Fans watched as Lori Wickelhaus struggled to decide whether or not to her baby boy up for adoption during the second season of 16 and Pregnant. The 16 year-old ended up placing her son, Aidan, with a local couple for an open adoption. After her episode aired, Lori stayed out of the limelight, even declining the opportunity to participate in the “16 and Pregnant: Adoption Special” the following year.
A few months back, The Ashley broke the news that Lori was engaged– and pregnant with her second child. The Ashley can exclusively report that Lori and her fiance, Joey Amos, welcomed a baby girl yesterday just after 3 p.m. Lori and the baby, who they named Rylynn Jo Amos, are doing well.
Baby Rylynn weighed in at 6 lbs., 15 ounces and measured 19 inches long.
Lori’s parents, as well as Joey, were all present for the birth. You might remember this classic moment from Lori’s ’16 and Pregnant’ episode in which Lori’s mom, Mary Jo, cracked us all up!
Below is a photo of the happy family!
Congrats to Lori and Joey!
UPDATE: (December 2014) Lori has given birth to her third child! She does not appear to be with Joey anymore (the father of her second child), and it is not known if Lori’s new son, Logan, is Joey’s child or not.
(Photo: MTV)
14 Responses
3 kids 3 different fathers
very disappointed!! How can you give one child up and keep another. I’m surprised Lori’s mother didn’t say give up for adoption.. what.. Lori had a girl this time, they must hate boys!! How could you do this to him.. give him away, but keep his sister.. If you did that to me I would forever hate the both of you!!
1. She gave up her son because she wasnt ready and she wanted him to have a better life.
2. She is now at a point in her life where she is ready to have a family.
Get out of old ways and put yourself in her shoes. I applaud Lori for living her own life by learning from past mistakes. Do you expect anyone who gives up a baby to never have kids again. There are other reasons than being unwanted for kids going up for adoption.
Ty and Cate had 2 more, and don’t they have 1 on the way now?
I know Lori personally, and even lived with her. She will be a wonderful mother to her beautiful daughter. Her life is finally coming together. <3 Much love to her and her fiance.
She seems to be going through a very dark period, in jail now, and dealing with child porn charges, she will be a convicted felon and a registered sex offender if she is convicted. She won’t be able to keep/raise children if she gets convicted. She needs to get her tubes tied!
Stephanie if you don’t remember, Loris evil adoptive mother pretty much forced her to give her first baby up for adoption. The girl was scared, she was under aged and was basically told that she would be thrown out on the streets and made to feel she was incapable of being a parent to that baby. It was sickening the way her adoptive mother manipulated and emotionally black mailed and verbally abused this girl. I truly to this day believe the adoptive mother acted this way because she herself was neve able to conceive. That woman’s knows it in her heart too. She could have easily helped her DAUGHER raise this baby, or at least give her a helping hand. She was an evil woman deep down in her heart and that is why she forced Lori into this, MTV should have shown and told Lori that there were resources and groups out there to help her. They are guilty in this too as they obviously just wanted the story. I am happy Lori has a new baby. However I am certain the pain from giving her first baby up will never leave the poor girls heart.
Being a parent means you have to be selfless and not think about yourself. Lori did the right thing- giving her baby a life she would never be able to give him. All the girls on this show that keep their babies are being selfish- only thinking about how THEY’LL feel if they give up their baby. It takes a mature, intelligent, selfless person to make a decision of adoption, and I commend Lori for her choice.
I could not agree with you more. I felt so sorry for her during her episode. She never had a choice. As a parent I could not imagine doing something so horrible and everlasting to my child.
Well…congrats to her!
Rylynn??… ughh…just horrible.
I don’t having a baby just to give it away because you weren’t ready just to get pregnant again. So sad! :/
OMG, Lori.