Whitney Purvis and her boyfriend, Weston Gosa are back together–and procreating again! Whitney, who starred on the very first season of 16 and Pregnant back in 2009, announced today that she is pregnant with her second child. Whitney and Weston are already the parents of Weston Jr., who turns five in April.
Whitney shared the news in a Facebook status this morning:
so..baby Weston is being promoted to big brother this Halloween.
Whitney and Weston have certainly seen their share of bumps in the road since their MTV days. Both have been arrested multiple times (Who could forget Weston’s exotic mugshot collection or Whit’s Walmart pregnancy test thieving?) and they have broken up and gotten back together more times than anyone can count.
Whitney was one of only two girls from the original ’16 and Pregnant’ season that wasn’t chosen to go on to fame and fortune with Teen Mom. She and the other girl, Ebony Jackson, have both led interesting lives since the show. (Anyone else wish they had been chosen instead of Farrah Abraham? Her head might actually still be of a normal size had she not been picked for ‘Teen Mom!’)
Anyway, Whitney is just the latest in a huge string of girls from the series to have a second pregnancy. While her particular season has not resulted in very many second pregnancies (only Ebony has had a second child so far), the girls on the other seasons are frequently getting pregnant again. Of the 47 girls that have appeared on the series, 19 of them have had second pregnancies (that we know about, anyway). Some of the pregnancies have been planned, while others have not.
Including Whitney, the 19 girls to have gotten pregnant again are Ebony Jackson, Jenelle Evans,(currently pregnant) Nikkole Paulun (allegedly), Lori Wickelhaus, Kail Lowry, Brooke Tarrant, Felicia Cooke, Leah Messer, Aubrey Wolters, Jordan Ward, Jennifer Del Rio (currently pregnant) Jamie McKay, Danielle Cunningham, Mackenzie Douthit, Jordan Howard (who is due any day), Myranda Trevino (currently pregnant), Sarah Roberts and Kristina Head.
Hopefully, Weston and Whitney will be able to stay out of trouble from here on out and focus on their two children.
(Photo: Facebook)
17 Responses
Great. Just what this small town needs, trash making more trash.
I do wish that Ebony was chosen instead of Farrah… her story line was much more interesting to me. Whitney wasn’t chosen because she is very boring to watch – her voice is monotone and she comes across as very lazy. (Not saying she is..) but her episode was very boring even though it had plenty of drama.
That Christina girl from Texas just had a third boy. She was the one whose boyfriend died in a drowning.
I have a random question for you Ashley- last April you reported MTV was filming for a catch up special with them bit when they aired a catch up special in the fall it was only the girls from the recent season. Do you know what happened with that? Are they going to air it/ did I miss it somehow?
I just got your book! Can’t put it down! My eyes are gonna bleed…but I must keep reading!!!! Thanks to all involved for all the info I trust.
@Debbie Thank YOU for the kind words! So glad you’re enjoying it! 🙂
I thought I read somewhere that all 6 original 16 & Pregnant girls were asked to be on Teen Mom but Whitney and Weston opted out because of Weston Jr’s health problems and Ebony and Josh could not participate because they were living on a military base.
Don’t forget Christinna Robinson.. she’s currently pregnant as well.
And Markai
Markai isn’t pregnant.
At one point she was pregnant for a second time. I said her name because she is not listed above with the others.
Are they the ones whose first child has problems due to a genetic issue? I thought she said in an update that they would have no more children together because of this and they got a dog instead.
@Kerry Yes they are.