The banjo band is playing a sad, sad song today, y’all: Teen Mom 2 stars Leah and Jeremy Calvert are officially divorced.
In Touch Weekly broke the news that the couple finalized their divorce yesterday in a Roane County courtroom.
“The terms, including a custody arrangement for [their daughter] Adalynn, were agreed upon prior to the hearing. It was all over in about 15 minutes,” the magazine source said.
The Ashley can confirm that this story IS true, and that Jeremy and Leah are officially divorced as of yesterday.
The magazine reported that Leah phoned in from rehab in Utah; however The Ashley has not been able confirm whether or not Leah was present at the West Virginia courthouse yesterday.
She can tell you that a full MTV film crew was there to capture what they could of the hearing. One person who was in the courthouse yesterday tells The Ashley that the “Teen Mom ‘2 film crew, as well as producers, were in the courthouse’s lobby filming.
As The Ashley told you exclusively, Jeremy and Leah were in court last month (before she left for her second crack at rehab), hashing out the details of their custody of daughter Addy. A source tells The Ashley that Leah is essentially penniless, with her ‘Teen Mom 2’ earnings already spent (except for the portions that she gets during and after the new seasons). The last report The Ashley got from her source, Leah was looking to get about $1,250 a month in child support from Jeremy.

“Jeremy is not seeking full custody,” a source very close to the couple tells The Ashley. “He knows because of his job he can’t do that. There’s no way he can raise Addy on his own while he’s working out of town so frequently. Whoever reported that to the tabloids is misinformed.”
The Ashley’s source tells her that Jeremy is very happy to finally be divorced. He is anxious to move on, and have a normal relationship and life that’s not on-camera. He is very happy in his relationship with his girlfriend, Brooke Wehr. (By the way– Brooke is out of the hospital and is on her way to recovery after that bad off-roading accident she had with Jeremy.)
Jeremy will be at the reunion, however, which tapes next month. A source tells The Ashley that viewers should be prepared for quite the showdown! The Ashley has a lot more info so stay tuned!
To read all of The Ashley’s coverage of the Leah/Jeremy divorce saga, click here.
(Photo: Facebook)
41 Responses
I don’t care about this Brooke girl. It is skanky to have a girlfriend when you are still married. It is also skanky to be involved with a man who still has a wife.
It’s also skanky to sleep with someone that day before you get married. So if you’re going to judge anyone, judge the whore that is Leah!
Um.. ok… that has zero to do with my comment. That happened with Cory, not Jeremy.
Anyway… Cheating is always wrong, always. Leah cheated on Jeremy and then he cheated on her. They were both wrong and stupid. My point is, it is crappy to have a girlfriend while married. It is also crappy to date a married man.
Who has custody of the twins? I’m guessing this will push Corey to go back to seek full custody.
Guys, I told you me and Jermy Lynn were fine
*Was* fine. ‘Were’ is reserved for the singular. Example: “I were just pourin’ the coffee in the girlses’ sippy cups when Robbie came to the back door.”
I was
You were
He/she/it was
We were (Leah and Jeremy)
You were
They were
I was being sarcastic. Thus the reference to Leah giving the twins coffee (please let that have been a one-time deal). For the record, you missed that “girlses'” would properly be “girls'”.
My bad. When did she give the “girlses” coffee? That can’t be good for kids.
Maby Robbie is still available?
He’s not. He married his baby Mama a couple of months ago.
He might be available when Leah’s on husband number 3 though.
Yeah. He only wants to sleep with her when she is with someone else. Preferably married to someone else
By golly!! In a way, I do feel bad for her…. Then again, homegirl did this to herself!! She puts herself in these awful situations by making poor choices while in the heat of the moment. Her mother is at fault as well, for raising her to be so weak and such an idiot. Her mother barely bat an eyelash when she said they are getting married! I’m pretty sure Leah will meet “The One” again by the end of the year…
Is it wrong that I’m kind of smirking about this because Leah was trying to cause problems in Corey’s marriage by revealing person things that she shouldn’t have said especially to the public on tv during one of the reunions. Karma sucks when you’re a bad person Leah. I only feel sorry for the kids.
Oops, meant personal not person 😉
Two divorces and two baby daddies at 23 years old. Damn, girl!
And two stints in rehab
No one is happier then Robbies bone hammer.
No, he only wants to f*** her when she’s married.
That way there’s no repercussions for him.
I’ve read some of his tweets to a bogus ‘Robbie’ account on Twitter. He might not be a great success in life, and make questionable life choices, but on the other hand he’s pretty suave when it comes to Leah, and does have a good sense of humor.
Leah could only drag HIM down. I think he senses that about her.
Ha ha I just said that before I read your comment. So true. Then there isn’t pressure for commitment and he comes out feeling like the more desirable man
Then why was Brooke having a conversation with some girl on Twitter then other day basically saying that Jeremy has been text messaging Leah About wanting her back???? I doubt Brooke is with Jeremy after the Twitter convo she had the other day …she’s pretty grounded, educated and has a future ahead of her
@Sabbie: That was not true at all. Leah doesn’t even have access to her phone, only email, in rehab. So this person (who appears to be Leah’s cousin) was just trying to start rumors. -The Ashley
Thanks for the clarification!!!
Is she still going to deny it and pretend they’re happily married??
She did with Corey…
She’ll be married again in 3, 2…
I feel bad for Leah but then again I don’t because she basically did this to herself. I 100% feel bad for the girls. All are too young to have gone through two divorces.
I don’t feel bad for her at all. She made terrible choices. She cheated on Corey just a week before their wedding. She didn’t tell him about it and actually had the nerve to walk down the isle and take vows to him. Then after that marriage fell apart, she marries the first guy she meets and gets knocked up immediately. Who in their right mind does that???
You are right but I can’t help but feel a little bad. She obviously hasn’t had very good role models who could or should have taught her right from wrong.
From what I’ve seen, her mom spoiled her and never tried to persuade Leah to make better decisions. If my mom knew I was a 19 year old divorcee with two kids and planning on getting married and getting pregnant again less than a year later, she would of disowned me or sent me to a psych ward. All Leah’s mom had to say was “that’s a little quick.” Gee….you think?
She does do everything at lightening speed
Leah was in court. Some girl female tweeted seeing her in the courtroom when it happened. Her twitter username is @llaurengormann