Christina Grimmie may not have come away from last night’s finale of The Voice with the win, but she did get a free car– and a promise of a recording contract from her coach, Adam Levine. Adam, who, at the beginning of the show told Christina “whether you win ‘The Voice’ or not you will have a record deal because I would like to sign you,” later told The Ashley and other reporters at the post-show press conference that he still has full intentions of signing Christina to his label, 222 Records.
“One hundred percent!” he said. “As far as I’m concerned, it’s happening.”
Judging from her reaction, Christina was obviously shocked when she heard Adam promise to sign her at the top of the show. At the press conference, she expressed her excitement.
“Well, because Adam’s the best I’m going to hopefully working with him on his label,” she said, adding that she wasn’t disappointed with a third place finish. “I’m in the Top 3, I don’t know how you can possibly complain, being in this position.”
Adam said he had no doubts in his decision to sign Christina, who already has a ginormous YouTube and social media fan base.
“One of the coolest things about Christina is that it’s so hard to have traction as a singer and have the YouTube following that she had, all the things that she had in place before she was on ‘The Voice’ are the hardest things for an artist to get,” he told reporters. “So I see those things, and I also see how successful she was on the show, what a hard worker she is, and I think to myself, regardless of the outcome, like I said on TV, she’ll have a great career and I’d love to be part of it.”
Jake Worthington, who finished in second place, didn’t get a record deal offer from Adam (help a cowboy out, Levine!) but he will get to go on tour with Christina, winner Josh Kaufman and several other singers from the Season 6 gang. He, too, was awarded a new car, but decided to give it to his granny, who bought him his very first car. (Awwwww!)
“Making it to the finale, as far as I’m concerned, is a win because you have the platform to do just as much as the winner does,” Adam told Christina and Jake.
Do you think the right person won ‘The Voice?’ Sound off in the comments below! Click here to read The Ashley’s other coverage of last night’s finale of ‘The Voice!’
11 Responses
I think Jake should have won. Such a young talent with so much ahead of him. Definitely country to the bone. Congrats to all 3.
I think the voters got the final tally correct…at last! I grew up in the south and was raised on a farm, but one can only devour so much ‘corn’. I might have put Christina over Josh in the final, but I would NOT have had Jake anywhere near the final. He’s a good ole boy, and he can belt out crooning country as well as most young and coming country stars. I personally think Kat should have been one of the final three. She is far and above young Jake in vocal quality and voice range.
This reminds me of “Dancing with the stars” a few years ago, when Bristol Palin was picked to perform, and made it all the way to the finals. Give me a break! Let’s keep politics totally away these shows. Texas did the same for young Jake. Don’t get me wrong, because I think he’s good, and I wish him well in his future singing career. I hope next season’s show will not have any hint of an ‘agenda’. Let’s all vote for the absolute best singers to win.
Frankly the NBC and The Voice is a fraud. The voice stated that if anyone buys the iTune recording of a contestant that your purchase would count as a vote. Since I paid money to cast my vote and then not have it counted, I’d like my money back. This is a form of false advertising. There should be a class action lawsuit on principals. How much money did the iTunes recordings fetch NBC? $1.99 per purchase, X 1M?
I love Christina so much and I think she should have won the ‘Voice’. Adam is a smart guy, he made the right decision and has signed Christina a record deal. Josh is a great singer with great voice. I don’t think Josh will become successful in 5 years but I think Christina will. OH Boy, this girl can sing. On the other hand, I love Jake too and I do hope someone will give him a record deal!
Many were surprised that Christina came in 3rd. Personally I believe The Voice voting system is flawwed. Will The Voice reveal all of the final results. There are too many discrepencies in their voting. Like others have said, all 3 are winners no matter who is number 1. I guessed that Josh would be 3rd, Jake 2nd and Christina 1st based on their quality of performances and improvement from the beginning of the show.
I want to start off saying all three were amazing!! I don’t think Josh should have won and as much as I love Adam Levine (I’m his biggest fan & only listen to Maroon 5) I think Jake should have won this year.
I think this whole thing was completely invalidated by the last minute pulling of the iTunes votes. Christina’s fans are much more likely to vote via web. I cannot believe Josh won this fair and square. Don’t get me wrong, I think he is a good singer…but, he was not better than either Jake or Christina in that final contest. To try to tell us that removing the iTunes votes (which both Jake and Christina placed in the top 5) had no effect on the voting and expect us to believe a line of bull like that is frankly offensive.
Basically, an entire demographic that believed their vote would be counted – and were told that by buying the artists’ songs all along would make a huge impact at the end – were completely discounted.
I like that Josh won, but I would’ve like to see at least Christina in second place, not third. She is a way better singer than Jake, and can sing many different genres of music and her vocal range and control is amazing. At least Adam signed her on his record label, so SHE DID WIN AFTER ALL IN THAT RESPECT.
I would have liked to see Christina win, she was a small powerhouse. Just like the title of her first song, she came in like a wrecking ball. When I heard how she had a following even before she competed, I had my money on her. The fact that Adam will make do on his promise is fantastic. As far as I’m concerned all three Josh, Jake, and Christina won. I am sure Jake will also score himself a record deal in countryland. This was a most enjoyable Voice and I think anyone in the top ten will do fine. Singers like Sisaundra, Brea, and Christine could have easily been in the top as well. We’re all winners this season, and what a great season it was. I wish all the best to all that competed and I can’t wait to check out the tour for season 6!
I completely agree with you. But, Adam signed Christina on his record label, so she did win after all.
I Love Josh and glad that he won, but as a voter that can’t decide who to vote for because Josh and Christina were really good, Adam just let me off the hook. Knowing Christina was going to get signed anyway… I would have voted for Josh….