The Ashley is going to go on record and say that the upcoming season of The Bachelor, which will star farmer Chris Soules, will have the most cringeworthy puns and cheesiest scenes ever to play out on the show. There have only been a few promos released for the season so far; the first being the creepy clip of Chris walking through a field full of talking corn. The latest promo shows more of Chris, more of the ladies and more of the ridiculous corn-joke-filled drama that will make up this season.
The promo kicks off showing Chris lovingly accepting Andi Dorfman‘s dismissal of him during her season of The Bachelorette, and just gets downright embarrassing from there on out. Below are five things that made The Ashley cringe while watching this “corny” (see what I did there?) promo…
1. Chris is dubbed ‘Prince Farming.’
Make.It.Stop. This season hasn’t even started and we are already being overwhelmed with farmer-related jokes. They get all up in Chris’ hay loft to get the inevitable hot-guy-with-shovel shot.
2. The woman chant “Chris! Chris! Chris!” on the first night.
Maybe it was the producers’ request…maybe it was the alcohol…but honestly, there’s just no excuse for 25 (or more, apparently) women sitting around dressed in evening gowns hooting like drunken frat guys.
3. Chris kisses a woman like this.
We may have finally found a ‘Bachelor’ that is a worse kisser than Sean Lowe. Perhaps ol’ Juan Pablo could give Chris a few tips on how to liplock with the ladies. We all know Juanny P was an expert at making out with anything with ovaries.
4.Chris and some chick dance on a table.
We have come to expect that the ‘Bachelor’ and his date will attend at least one concert in which they will be required to stand on some sort of platform above the crowd and awkwardly slow dance to the music. That’s just a given. However, it seems that Chris will take this required action to the next level of grossness this season. In the clip, Chris is shown slow-dancing with a girl on top of a dinner table. Ew. That’s not only cheesy, but also really nasty.
5. They somehow made it look like Chris gets a girl pregnant.
I’m sure Chris and his corn-fed Iowan family were just horrified when they saw this promo, which shows a (possibly) positive pregnancy test and alludes that Farmer Chris may have had a “roll in the hay” with one of the gals, resulting in her getting knocked up. Of course, having watched this show for so many years, we fans know this is certainly not the case, but the fact that producers included this in the promo makes us cringe.
Watch the clip below:
(Just watch the first minute)
3 Responses
HAHA i don’t even watch this show but because of this post i am definitely tuning in.. the “Prince Farming” one killed me.. my face definitely turned red..thank you!
Let’s be realistic if a girl got pregnant from any season it would have been Juan Pablo’s