The seventh season of The Voice is in full swing, but NBC is already busy planning the upcoming eighth season. Today, the network announced that the coaches’ roster will change slightly next season. Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Pharrell Williams will all remain on the coaching panel but Christina Aguilera will replacing Gwen Stefani in the Big Red Chair.
While Christina is most likely thrilled to be reclaiming her red throne, the show’s fans seem to unhappy about it, judging from the comments on the official Facebook posting.
“Pharrell is a welcome addition but Christina I could do without,” one commenter wrote. “Shakira or Gwen are better than the DIVA Christina!”
“Noooo!!! Gwen was perfect!!! Why Christina again?” another wrote.
While there were a few people that were excited that Christina would be returning, the comments were filled with requests to bring back Gwen. (The Ashley has a decades-long No Doubt obsession, so she’s partial to Gwen, obviously.)
While fans of the show may not be thrilled that Christina’s returning for Season 8, there’s little that their protests can do at this point. The Ashley can reveal that the Season 8 Blind Auditions will begin filming in Burbank, California, later this month with Christina, Pharrell, Adam and Blake! (So basically they will be filming the new season at the same time as the current season, which is very odd.)

The producers of ‘The Voice’ have done a great job in keeping things fresh and rotating the coaches every season. Former coaches Usher and Shakira won’t be back for Season 8, but they have both said that they may come back again at some point. The only coach that has permanently quit the show is Ceelo Green, who announced in February that he was done with ‘The Voice.’
The Ashley just hopes that Christina brings the bad hair back to Season 8. That’s the only thing The Ashley enjoys about having Christina on the show.
Are you happy that Christina is coming back or do you prefer one of the other female coaches? Take the poll below and tell The Ashley!
5 Responses
Ugh NOOOO they need to keep Christina! She’s perfect and I seriously don’t think I can take another season of Gwen’s horrible voice. The only female judge who can actually sing is Christina you idiots!!!!
Why do people hate Christina? She’s a good coach. The only horrible coach was CeeLo, and I’m glad he’s gone for good.
Ugh NOOOO they need to keep Gwen! She’s perfect and I seriously don’t think I can take another season of Christina’s eye-roll inducing demeanor.