Robbie Kidd has been the person that Teen Mom 2 star Leah Calvert has ran to every time her marriage(s) have started to fall apart. Leah has allegedly had two affairs with Robbie, once during her marriage to Corey Simms (which she admitted during an episode of ‘Teen Mom 2’) and once earlier this year, despite the fact that she is currently married to Jeremy Calvert.
Robbie recently admitted that he did, indeed, sleep with Leah back in October, just as Jeremy had said when he called his wife out on Twitter.
“Whenever things are going bad in our lives, we reach out to each other, and this is what happens,” Robbie said of his relationship with Leah, whom he dated back in high school.
The dynamics of their relationship are about to change, however. A source has revealed to The Ashley that Mr. Kidd is about to take a Mrs.– and it’s not Leah! (Obviously.)
“Robbie recently got back together with his ex, Monica, who is the mother of his baby,” the source said. “They just got back together in November and are now engaged to be married.”
The source also revealed that Robbie and Monica are fast-tracking the engagement big-time: In fact, they’re planning to get hitched this weekend! Monica has already started using Robbie’s last name on her Facebook account.
Clearly, Leah’s marital status has never been a factor in her decision to have a romp with Robbie, but Robbie may feel differently once he’s the one wearing a wedding band.
In his tell-all interview with In Touch Weekly, Robbie said his most-recent tryst with Leah occurred while he was broken up with Monica. He also revealed that his renewed relationship with his baby momma is the reason he wants nothing more to do with Leah.
“We’ll always have a connection, but I’m tired of the drama,” Robbie said. “I’m finally happy with where I’m at in my life. I don’t want anything to do with her anymore.”
To catch up on all the latest Leah/Robbie/Jeremy drama, click here!
14 Responses
I’m going to laugh when Leah tries to hook up with him and he’s like “No, Leah, I’m married.” She’ll be devastated.
I actually really hope their marriage lasts just to make Leah mad. She keeps throwing her marriages away for this kidd but he’s (hopefully) not willing to do the same. I normally don’t care that much about what these people do but I find her infuriating.
Everytime I start thinking my life has too much drama, I just get on The Ashley and read up on what’s going on in Leah Calert’s life and I feel better.
I bet Leah will be at that wedding like
Except naked, with legs wide open…
Aaaaahahahahah! This is so great! You know this is bugging Leah to death, but she’ll never admit it. It’ll be “I don’t want Robbie and I don’t care who he’s with.” But you can bet she probably checks this girls social media constantly. Leah always hides her feelings and it’s ridiculous. Then she does sneaky things (cheating, taking pills) and everything falls apart. Leah, stop acting like everything is perfect. Only after you admit how you feel can you start to control it.
Oh great now he can be n adulterer..
Hes just trying to crawl his way outta the dog house..Woof Woof Robbie 😉
he seems like a real knuckle head, and the girl Monica, is in denial about what trash the father of her child is. This like MOST relationships is doomed to fail, in this case even more so!