NBC Dumps Trump! Network Says ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ Will Air Without The Donald

That face you make when you get fired from your own show....
That face you make when you get fired from your own show….

Donald Trump‘s big mouth just got him dumped from NBC and his long-running reality show, Celebrity Apprentice.

The network released a statement earlier this morning to announce that it is cutting ties with The Donald, due to the disparaging comments he recently made regarding immigrants.

“At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values. Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump,” the statement read.

There is good news for fans of ‘Celebrity Apprentice,’ however. NBC may have dumped Trump, but they did not dump his show.

“‘Celebrity Apprentice’ is licensed from Mark Burnett’s United Artists Media Group and that relationship will continue,” the network said in the statement.

Donald will no longer be a producer for the show, which was renewed by NBC earlier this year for a 15th season.

Donald has not yet responded to NBC’s statement (but don’t worry, that will likely soon change!) Donald’s adult children, IvankaEric and Donald Trump Jr., have yet to respond either. While the network did not state that Ivanka and Donald Jr., who have served as advisers on Celebrity Apprentice in years past, were also banned, it’s unlikely they’d continue on the show without Daddy Donald. In fact, it doesn’t seem like NBC even want them to.

“I don’t believe we will continue with any of the Trumps,” an NBC insider told TheWrap.

The network’s ban on Trump will also mean that the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants will not be shown on NBC, since they are produced by Donald Trump.

Donald made the remarks in question during a news conference in which he announced his bid for the GOP presidential nomination. In a nutshell, he basically stated that many immigrants who cross the border into America bring drugs with them and/or are killers and rapists.

UPDATE: Donald Trump has responded to NBC’s statement.

“As of today, Donald J. Trump is no longer affiliated with NBC,” his official statement read. “Mr. Trump stands by his statements on illegal immigration, which are accurate. NBC is weak, and like everybody else is trying to be politically correct— that is why our country is in serious trouble.”

(Photo: NBC)


23 Responses

  1. They tried celeb apprentice with Martha Stewart…it was awful. not interested in watching it with anyone else…let’s be honest…his boardroom segments made the show. While I agree he should not have generalized about immigrants as far as what type of crime…he was speaking of illegal immigrants…not people who come here the proper way like my ancestors did from Italy, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, England and Scotland…every single one of them came here legally…and the group he was speaking of are doing something illegal…which does make them criminals under the law. Someone needs to get into office and force Mexico to better itself so that people won’t resort to committing a crime and putting themselves in danger just to have a better life. Imagine…the country is so bad and they hate it so much that they risk their lives and have to lose their identity to get out of there. Trump isn’t putting it the right way, but man…something has to be done.

    1. That’s not a free speech problem. Free speech is having the freedom to talk without the government punishing or intervening. He didn’t get arrested. NBC is not the government, they are free to fire him.

    2. Free speech means Donald Trump is protected from persecution by government entities simply because of what he says and believes. He gets no such protection from private companies. Private companies have an image to uphold and if Donald Trump does against their image, they have every legal right to end their relationship with him.

      1. I know that. I wasn’t implying they didn’t have the legal right to fire him. I just think it’s very unamerican to fire someone for their personal beliefs. I also think that white people are constantly getting beaten down with political incorrectness in the media a lot more than other races. It’s a huge double standard and it’s really getting annoying.

  2. What he is basically saying is that all Mexican Illegals are coming into the country are rapists and killers. Last time I checked all races had rapists and killers not just Mexicans. Most illegals come here for better lives for their families. My parents came here, became US citizens and gave us such an amazing life. Its not right that just for some that are bad from every race… everyone is already labeled as criminals

    1. I understand they come over for better lives but what they are doing is still illegal. Why should they be given an exception over other people breaking the law?

  3. I don’t think his comments were directed at all immigrants, just the illegal ones, who are by definition, criminals.

  4. THIS is the problem with the US. It’s all about freedom of speech until someone says something someone else doesn’t like and then they go throw a big fit in the corner.
    Guess the network is concerned that the immigrant population is such a big portion of their viewers that they have to take some sort of stand to retain them. Trust me, they’re not fighting for rights of immigrants, they’re only looking out for themselves. Seems like that is what everyone is doing, which is why anyone is scared to speak their mind like Donald did. Whether or not you agree with his opinion, good for him for taking a stand and saying what he believes.

    1. First of all, this is how it’s always been in this country since it’s inception regarding “freedom of speech”, so why does everyone bitch about it so often now? Any time someone says something in a public forum that the majority of people don’t like, they are going to get publicly crucified. It’s always been that way and it will always be that way. Do you think if you badmouthed something like God or christianity back in the 1700’s or 1800’s you could have simply used the “free speech” argument and everyone would be okay with that?
      And who cares, we are still some of the most fortunate people in the world to be living in this country rather than 90% of the other countries in the world.
      And by the way, why are you congratulating Trump? If you are going to make a stupid blanket statement like that, you should at least have some kind of facts to back it up. Do violent criminals come through the Mexican border? Of course, but they also come through the Canadian border, as do terrorists. But a large marjority of people that illegally enter the US aren’t violent criminals. It should also be pointed out that a ton of people and criminals that illegally cross the Mexican border aren’t actually from Mexico. They come from other countries in central and south america, as well as other parts of the world.

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