‘Teen Mom 2’ Kid Hospitalized After Accident

Get well soon, Paislee!
Get well soon, Paislee!

The daughter of Teen Mom 2 star Adam Lind landed in the hospital earlier this week after an accident left her with a broken arm. Paislee Lind, Adam’s 17-month-old daughter with ex-girlfriend Taylor Halbur, is currently sporting an adorable pink cast on her arm and, while she appears to be doing just fine now, Taylor told friends on her social media accounts that Paislee’s accident was very scary.

“It was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen,” Taylor wrote in an Instagram comment. “And the pain she was in broke my heart.”

Adam, who is also the father of Chelsea Houska‘s five-year-old daughter Aubree, was at the hospital comforting Paislee. He posted a photo of him and Paislee in Paislee’s hospital room to his Facebook page earlier this week.

Adam and Taylor haven’t been on very good terms lately. They faced off earlier this month in court to battle for custody of Paislee. Adam is seeking more time with his daughter, and took to his personal Facebook on February 9 to update his friends on his custody battle with Taylor.

“Well…today is the day,” Adam wrote. “Court vs Taylor for my Lil. Paislee Mae… I will finally get to see her…Only been 2 months…It shouldn’t even come down to me paying someone to serve her with papers to see my child…But such is life..Wish me luck ppl I will be getting my kids!!”

Paislee modeling her new "accessory."
Paislee modeling her new “accessory.”

The results of the court hearing have not been made public, but obviously Adam has been able to see Paislee since that date.


Taylor revealed on Twitter how Paislee broke her arm.

“She got her foot stuck trying to get off the couch. When she got it out she fell and tried to break her fall,” Taylor wrote.

Luckily, Paislee’s handling her injury well.

“She’s being a champ,” Taylor told a family member on Twitter. “[Her] full hard cast gets put on next week.”

Adam is currently filming the sixth season of ‘Teen Mom 2.’ It is not yet known if Taylor will appear on the new season, but their custody battle will almost certainly be covered.

(Photo: Facebook, Instagram)



16 Responses

  1. Im curious to why it seems like adam ( who is a usless douche bag) seems to love and care about this child more than his oldest daughter?! Is it because he hate his ex chelsea so much or what? Either way it’s not right.

  2. My first thought before reading the article was..O no what did Adam do now! Poor paisley. Hope she’s doing well 🙂

    1. That was totally my first thought too. Not that Adam did anything to purposely hurt her, but that he didn’t something dumb like have her riding around with him and got in some sort of accident.

      1. That’s exactly what I thought. When Aubree burned her leg on his dirtbike or whatever it was, nothing would surprise me with this guy…

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