“16 and Pregnant” Season 3 Star Allie Mendoza is Pregnant Again

mendoza season 3
Allie, her boyfriend Chris and son Aydenn earlier this year…

Yet another girl from 16 and Pregnant has announced that she is pregnant again! It seems that every month, another girl from the series (which is, in case you’ve forgotten, designed to prevent pregnancy in young girls) reveals that she is once again knocked up.

Last month, Season 3 star Allie Mendoza (who is probably best remembered as the girl that had to deal with her baby daddy’s crazy, drug-addicted mother on her episode of ’16 and Pregnant’)  revealed that she and her boyfriend Chris are expecting a child. Allie revealed the news that they were “expanding” by posting an Instagram photo of four pairs of shoes, which obviously represented Allie, Chris, Allie’s son Aydenn, and a new baby.

She later posted a photo of Aydenn holding her sonogram photo, but has since deleted all of her social media accounts.

Despite the fact that her episode of ’16 and Pregnant’ originally aired three years ago, Allie remains to be one of the most-asked-about girls from the show. So what’s happened to Allie since she taped her episode?

Allie's son, Aydenn, holding her new sonogram
Allie’s son, Aydenn, holding her new sonogram

By the time the Season 3 Life After Labor reunion aired, Aydenn’s father, Joey, was completely out of his life. He no longer sees his son (which was, from what The Ashley can gather, his own choice). He later joined the U.S. Army and has been in a relationship with a girl for a while.

Allie, on the other hand, moved back to New Jersey to be closer to her mother after taping ended. It appears the she and her mother had a hard time getting along and Allie eventually moved in with her boyfriend, Chris, who seems to have accepted Aydenn as his own son. They are still living in New Jersey, where Allie works as a daycare teacher. She recently obtained her Associates Degree from Kaplan University.

Allie as she appeared on her '16 and Pregnant' episode.
Allie as she appeared on her ’16 and Pregnant’ episode.

She is almost unrecognizable from her days on ’16 and Pregnant.’ Thankfully she has lost those hideous “bumper” bangs and is now sporting better hair and a more grownup look (as well as a ton of new tattoos.)

Allie is just the latest girl from the series to have a second child within five years of her ’16 and Pregnant’ episode. (The Ashley is beginning to think that it would be easier to create a list of the girls from 16 and Pregnant that haven’t had another child!) Last month, Season 2 star Megan McConnell announced that she, too, was having another baby.

Allie is at least the 25th girl from the show’s five seasons to get pregnant for a second time. The other girls that have had second pregnancies (or are currently pregnant) include:  Izabella Tovar, Ebony Jackson, Jenelle Evans, Lori Wickelhaus, Leah Messer, Kail Lowry, Brooke Tarrant, Felicia Cooke, Jordan Ward, Jennifer Del Rio, Danielle Cunningham, Mackenzie Douthit, Sarah Roberts , Kristina Robinson, Jordan Howard , Whitney Purvis, Aubrey Wolters, Markai DurhamJamie McKay, Christinna Cook, Myranda Trevino, Catelynn Lowell,and Ashley Salazar. There have been other pregnancy rumors, but these are the only ones that resulted in an actual child or abortion and/or are confirmed to be pregnant right now.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, Allie suffered a miscarriage shortly after announcing her pregnancy.

(Photos: Instagram, MTV)

14 Responses

  1. I have so much respect for this young woman!just watched her episode and was taken aback by her very mature and positive attitude for her then age of 16. She did the best thing leaving and putting her son first. Things could have turned out very badly had she stayed. She’s got the best support by looks of things. Glad to hear she’s progressed and living a new and happy life with someone who treats her well. Her boy is all grown up now wow!

  2. Allie Mendoza just welcomed her second child on September 10,2015 a baby boy she named Christopher Eli Gerena and he weighed 8 pounds and 11oz 20 and a half inches long

      1. Yes, she just wants privacy yet she was on a reality show with her ghetto boyfriend and his drug addict mom because she wasn’t smart enough to use birth control. Stfu.

  3. Every time another girl from 16&p gets pregnant people talk about the fact that the show is meant to lower teen pregnancy rates. The point of the show is to lower rates of 16 year olds ever getting pregnant to begin with, not preventing 16 year olds with kids from having more. After you have one baby your life is forever changed, so adding another and making more poor choices doesn’t have the same consequences as having the first. Most of them have already quit school and resigned themselves to a difficult path before choosing the have the second (or third).

    Not saying they should be getting pregnant, but I don’t see how teenage mothers having more babies is relevant when it’s unrelated to the show’s premise.

  4. Some of these are stupid to include. like leah, Janelle,kail, and catelynn. they are alot older and its not a crime to have a second kid in your 20’s get over yourself.

    1. @Unknown Jamie got pregnant again after she did the show. She decided to have an abortion. If you’re interested, the full story and an interview with Jamie is in my book, Teen Mom Confidential! (Available on Amazon!) -The Ashley

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