‘Teen Mom’ Leah Calvert Tweets of “Failure” as her Husband Jeremy Disappears From Social Media

teen mom 2 divorce
“Oh helllll no! We do not delete Twitter in this family!”

The relationship saga of Teen Mom 2 stars Jeremy and Leah Calvert has taken another strange turn…and, as always, it’s via social media.

Earlier this week, Leah took to her Twitter and Facebook to give her followers some insight on what’s been going on in her life lately. Leah, as per usual, did so by posting cryptic tweets and Facebook messages that hinted she was “making big decisions.”

“#LessonLearned: Stop watering things that were never meant to grow in your life,” she tweeted on Saturday, and then followed it up with a few tweets asking fans for prayers.

“Going to lunch with someone very special to me! Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!” she wrote.

“Good morning ! Everyone keep me in your thoughts and prayers today!  #Nervous #BigDecisions,” she tweeted on November 17.

This came just days after she posted a “marriage tip” to her Facebook page: “Great marriages are the result of two people who struggle through a challenge but find a way to stay together in the process.” (Regardless of whatever is going on between her and Jeremy, let’s just say that Leah probably isn’t the best person to take marriage advice from…just sayin’!)

“Failure does not mean that you’ll never get what you want, sometimes failure means that you have to fight harder for something better,” her latest tweet reads.

Anyway, Leah did not reveal what all the cryptic tweets were about (of course). Jeremy, however, has yet to ever respond to any of her tweets proclaiming her love for him. In fact, a few days ago, he deleted all of his social media accounts– Facebook and Twitter!

Days before, he had posted a photo of a camper trailer with the caption “Home sweet home.” Of course, a bunch of sites jumped on the photo, writing articles that claimed Jeremy had moved out and was now living in a trailer. (Sigh.) They failed to mention, however, that he works out of town and is on the road all the time, hence the need for a trailer. Leah confirmed this by informing a fan that Jeremy’s parents bought the trailer for him to stay in when he’s out of town.

According to one of The Ashley‘s sources, Leah’s tweets about her preserving her marriage are in vain. As late as last week, the source says that Jeremy was still done with the marriage. He has not, however filed for divorce in Putnam or Kanawha Counties, The Ashley has confirmed.

What does this mean for the upcoming sixth season of ‘Teen Mom 2?’ As The Ashley reported last month, Leah had still not signed on for Season 6. While The Ashley can’t confirm that Leah has signed on to do the show since then, another ‘Teen Mom 2’ source tells The Ashley that the show will go on, Leah or no Leah. In fact, filming for Season 6 is set to begin very, very soon!  (The Ashley is very happy about this because she misses her gal Barbara and she misses doing ‘Teen Mom 2’ recaps!)

To catch up on all the previous Leah and Jeremy drama, click here!

(Photo: MTV)



14 Responses

  1. she is such a mess, I really hope she takes a lot of time working on herself, and being with herself, and finally learning that just getting another warm body to lay next to, will not be the end all be all.

  2. The Ashley – if look into the divorce now. I believe she filed yesterday. Could be wrong but word around town is it happened yesterday

    1. I had a feeling she filed yesterday and that is why Jeremy removed his fb and twitter yesterday.

      He probably ashamed because he did all that sh*t talking on twitter about her and Robbie but failed to file like he said he was gonna do. I think he did really loved her but took on too much too soon that is why he was hesitate on filing.

      Now Leah beat him to the punch and her and her clan probably going to trash him like they did Corey. I remember her lawyer telling her to file before Corey so she has custody of the twins and now she is in another custody battle her lawyer probably told her to file before Jeremy so she can make sure she has Adalynn.

    1. It would be weird, but probably better for the 3 girls in the long run! As much as I want to see the drama unfold, those kids don’t need it on top of everything else.

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