Kendra Wilkinson Says She’s Forgiven Husband Hank Baskett: ‘We’re Gonna Be Together Forever’

"Keep watching our show though!"
“Keep watching our show though!”

By Holly Rasmussen

For eight episodes of Kendra on Top, we’ve watched Kendra Wilkinson and her husband Hank Baskett skirt around the issue of his alleged affair.  Until now, they’ve managed to avoid revealing what actually happened between Hank and transsexual model Ava Sabrina London.  Yesterday, Kendra finally broke the silence! It’s about time!

Kendra spoke with Access Hollywood and revealed that Hank finally opened up to her and told her exactly what happened with transsexual model, Ava Sabrina London. According to Kendra it’s “not what you think.” Really? I think your husband did something shady and you’re trying to milk ratings out of it, but okay.

Kendra said she can’t really discuss the details of the alleged affair because of an ongoing “investigation.” There has been some speculation that Ava was attempting to blackmail Hank and this backs that up story up. In Touch Weekly is also reporting a similar story of blackmail.

According to the magazine, which claims to have spoken with a source close to the situation, Hank said he met the model and a friend in the parking lot of a grocery store, as you do. According to the source, Hank then smoked weed with the two women in their car and agreed to go back to London’s apartment with them.

Hold up. Nothing happened, but a married father of two just randomly decides to smoke weed and go home with two models? But, he wasn’t planning on cheating on his wife? Ok, sure. The source that spoke with In Touch said once they got to the apartment (and got high, I’m assuming) Hank went into the bathroom and when he came out he saw the two women naked and kissing. That is when he realized they were transsexuals. That is also when he decided this was a bad idea and left. The source said Ava then started blackmailing Hank. Hmm…It seems that scenario is missing a detail or two. Kendra suggests that the the audio tapes released recently were manipulated by a third party.

Kendra did confirm the blackmail aspect with Access Hollywood, but did not provide any other details. What about the seemingly incriminating audio recording of Hank pleading with Ava not to talk and offering her money for her silence? Kendra said it was all just part of the game Hank was playing to keep the ordeal out of the press.

“If you had one chance, one chance to save your family, to save yourself, to save the most amazing parents, the most amazing wife [Did she just call herself amazing?], the most amazing life—you are not gonna go and scream and yell and threaten and this and that,” Kendra told Access Hollywood, adding that Hank was smart by playing along.

Um…no, it would have been smart not to agree to go smoke weed and go home with strange women. Kendra said she has completely forgiven Hank and they are going to be together forever (or until WeTV cancels their show). Fans can’t help but wonder if what Kendra is saying is true– that Hank really did get blackmailed by this person, why wouldn’t he immediately contact the authorities and tell his wife everything? Something is fishy here…

Watch the full interview here:

(Photo: Access Hollywood)

5 Responses

  1. Did anyone else see her on Dr. Phil where she started rambling about not being able to control anything but what she eats so she’s on The Atkins Diet and it keeps her “nice looking”? Soooooooo awkward.

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