Take a Sneak Peek at TLC’s New Show “My Five Wives”

Sister Wives fans, rejoice! We’re about to get a super-sized dose of polygamy with the new TLC show, My Five Wives! The show, which follows the lives of the Williams family, a polygamous family with one husband, five wives and 24 children, is about to premiere and we are now getting our first look at what to expect with two sneak peek clips!

The clip starts with “The Husband,” Brady, in bed with his wife Paulie. The couple has no time for sexy time, however, because one of Brady’ s other four wives is blowing up his phone telling him to hustle his ass over to her house to “say good morning.” (We can use our imaginations as to what that is code for.)

He leaves the quiet comfort of Paulie’s room to go next door (wait– do they live in a motel!?) to wife Rhonda‘s room. There are two screaming kids in bed with her so he quickly jaunts over to wife Robyn‘s room to see if he can get some action over there. She’s still asleep so he goes to see wife Rosemary next. She’s sleeping too, so, once again, Brady’s quest for hanky-panky is faltered. He gets out of there fast, tripping over a scooter belonging to one of his many children and yells “Damnit!” (Something tells us that the “Damnit” is more because he has five wives and still can’t get any action!)

Finally, he ends up at wife Nonie‘s room, but all she wants to do is complain about her dryer, so he gives a quick kiss and is on his way.

In another clip, the wives watch as Brady gives wife Robyn 40 birthday kisses. Rosemary discusses how watching this makes her feel.

“Jealousy for me is like a wild animal,” she tells us. “You gotta keep it in the cage or it will tear you up.”

Meanwhile, first wife Paulie is just standing there bug-eyed watching Brady’s display of affection for Robyn.

“When Brady shows physical attention to another wife sometimes it can be a little bit awkward,” she says. “I think sometimes awkward for the wife watching or the wife that’s receiving the attention.”

Nonie agrees.

“Sometimes you get a twinge of jealously,” she says. “It kind of hurts. It’s part of who we are as human beings.”

The Williams family is different from the Brown family of Sister Wives for a variety of reasons. One major thing we see in the clips is that the women are known as “Aunt” to the children that aren’t their own. In the Brown family, they just call the other moms by their first name.

Here’s a handy-dandy Williams family tree for your reference. (And, yes, there is apparently a daughter named September. As you do.)

Is anyone else super-excited about this show!? The first episode premieres March 9 at 10pm on TLC!


10 Responses

  1. This disgusts me, it is completely against the lord. One day he will realize and be shameful for what he has done to these women and children.

  2. Wait, one of his wives is named ROBYN Williams? Oh God, I’m freaking dying. I’ll be so disappointing if she doesn’t do crazy voices as well.

  3. I felt so awkward watching that segment..

    September is one of the normal names compared to aeyden, tailee and arwen imo.

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