It’s been a few weeks since the Married at First Sight Season 2 reunion special aired (and a social media storm erupted between the show’s cast members.) During the reunion, it seemed that the show’s experts were eager to place the blame for the season’s disastrous casting and matchings on the show’s cast, but since then, expert Dr. Pepper Schwartz seems to have taken at least some responsibility for the castings, but made it clear that she isn’t happy with some of the Season 2 cast.
In a long-winded Facebook comment, Dr. Pepper singled out Davina Kullar‘s best friend, Chris Pierro (who appeared on the show) for trying to “besmirch the reputation of all the experts in the show.” While Chris Pierro has been very outspoken on social media regarding his anger over how the Season 2 girls were matched and portrayed, Dr. Pepper mistakenly identified him as another critical fan of the show, and later apologized for her mistake.
However, her statements in the Facebook comment addressed other show-related topics, and were noteworthy.
On the Season 2 casting:
“Rest assured that we do not pick actors and actresses,” Dr. Pepper wrote. “I believe we misjudged several of the people who are in Season 2 and I certainly take responsibility for that. We really did not realize who we were dealing with.”
On the future of the show:
“Season three will be great and Season 1 continues to be great,” she wrote. “We do our best to match couples so that they have a real potential for lasting marriage and we did not do very well in Season 2 but we try to learn from…what did not go well and I think we have a good chance for great success [for] next season’s show.”
On members of the Season 2 cast who have voiced their negative opinions about their experience:
“I am not sure why Chris and his coterie of people around and including Davina would like to destroy the show and its credibility but believe me they are trying to do just that,” Dr. Pepper wrote. “I have no reason to be associated with a show that was fake or unethical…”
The Ashley reached out to Davina’s friend, Chris, to get his opinion on Dr. Pepper’s statements regarding him and Davina.
“I’m trying to move on from the unprovoked bullying emerging after defending myself from the latest expert attack,” Chris told The Ashley.
As The Ashley told you, the third season of ‘Married at First Sight’ is currently being filmed in Atlanta. The couples taking part in the experiment were married in early June and have already gone on their honeymoons. The Ashley will be posting some spoilers for the season soon!
To read Dr. Pepper’s entire Facebook comment, click here!
(Photo: FYI)
11 Responses
I didn’t care for dr. Levkoff. She was defensive most of the time. I don’t understand how the spiritual advisor could be an atheist, that just doest make sense. I’m still hoping season three will be shown. The second season is and done with. Time to let it goon. I still think jaclyn was/is terrific. She is a great gal. I think she deserves something in television…maybe a talk show.
I don’t think the show is fake at all. As we are all aware, these reality shows come on many forms… The good, bad & ugly. It shows people on their real element & the struggles & issues they deal with. Some couples who know each other well prior to marriage also experience growing pains and at times exhibit negative, abusive behaviors. Everyone has a choice in anything they do from participating in the show to watching it.
Bottom Line ip Front Anyone can make an honest mistake. Medical Science (MD, Psych, sociol, Counselor etc) are just that Scuence based on many factors nkne which are exact because of the “human” element. Beating a Psych test can be done by a Sociopath and that test will give the experts a possible read on their personality. I had to take one of those tedts for a job in the military so did others one guy had everyone fooled for years until this person thought he had committed the perfect crime and was subsequently caught and sent to Leavenworth.
Love the show, happy that season three will be airing.
The expert’s are great it was the blatant lying of the couple’s. Why blame the expert’s when adult’s act like children and have temper tantrums. All of them were nasty, mean spirited, controlling and showed no compassion for each other. Davina and Chris were both insecure and childish. The other two women were all invested but one was abusive and the other a mommies boy. Both of those menblike Chris are immature, controlling and not truthful.
I think the expert’s did a great job restraining themselves at the dix week show. You deserve respect but when you have people like Davina, Chris and the other two guyys it just will not happen.
Keep up the great work and let us continue to enjoy Married at First Sight!!!
So true the expert’s were great. The men and Davina were not invested. They ruined the show with their controlling, immature child like temper tantrums and lies to be a part of the show.
Then they try to blame the expert’s how pathetic is that. “WOW” no one would survive being with them!
Go season three!!!
You may think Davina was honest but from what i seen she is a very self center person. I dont think the marriage had a chance no matter. She would never take responsibility for any thing. I dont feel sorry for her! Also Jessica should never have stayed married he showed himself during the honeymoon. Im not real impessed with this show a lot of nonsense now!
Whoop Whoop! I am sooo happy to hear that there will be a season 3. I truly enjoyed this show. I was hooked after season 1 and then came season 2. No season 2 was not as successful as season 1 and the outcome was not what I expected, I still believe in the EXPERTS and think that it was a learning experiences foreveryone. I cant wait for season 3!!
I like Dr. Pepper (Probably the only one I like from all of the 4 ‘experts’, she seems to be the only one who is kind-hearted), The sexologist on the other hand is extremely defensive & goes on the attack at the mere thought of criticism (Levkoff?) (Sometimes she looks like she is straight going to have a heart attack if things are not going to plan, as if her worst nightmare is about to unveil).
“I have no reason to be associated with a show that was fake or unethical…”
really? no respectable sociologist, psychologist etc. would give their name to a FAKE experiment. they were in it clearly for the money. on top of that they blame it all on the cast and pretend like they had no clue the men were not selected and tested. fake bullshit.
You are so right! Those men were all putzes. Basic psych evaluations would have revealed DeNino’s extreme anger issues. Swartz’s continued insistence at excuse making & shifting blame shows her guilt for that disaster. I won’t watch another episode of the farce.
Don’t you mean early June. July just started.