Farrah Abraham was to make her singing debut on Saturday night at the 340 Nightclub in Pomona, California, so, because The Ashley loves y’all so much, she scurried her little trainwreck-loving butt down there to watch the performance unfold. Farrah did her best to get the word out about her performance, touting it as the very first time she would be performing her song “Blowin'” in public.
(In case you’ve forgotten the horrorfest that is “Blowin,” click here.)
The Ashley arrived early because she wanted to be sure to watch the beginning of the show, because Farrah was hosting. The show, an all-male strip revue was raunchy, to say the least, with guys simulating sex acts on other guys from the audience. (Farrah, of course, seemed unfazed as one of the strippers simulated “back door sex” on someone. As we know, she’s all too familiar with the act, so it probably seemed old-hat to her at this point.)
Check out the video of Farrah addressing the crowd:
Anyway, Farrah did her best to keep the crowd entertained between acts. Surprisingly, she was very well-received and the crowd really did seem to love her. Of course, she seemed a bit awkward during the hosting gig, just like she was when she hosted the EOTM Awards last year.
After the strip show ended, attendees had to wait over an hour while Farrah “freshened up” for her performance. Soon, all of the clubbers had gathered at the downstairs stage, eagerly waiting for Farrah to start howling. She emerged down the club’s long staircase, dressed in a poofy, sparkly dress, armed with a microphone. The Ashley could hardly wait to hear what Farrah actually sounded like, minus all of the auto-tuning and studio tweaks….
Too bad she still doesn’t know.
Farrah proceeded to lip-sync the entire performance, despite the fact that she was touting it as her first live performance.
While she may have been quietly singing along to the track, the sound coming from the speakers was coming straight from the club’s tape deck. How does The Ashley know this? At times, Farrah seemed to forget that she was “singing” and would pull the microphone away from her mouth, while the audio still played. You can see her forgetting to “sing” in the video below. (Please excuse the poor audio!)
Can someone ask Ashlee Simpson if she can give Farrah some lip-sync lessons?!
This was not the first time The Ashley had been to the club for a Farrah-related event. Back in July, she attended Farrah’s sex toy release party there. (Click here to read The Ashley’s account of that, um, interesting, evening.)
6 Responses
she looks better on her knees
Well the title is fitting lol I’m still shocked she didn’t find some reason to perform on couples therapy… Ya know where she went alone because her “boyfriend” didn’t show up.
Dear God, I love the fact you cover this! Thanks, best entertainment EVER!