‘Teen Mom’ Farrah Abraham Releases a New Horrific Song

teen mom
The face I made while watching this video.

It’s St. Patrick’s Day and, this year, we’re all in luck because Farrah Abraham has a very special gift for all of us. The Teen Mom train wreck has released a new musical single! You may remember (and still have nightmares about) the album she released back in 2012 to go along with her book, My Teenage Dream Ended. She screeched through multiple tracks (singing about ice cream and stoves and her baby daddy’s sperm, or what not.)

Now, Farrah is back with a new song that’s perfect to dance and drink [bleach] to! Her latest single is called “Blowin.'”

That’s almost too easy to make fun of. It kind of sucks (pun intended) the enjoyment right out of it.

To promote her single, Farrah gave an interview to In Touch Weekly and discussed how the song is about her standing up to her bullies.

Rent-a-Friend: when you need to look popular in your music videos.
Rent-a-Friend: when you need to look popular in your music videos.

“I want others to see they don’t need to be a follower or conform to what others think or do and let them live their lives to their full potential,” she said. “I feel that to overcome the gravity of the negativity bullies try to portray on others, we really need our own space and focus to leave all of that behind and clear the negativity.”

Uh-oh, someone has been using their Hooked on Phonics for more than just a doorstop!

There is also a video to accompany the new song. While it certainly looks more professional than this mess she released in 2012, the video is downright hysterical. It features Farrah and her “friends” (aka people that she found in a club that were willing to participate and/or too drunk to know what they were doing.)

As per usual, Farrah’s daughter, Sophia, is featured in the video. (At least Farrah didn’t make her daughter run on her dead father’s grave again!)

"Hold up! I was told my music video was the next one to be released!?"
“Hold up! I was told my music video was the next one to be released!?”

While Farrah says that she’s “in no rush” to release another full album (my eardrums are rejoicing!) she may be foisting more horrific music on us at some point. This is a very bad thing because, even with all the autotune in the world, Farrah can’t carry a tune.

“I think if I feel passionate about a subject, then I will write a song and share with others who I know can relate,” she told the magazine. “Personally, music is a hobby, not my career move, but I hope others enjoy it as much as my daughter and I do.”

Just to refresh, last year on St. Patrick’s Day, Farrah partied her way to a DUI, which she later blamed on her sister, Ashley Danielson. Here she is a year later, showing what she learned in those alcohol awareness classes she was forced to take.

Don’t quit your day job, Farrah! Let’s stick to “blowin'” James Dean, OK?

Click below to watch the entire video!

(Photos: YouTube)




34 Responses

  1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    She would be blowin…ROLMFAO??????

  2. HAHAHA!!! She really shouldn’t quit her day job! I cannot believe this video! She wouldn’t show all the negative comments for more than a quick second! But would keep showing the ONLY 3 nice comments she has probably ever gotten over and over!! ?? this girl seriously needs help!!! This girl really should probably just go crawl under the rock she slithered out of! Nobody likes you and your not cute! And your attitude is even uglier!! BYE BYE! ????

  3. I know have her “I’m blowin, i’m blowin” chorus stuck in my head. Farrah your dark magic worked! It worked! lol

    1. It’s called auto tune Chris, without it she’d be a hell of a lot worse.

      This girl is vile POS

  4. I thought you did very well Farrah I loved it… Keep you head high don’t let the world tear you down….. Y’all always have been my fave….

  5. I actually kinda liked it. Sounds reminds me a bit of Tatu. And I think the twitter-thing in the video is funny. Alright, this isn’t as good as Miley Cyrus, but just as good as Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Hilary Duff and other tv-stars who tried to build a music-carreer.
    I also think that because of her previous actions,she automatically will be bashed, even if it isn’t so bad at all. Even if she could cure cancer or made world peace happen, people would still hate on her for her sextape. It isn’t all on Farrah, the media and the people make it a negative thing also.

  6. Who wrote this review? You are a bulliy. Yes the song is bad and yes what a waste of time but for fuck sakes. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!! “Run on her dead fathers grave” what the fuck is wrong with you. Cyber bulling at its best.

    1. What are you blaming the the Ashley for?? You’ve just made yourself sound like an idiot

      If you want to lay blame, then blame Farrah she did it no one else

  7. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I wish she would stop using her cute daughter, she exploits that poor child SO much. I fear for that little girl, and her mental health!

  8. people should leave the rude comments to themselfs, at least she has the guts and the ambition to do whatever makes her happy and do accomplish her dreams even if others bash her for it. and the ones of you that bash her for it really need to take a look at your own lives, no one is perfect and at least this young lady keeps trying. shes raking in the money to take care of her daughter. thats more then can be said for most people these days im sure!! people need to learn something simple either say something nice and encouraging or nothing at all!! i hope it makes you the bashers feel good about themselves when they put someone else down, especially when its someone thats made more out of their life then they have of their own.

    1. You need to keep in mind that when someone makes the decision to become a reality television star, they are putting THEMSELVES in the position to be judged. It isn’t people being mean to someone in their math class. This is someone who has made a career choice to be judged. Once you choose to be in the public eye, you obey to their whims of scrutiny and judgment. If people like her – good for her! Let the fan shout about it. If others don’t like her – they have the right to scream that too. A celebrity belongs to the public. (Or in the case of this song “celeburty”. What the crap is a “celeburty”)

      Oh – and she also made the decision to present herself as a porn star/compulsive liar and THEN mother, so there is that worth judging.

  9. I really hate saying mean, negative things about people but Farrah makes it so hard for me to be nice haha. I can’t stand anything about her, including this awful, terrible, P.O.S song! Does she really think she is good? And does she really not get why people have such negative opinions about her? I mean she is quite possibly one of the nastiest, most hateful, bratty, bitchy, selfish people I have witnessed in my lifetime. It’s not that I’m a “hater” Farrah, I just can’t identify or have compassion for people like you. Anyways, now that I got all my “mean” out, I think I made my point. ..her song sucks! 🙂

  10. She needs to stick to teen mom series she doesn’t even have a pretty voice and what she blowin …lol… that is the dumbest song i have ever heard…but why put your little angel in a music video where the lyrics are called blowin… that is a bad judgement right their I’m surprised her parents went alone with that exspecially her mother

  11. The song is horrible and the only good part about the video is Sophia being in it, she is adorable. Farrah just needs to stick with being a bitch on tv cause she has that down pat.

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