VH1 Announces New Southern-Themed Reality Show ‘Hot GRITS’

"Yee-haw, y'all!"
“Yee-haw, y’all!”

By Holly Rasmussen

Just when we thought reality television couldn’t get any crazier, VH1 is introducing Hot GRITS (that stands for “Girls Raised in the South,” for you Yankee folk.) The new reality show seems to be a mash-up of Buckwild and The Real Housewives franchise.

According to a press release from VH1, the show will follow seven young and beautiful women who “prove Southern women aren’t all cut from the same cloth.” Uh-oh, here comes the catfighting.

First we will have Emily and Hailey who are the more traditional Southern belles. They love luxury and looking nice. The show also features four country girls: Jenna, Ratchet, Sarah, and Bear.

Yes. You read that correctly. One girl’s name is Bear and the other goes by “Ratchet.” Well, look on the bright side; as least Ratchet doesn’t have to worry about people calling her that behind her back. Let’s pray Bear and Ratchet are nicknames.

The country girls would rather wear camo and go hunting than shop and go to a nice dinner. To round out this lively group, we have Jennifer who recently remarried her ex-husband, as you do.

The show is set in the small town of Valdosta, Georgia, which according to VH1, is well-known for its abundance of “charming and jaw-dropping young ladies.” This season we can expect to see the GRITS dealing with such dramas as kicking out a live-in ex-boyfriend, breaking the news of a secret marriage to a traditional family, and breaking out of a small-town to hit the big city. (Y’all come back now, ya’ hear!)

Get your cowboy boots, daisy dukes and monogrammed tank tops ready because the show will premiere on Wednesday, March 25 at 8 p.m. on VH1.

(Photo: VH1)

33 Responses

  1. This show is crap and I bet most of the cast area not even from Valdosta. It is a joke to call this a reality show because it actually has very little about it that’s real other than the places in Valdosta where its filmed. Valdosta is a college and military base town and the reality of this city and its residents is nothing like depicted on this show.

    1. You are correct. Most of the cast is not from Valdosta. One cast member said that she was “born here, raised here and by God she is going to die here” however, on her facebook she says from Colquitt. I agree with your entire comment.

  2. Stand up valdosta,lets get behind these young ladies
    and be proud our city is even considerd for the world
    To see.Proud ValDostina…Go Cats..Go..C/O 94..

  3. I’m glad valdosta and the girls got a chance to shine some of you people here in valdosta are true hateful people I’m black and race shouldn’t always be an issue I’ve had my time on film and television magazines and its fun maybe if you want a more mixed show maybe you should reach out how these smart women did and maybe we can get some kind of spin off let’s just put our city on the map whoever came up with grits great job

  4. I’m a black male and I can’t wait to see those pretty women enjoy there successfully earned fame plus I’m just happy valdosta got the chance to show it’s charm I actually met one of the guys in Atlanta last year and he told me he was shooting a reality show in valdosta didn’t think it would hit the big vh1 though so proud of you guys and good luck hopefully if so I’m very attractive model type guy did magazines also and pornographic nude I would love to do some type of spin off in valdosta also if anyone likes the idea please email me

  5. Wouldn’t it make more since to cover WINNERSVILLE? Since this is Titletown, I could see a show like Two a day being more popular considering it is a football city! I would love to watch and follow the work of the high school students from both schools as they prepare for Winnersville and State.

  6. Congratulations ladies and I will be tuned in to the show I’m honored to see someone from my hometown doing something positive and having fun doing it.keep it up and I pray that it opens many doors for you all.

  7. I am looking foward to watching this series , I moved from Valdosta recently and miss the town and the poeple there. I know a few of the girls in this series and they are beautiful girls inside and out. Im glad these women got this opportunity. so no good compliment, as we say in the south don’t say anything at all. nough said !!!

  8. Wow..I am really disappointed at the race card comments. But being born and raised in Valdosta as a woman of color I shouldn’t be surprised. I finished school,fought in two wars, I am happily married with 2 children and expecting our third (all from the same fellow military serving father for those who might try to throw rocks).With all this being said I drove go carts and 4 wheelers in the muds, picked greens from the field and have cleaned a good number of fresh game myself and I just reached my 30s. But I guess every “redneck” beats the conduct of any woman of color? Let’s see how many ladies on the show like men of color. I mean, I love my white sister in law who’s been with my brother for 15yrs. Yeah she might be a little more country than me but I don’t have to call her a “redneck” and she don’t laugh at me for loving the song “The devil came down to Georgia”.

  9. This wasn’t a show that held any types of “Tryouts.” We are a group of friends that just happened to stumble into this opportunity. We have black friends that are apart of some of the episodes, but were not a main cast member. It’s disappointing to see comments already being made on a show that hasn’t even aired yet. I wish there were more happy go lucky, positive, optimistic people in this world. Judgement happens so quickly and is wrong. Lift others up, don’t bring them down. We are a group of girls who were filmed cutting up, and having fun for the summer. Outside of the show, we work hard, and love our families. Watch or Don’t Watch, Life will go on. Thank you for your support.

    1. All i got to say is that yall prissy little ones ain’t grits. Cant stand to get yalls hanods dirty sssh if yall truly were grits yall be getting down and dirty with the rest of us girls chilled with the guys. if yall bring shame to my hometown i know alot of people that will run yall out. Besides I’m not to worried since VH1 doesn’t get watched much.

  10. I love my city. Born and raised. Why is everything about race. We have good ppl black and white and trashy ppl black and white just like everywhere else in this world. Let them Caucasian ladies have that show. If they want a real life show let’s do it across the city with different races of women and let’s see how interesting it is to see how different they live. I see ppl dissing blacks especially but I’m not going to get into that. You wants show then find out who killed KJ… Justice for Kendrick Johnson

  11. I agree with everyone here. Those 7 may portray 2% of the population of Valdosta. The reality is work, college, family and church. It would be refreshing to see REAL reality. Oh wait that wouldn’t sell

  12. Ok first of to jay that moved here from up north in that big city…. If you don’t like this town or the people in it you can go back where you came from. No one would miss you I promise. Calling most people uneducated and trashy, that uncalled for and makes you look ignorant. You obviously associate with a low class of people if that had been your experience. Also no women in valdosta are attractive buddy you must like guys because ive been to big cities that look like their women were birthed by chubakka. As far as this show is concerned idk anyof these women. I doubt iI’ll ever meet them but do not disgrace my home where my family is and the place I love. Lastly for the love of god could one thing happen without race being a top issue…. Let it go people we are all equal the ones who cry race all the time are the ones who make us different!

  13. All I can say is BLESS IT! I live in Valdosta and have yet to see anyone look like these chicks! The real country girls in Valdosta come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. All I ask is this….Ladies please please do not disgrace South Ga the way Honey Boo Boo did. Remember “Hot GRITS” have class and we always act the way a lady should!

  14. i moved here from a big city up north. There isn’t tons of hot chicks here. Barely any really. Most people here are uneducated and trashy. But yes mainly black people here so all the all white cast is kinda odd. And I wish it would show the black people here. Most are a disgrace to their race. Not all but maybe if they seen how stupid the majority act and it’s pointed out how stupid they look they will get the point.

    1. Gosh, Jay, did you learn your English and grammar in the “big city up north?” You might want to stop off at one of the elementary schools in Valdosta and polish up a bit. If you don’t like Valdosta, or the south, for that matter, you’re welcome to move your trashy behind right on back up there.

    2. Stereotyping leads to discovery. Valdosta is all connected friend. There is a bigger picture in our community, get to know some folks before you disregard. I have taught in private and public schools here. You see the color of ones skin 1st, their shirt and hair 2nd. That’s the outside. Never judge a book by it’s cover though. Valdosta is a very cool and talented community in many ways. We have so much potential, and it’s coming to fruition. This town is full of faithful friendly people it only takes a smile, not eyes, toe see it. Haters never win!

  15. I agree with the first comment. To have an all white female cast staring in a show in a predominantly Black city is just unrealistic. I as a Caucasian person myself do not agree with the stereotype that the show is trying to portray. Black women are just as country if not more in some parts in the city of valdosta.

    1. The show is not about that,they are friends who got together and had fun taping . They presented to Vh-1 and the producers like their videos so they picked it up and thought they would give them a shot.Why are there so many haters who have not seen the show yet or know any of the families? I know one of the girls. She is very kind and smart.

      1. Uhhh…. Maybe because this is Vh1? Shall we take a look at this network’s stalwart reputation??? Or maybe how it’s been described ? A mash-up of real housewives (spoiled rich women fighting) and Buckwild (which I haven’t heard of but probably centers around people fighting). Everything said about this show is intended to portray another stereotypical cat-fighting piece of crap. Sorry some of us don’t want our small town associated with that…

    1. Why it always gotta be about race? Black history month, MLK, NAACP, 100 Black Men…..no one says anything. Have a story about some white girls and race card comes up

      1. I am sick to death of all the race crap,that is all you ever hear in this town. There is more mixed race families in Valdosta than I have ever seen it is common here . Why does it always come down to black or white.People grow up. The Housewives of Atlanta is all black but Kim and she left that show.

    2. Just be glad they chose to focus on the rednecks. I wouldn’t want them to feature women of color. Would you?

        1. I just want to say that y’all should give it up to the ladies I mean at least they are trying to do things in the city of valdosta … that’s what put valdosta in a more recognized spot. . buy I know this show prolly would kick honey boo boo off the char y s they don’t even do nothing in that country town now valdost is more of a city /country town that u can do more in film better high-end spots in valdosta. .

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