‘Bachelor’ Contestant Clare Crawley: ‘Nothing Happened in the Ocean!’

“We didn’t NOT have sex…”

Clare Crawley became the most hated girl on this season of The Bachelor after she went for a late-night ocean romp with ‘Bachelor’ Juan Pablo Galavis that seemingly ended with the two doing the nasty under the water. ‘Bachelor’ fans were shocked (well, maybe not shocked but at least mildly surprised) at Clare and Juan Pablo’s sleazy behavior, but now Clare’s speaking out to let everyone know that she’s not the tawdry ho-bag the show’s editing made her out to be!

“Nothing happened in the ocean,” she told E! News yesterday. “It’s a little strange to me that nobody’s made it very clear. Nothing happened and what had happened was simply that two people were living in their heart and being in the moment and falling in love.”

This ‘falling in love’ moment brought to you by Trojan condoms…

Anyway, Clare goes on to talk about the incident, saying that she does not regret her actions.

“We’re adults and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat,” she said. “I found nothing wrong with it. I was doing something that I wanted to be doing and we’re allowed to swim in the ocean. There’s nothing shameful about it.”

(Anyone else totally not buying it? The fact that she threw in the ‘We’re adults’ line tells us that something probably did actually happen under the water.)

Moving on…

Clare talked about what it was like watching the episode back and being shamed by every soccer mom in America.

“I think it left a lot for people to interpret it any way they wanted to,” she said. “I don’t think a lot of things were made very clear, which in the moment of it all, everything was very clear. It was definitely surprising that things were taken out of context.”

Still, Clare did not come right out and say ‘We did not have sex or fool around.’ Interesting…

Clare said it was very hard for her family to watch last week’s episode, especially the part where Juan Pablo shames Clare for what they did.

“I don’t like feeling uncomfortable or shamed or talked down to about something that I still believed wasn’t wrong,” she said.

Even host Chris Harrison spoke ill of Juan Pablo’s shaming of Clare in a recent interview with TV Guide.

“It was not only confusing, but it was borderline rude,” Chris said. “We even told him as much, but he didn’t see it that way. Even though he apologized later I don’t think he really understood how cheap he made her feel.”



(Photo: ABC)



2 Responses

  1. well weather they did or not talking to her like that was just wrong, and using his daughter to do it, I dont think he will be getting any father of the year award anytime soon. he was there and he did it with her so he is to blame as much. and I dont for a second believe that a single man with 20 something girls fighting for him wont sleep with at least one of them, I mean come on people, they are all adults, good looking, and wearing bathing suites in a hot tub, its no math.
    I like reading your blog better than the show it self, keep it up

  2. 1) I don’t buy anything Clare says for a second. Especially after that ridiculous toast she made at the cocktail party about falling in love & making love. It’s seriously how a high school girl acts when she wants to let people know she’s had sex without actually coming out and saying it.
    2) Harrison wouldn’t have said that Juan Pablo made Clare feel cheap if they just swam in the ocean. They had sex, there’s footage, Harrison saw it but can’t confirm or dent it so instead he says this.
    3) I will say this though, if I was Clare and Juan Pablo had just spoken to me like that after we had such a ‘magical night’ I would make it known how much of a sleeze he is. Regardless that it would make me out to be a wh0re, bc the girls are gonna find that part out sooner or later but the sleeze part would actually benefit them from knowing this. Besides, the girls aren’t there to make friends with one another (no matter how much they try to pretend like they are) so why should Clare care at this point what any of those girls think of her?

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