Last week, The Ashley told you that VH-1 had renewed Couples Therapy for a sixth season, and she gave you a list of the celebs she’d like to see bicker on Dr. Jenn‘s couches. That list included Here Comes Honey Boo Boo stars “Mama” June Shannon and Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson, the parents of Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson. It appears that The Ashley isn’t the only one that wants to see them appear on the show!
In a new video from Splash News Online, June discussed the chances of her and Sugar Bear getting back together– and reveals that she’s had a few reality shows offer to help them!
While June doesn’t specifically confirm that ‘Couples Therapy’ is one of the shows that has reached out to her, she does get all giggly and smiley at the mention of the show’s name. (TMZ reports that Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars is also looking to recruit June and ‘da bear.’)
The couple split in the fall of last year, and have been surrounded by controversy since June allegedly decided to start dating the convicted child molester that once molested her daughter, Anna.
The couple has been breaking up and getting back together for months. (June is no longer seeing the child molester, apparently.) However, she recently discovered that Sugar Bear was carrying on some online relationships with other women. After finding out, June kicked Sugar Bear out of her home. (By the way, she recently purchased a new four-bedroom house in Georgia!)
But is there any hope that they can make things work, even with the help of a reality show? Mama June doesn’t seem to have much hope, especially since Sugar Bear has no interest in pouring his heart out on national TV.
“There was a show that reached out to help us,” June said. ““I was wantin’ to do it and he told me, you know, he would put his 100 percent in. And I don’t think that’s [going to happen]. I’m sure he’s [changed his mind]. We don’t talk to them until like [January] 20th so he may change his mind [and do the show].”
June then seems to start speaking to Sugar Bear directly.
“I don’t know [if we can reconcile],” she said. “If he moved out, I think he made his own choice, his own bed that he has to lie in. Talking to other girls after I done gave you a chance, I let you back in my home to work on your family, and you’re still talkin’ to girls and codin’ them in your phone as your ex boss? You know how men do it, they code them with code names. They’re sneaky as hell.”
Um, guuurl. You were (allegedly) bedding the dude that molested your daughter. Let’s not be all high and mighty here.
June tells the reporter that Sugar Bear owes her a lot for the help she gave him over the years.
“I have done a lot for him,” she says of her baby-daddy, whom she never officially married. “The first two seasons of the show were to make sure his medical bills were taken care of with the Mayo Clinic, his truck, his probation, those four-wheelers, the trailer, everything. You can see everything is gone.”
What “The Bear” didn’t take, Mama June put to good use: She used it to warm her giant home, apparently.
“What he didn’t take, you know, we burned,” she said. “We had a burn party the other night! It wasn’t pictures, it was just [his] junk.”
As you do…
Click here to watch the full video.
4 Responses
My perfect cast would be Jenelle and Nathan, Sugar Bear and June, anyone from any of MTVs older reality dating shows (tila, double shot of love) anyone from some type of spinoff of a VH1 reality show (Daisy, Frank the Entertainer, Megan)
I never watched Honey Boo Boo. And after the whole child-molester thing, I can’t even look at this woman without feeling like I’m going to hurl.
I like sugarbear and all his funny sayings! I wish June would get off her high horse and realize she’ll never get any man better than him!