A new season of The Biggest Loser premieres tonight and with it comes two new trainers, Jessie Pavelka and Jennifer Widerstrom. (In case you have been living under a rock for the last few months, Jillian Michaels is not coming back this season and has left the show.)
When the new trainers were announced a few months ago, reality TV fans instantly recognized Jessie’s last name as being familiar. Jessie shares a last name with former Bachelor Jake Pavelka, who dolled out roses on the dating show back in 2010. Since the release of the new trainers’ names, The Ashley has been asked numerous times whether or not Jessie and Jake are related. (There was even one person that asked her via The Twitter if they were the same person. Yes, that really happened.)
Anyway, The Ashley decided to clear things up back in June when she had the opportunity to visit The Biggest Loser Ranch and interview the new contestants and trainers. During her interview with Jessie, The Ashley asked him about the connection to ‘Bachelor’ Jake.
“We are both from Texas, but I don’t actually even know the guy,” Jessie told The Ashley. “I have never met him before!”
Despite the fact that various media outlets have reported that they are cousins, Jessie confirmed that he and Jake are not related.
The Ashley encourages you to tune into ‘The Biggest Loser’ tonight! She had the opportunity to speak with all of the contestants, and she can assure you that this season is going to be good!
(Photos: NBC, ABC)