Former ‘Bachelorette’ Ali Fedotowsky Reveals Producers Help Choose Which Contestants Stay

Justin Rego
“Dude, I didn’t even like you!”

Ali Fedotowsky recently made a shocking revelation about how things work behind the scenes of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. The former rose-giver, who answers a few fan questions about the show each week on her blog, confessed that she (and most likely latest ‘Bachelor’ Juan Pablo Galavis) got some “help” from producers when it comes to choosing the suitors that get to stick around.

“I think I chose the majority of the guys who stayed on the first night but after that I couldn’t really distinguish the last couple so I had the producer ‘help’ me pick,” she wrote. “I’m sure they would suggest I can’t get rid of the ‘interesting’ ones.”

Does anyone else feel the same way they did when they found out Santa Claus wasn’t real?

“I’m not saying it was this way for Juan Pablo, but if I had to bet money on it, I would say he probably had help picking girls from a producer,” she said. “And the producer would definitely pick people to stay that would cause drama!”

Of course, this doesn’t come as a complete surprise: after all, do you really think Juan Pablo would have kept Lucy (and her dirty hippie feet) around had he not been prompted to do so by producers who knew she’d bring drama? I think not.

Back in June, former ‘Bachelor’ Jason Mesnick and his wife Molly, who he met on the show, also talked about the producer’s hi-jinks during their podcast.

“I’m going to throw a percentage out there, it’s probably 20% real,” Jason said about the show.

“I do think there is some reality to these shows but I know that some of it is pretty orchestrated,” Molly said. “I will sit there and watch ‘The Bachelorette’ and see these guys doing something stupid and I will have a general reaction…when really I know he probably didn’t do that and was probably coerced into doing it.”

Sigh! Deep in our hearts, we already knew this to be true, but it still hurts to hear it, doesn’t it?

To read The Ashley’s recap of the first Juan Pablo ‘Bachelor’ episode, click here!

(Photo: ABC)

3 Responses

  1. Is there any place to read the podcast? I have trouble hearing so if it’s dictated that would be amazing.

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