‘Teen Mom 3’ Star Mackenzie Douthit Announces She’s Pregnant— AGAIN!

"Here we go again, y'all!"
“Here we go again, y’all!”

OK, kiddies…file this under “Most likely true” until The Ashley can confirm everything for sure but…

Mackenzie Douthit, star of the upcoming series Teen Mom 3, certainly loves to keep The Ashley busy!

Mackenzie shocked her Facebook followers tonight when she announced that she is 12 weeks pregnant! (If this is true, Katie YeagerAlex Sekella and Briana DeJesus need to send ol’ Mac a thank you card, because she basically just secured them another season of MTV fun!) Apparently Mackenzie blurted out the big news because she was tired of people asking her why she’s fat.

This is, indeed, her real Facebook profile.
This is, indeed, her real Facebook profile.

mackenzie douthit pregnant

Of course, many (including The Ashley) are skeptical to believe anything that Mackenzie says, being that she’s announced that her wedding is cancelled at least three times since she’s been engaged. (The last time being this weekend!) However, The Ashley has confirmed the validity of the Facebook account, it does indeed belong to Mackenzie.

To further support the claim, Mackenzie sent out this  tweet Monday night, moments after making her big announcement.


Mackenzie is notorious for not using birth control. In addition to this new pregnancy and the one featured on her episode of 16 and Pregnant, Mackenzie was also pregnant before she gave birth to her son Gannon. You can read all about that juicy story here.

The Ashley knows that the Teen Mom girls are all under very strict contracts with MTV and are restricted from announcing any big news (like, um, a second pregnancy) without MTV’s involvement. Mackenzie will likely be forced to delete this status as soon as MTV gets wind of it.

The Ashley is working on getting confirmation of this and will update soon. Stay tuned…..and stay on birth control. Please.

UPDATE: Mackenzie, who is currently at MTV headquarters in New York City, has removed the Facebook status in which she reveals that she’s pregnant.

9 Responses

  1. you said “Mackenzie was also pregnant before she gave birth to her son Gannon.”

    Well…I would hope she was pregnant before birthing the baby.

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