Is it sad that I literally have this date marked on my calendar?!
The next incarnation of MTV’s The Challenge starts next month! This has long been one of The Ashley‘s favorite crappy reality shows, and, from the looks of the new trailer, it’s going to be a fantastic season!
Here’s what we know so far: this season will be “Rivals II,” in which cast members must pair with the people they hate most (their ex-boyfriend, the person they got into an argument with, etc.) and compete against other teams of people who hate each other. The season was filmed in Thailand, and will be hosted by TJ Lavin.
Here’s who MTV is bringing to the party this season:
CT who will be teamed with everyone’s favorite whiner, Wes (I don’t remember them hating each other but, then again, everyone hates Wes!)
Jordan and Marlon: They got into some nasty fights on ‘Real World: Portland.”
Knight and Preston: These guys have clashed since their ‘Real World: New Orleans’ days.
Zach and Trey: These two have hated each other since ‘Battle of the Seasons.’ According to MTV, “they even blocked each other on Twitter”—oooooh!
Dunbar and Tyrie: Apparently, Tyrie can’t stand Dunbar, even though Dunbar has no clue that Tyrie hates him.
Johnny Bananas and Frank: Both are blowhard loud-mouths that need to be hit in the face with a frying pan.

Derek and Rob: These two got into a physical fight last season, resulting in torn clothing and and a whole lot of douchey-ness.
Ty and Leroy: Apparently they’ve had some heated online fights since they last appeared on a season together.
Emily and Paula: These two dislike each other because Paula was hooking up with Emily’s ex, Ty. They frequently mocked each other. (Who could forget Emily”s “black face seen around the world?”)
Sarah and Trishelle: Sarah hates Trishelle (or “Trash-elle” as someone calls her in the trailer) because she was insisting that Sarah was only getting freaky with Alton on “Battle of the Seasons” to further her position in the game. (Both of these girls need to retire from these Challenges! And take Paula with them!)
Nany and Jonna: Ugh. I just…can’t with these girls.
Cooke and Naomi: Apparently Naomi thought Cooke was trying to steal her man on “Real World: Las Vegas”…or something.
Camila and Jemmye: They got into a nasty screaming match on “Battle of the Seasons.”
Anastasia and Jessica: Anastasia got straight bitchy on poor Jessica during ‘Real World: Portland’ and told her she didn’t want to be her friend.
Diem and Aneesa: How can anyone dislike Diem!? Apparently these two had a falling out after Aneesa went back on her word to not vote Diem out of a previous challenge.
Jasmine and Theresa: They once got into a fight that resulted in Jasmine shattering a mirror.
The new season start July 10! The Ashley can’t wait!
7 Responses
CT and Wes got in that big fight on the last season of Rivals, and Wes threw CT’s bed off the balcony. I’m so excited for this season I bet those two will kick ass together!
I cannot figure out why they would have jessica/ana instead of avery/nia. One of them must have not wanted to do it. The portland rivalries are just stupid. And a lot of them feel like its stretching quite a bit to call it a rivalry. I wish they would do a BFF season. Think of the drama when someone screws up!
I am so with you Catt! BFF’s season. Let’s email MTV and pitch them your idea!
Ashlees! Believe me when I tell you, you’re not the only one with the date of the show marked on your calendar!! As a matter of fact, I have you to thank for providing me with this info. One question: Why in the World is Paula back? This woman needs to get a real job, retire from challenges, and from what I’ve heard about her dranking, get a bed at Betty Ford ASAP!!
That said, I’m all buckled up, this season looks like we’re all in for a heck of a Ride!! and I cannot wait!!
Why do I not recall Jordan and Marlon getting into arguments on the Real World?
The only argument I can recall is the one that happened the next morning after Jordan’s fight with Nia, when he called her a Monkey, and Marlon demanded he apologize and Jordan flat-out refused! Otherwise, the two seemed to get along fine; or as fine, as anyone can be with know-it-all Jordan!!