeted to Chelseas dad @paparandalicious that “I heard teen mom was a wrap due to the shenanigans of some” He tweeted back that I “heard wrong.” Looks like he may have been splitting hairs with his post.

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