After watching an entire season of Kendra On Top, we are still no closer to finding out “what really happened” between Kendra Wilkinson‘s husband, Hank Baskett, and the transsexual than we were the day the first episode aired. Although the affair has been discussed in great detail on the show, we’ve never gotten to actually hear any of those details about what went on.
We sat through many an episode of Kendra and/or Hank blubbering, Kendra gossiping with her gal pals about the affair, and plenty of groan-inducing therapy sessions, yet we still don’t know if Hanky made the nasty with the transsexual. Since this made the show’s fans very angry, WeTV announced that we would finally learn the “untold story” in a season-ending special.
The network did its best to play up this Very.Special.Episode. The promos for the special used the ‘Intervention’-style darkened screen to kick off the special in a very dramatic way.
“On November 7, 2014, Kendra and Hank were interviewed together for the first time since the alleged sex scandal,” the screen ominously read. “They did not know the questions they would be asked.”

If you believe that…I’ve got a bridge to sell ya!
Anyway, after all the dramatic build-up, it seemed that we were finally going to get the inside scoop on what Hank did (or did not do) with his, um, lady friend.
The Ashley‘s dedicated ‘Kendra On Top’ recapper, Holly, sat through the painful ‘Untold Story’ special to summarize what we learned from watching this crapfest:
1. Kendra had already been telling Hank that “marriage wasn’t for her” before the news of the affair broke.
Apparently marriage just isn’t Kendra’s thing; she would much rather enjoy the occasional bedroom company of an 80+-year-old rich guy in a smoking jacket, apparently.
2. Hank’s parents were in the house when Kendra found out about the alleged affair.
Um…so can they tell us what the hell happened with their son?
3. Kendra revealed that she had postpartum depression and that “if it wasn’t for breastfeeding Allijah and the bond they shared, she probably would have ended her life.” Hank also revealed he considered ending his life.
Luckily Kendra was able to fit ‘bonding time’ in between her Us Weekly interviews, therapy sessions and meetings to set up more reality TV opportunities!
4. Kendra’s mom Party Patti hates Hank.
This is probably because she misses partying it up at the Playboy Mansion. Ol’ Patti got left off the list once Hank became Kendra’s +1.
5. And finally… we learned that we are never going to learn what really happened with Hank and the transsexual!
After sitting through the ‘Untold Story,’ we STILL don’t know what really happened. How do we keep getting duped into watching more of this crap?! One thing is for sure: they aren’t going to tell the true “untold story” until they’ve milked every possible fame- and money-seeking opportunity out of Hank’s “mistake.”
Of course, next week’s “Part 2” episode will supposedly contain Hank’s confession about the affair. Although the promos promise that the episode, which will air on December 12, will be the “shocking conclusion” to the season, we all know that they’re going to save all of the good stuff for the inevitable tell-all book.
To read all about what happened (and didn’t happen) on this season of ‘Kendra On Top,’ check out Holly’s recaps!
5 Responses
zero respect left for her, always saying how real she is, bitch please! she’s a spoiled, selfish, insufferable daughter of a whore and i won’t help keep her on the air anymore. telling your husband for a year that u don’t want to be married? just mean, she deserves him cheating and more
I would have had more respect for her if she went back to stripping, if she could make 500k from it back in the day I bet she could still do pretty well these days.
Was anyone else a little disturbed that she only mentioned her daughter and that it was her daughter that saved her life? What about little Hank? So you could have left little Hank with out a mother but not your daughter?!?
I cant watch this “Fake” show anymore! Its disgusting that as Parents they would do this to there children. And further more She should have Never had kids,like her mother, they Both are very selfish and Dont have a motherly bond w there children. And Hank..how bout getting a JOB instead of making up Tranny stories! Smh