Just yesterday, Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans told a North Carolina radio program that she and her on-and-off-again fiance, Nathan Griffith, were “working on” their relationship and made it sound like their latest breakup was only temporary. The only problem? It seems that Jenelle forgot to tell Nathan that!
In an interview with Radar Online posted today, Nathan blasted Jenelle and made it clear that their relationship is over.
“Jenelle is crazy,” he told the site.
In fact, he’s already seeing someone else, a fact that Jenelle alluded to on Twitter yesterday.
Nathan says he is now dating a girl named Jessica Henry, and claims that he only got back with Jenelle the most recent time because he felt bad for her.
“We have a family together and I believe in second chances, so I gave it to her. I have a big heart. But now I am done. I can’t go back to all of that.”
The Ashley can confirm that Jenelle and Nathan seemed very much together off-camera during their recent trip to LA for the Season 6 reunion. (Nathan stayed in the same hotel room as Jenelle, while all the other girls’ exes were put at another hotel nearby. Only the girls’ current beaus stay at the same hotel as the girls, for safety reasons.)
Anyway, Nathan told Radar that Jenelle tried to scare him into staying with her.
“She kept telling me ‘I’m going to ruin your life,’ and I just don’t care anymore,” he claimed. “I don’t care. I can’t take it anymore. Jenelle is addicted to drama.”
Well, that’s not exactly front page news there, Nate.
Nathan also took a few jabs at MTV, just for the hell of it.
“MTV feeds into her ego! They want her to get upset about things,” he said. “When I got arrested the crew was there and they knew that I wasn’t hitting her. They just don’t care. That’s messed up.”
Of course, Nathan’s hate for MTV is not enough to keep him from doing another season of ‘Teen Mom 2,’ should the paycheck be offered.
“If I do do another season it is going to be very different and on my terms,” he said.
The Ashley wants to interject here: Nathan saying this does not mean that a seventh season of the show is happening. All of The Ashley’s show sources tell her that nothing’s been decided in terms of another season of ‘Teen Mom 2’ happening.
To finish the bombshell interview, Nathan suggested that Jenelle seek psychological counseling.
“She needs help,” he said. “She really does.”
Nathan was, of course, paid a pretty penny for his words by Radar Online.
Jenelle has responded to the interview by telling a fan that she left Nathan.
And this, guys, is why The Ashley rarely goes down the Jenelle-and-whoever-she’s-dating rabbit hole. It just gets really weird.
(Photo: MTV)
20 Responses
He is the crazy one
Yeah jenelle was crazy for getting knocked up by this douche!
They’re Both crazy. Period.
First off Nathan is not innocent in any of this! He started dating Janelle, stopped working his pretend job and has been mooching off her and mtv for a few years now. They both have issues but if there was a award for biggest douche I think Nathan would win hands down.. him and his stupid shirts he wears he looks ridic!!!
Pot Meet Kettle
I agree when he says she needs help because i think she is not 100% in her head.I can understand why he left her,there are probably not many people who can hold on in such a realationship with Jenelle.He’s better of with out her so he can make something of his life.Jenelle never changes,but when i here her talk at Dr.Drew she’s a total complete other person,liks she had two faces.
(i am sorry for my poor English but i live in the Netherlands)
You write better than a lot of native English speakers, so kudos! I always have to give respect to people who learn multiple languages and can communicate so clearly. 🙂 My Spanish needs a LOT of work.
I thought the same thing!
Well I for one am just SHOCKED that Jenelle is crazy. Shocked I tell ya!
In other shocking news:
Water is wet
The sky is blue
But no, seriously, that guy was only warned about 40,000 times to run for the hills. Cry me a river, Mongo.
MONGO!!! Haha that just made my day, thanks for that!
Nathan, you purposely impregnated a girl after just two months of dating. You knew she had just got clean after becoming addicted to heroin. I think you are just as crazy.
And she had just gotten an abortion with her current (at the time, Courtland) husband!
Yep, that too!
An abortion that was so recent that she wasn’t sure at one point whether she was pregnant with Nathan or if it was leftover hormones from her aborted pregnancy. Nasty.
yep, so obviously he was in it for the fame. he was sooo fake in the beginning. yes, jenelle’s crazy, but nathan has NO room to talk. anyone would be upset at the stuff that comes out of his mouth, he’s beyond rude. and he thinks he’s so superior, so smart. if he’s so smart, why did he not listen to the guys warning him about her? but the way they edited that clip, of him calling her trailer trash then yelling please from the back of the cop car, OMG! that was freakin’ epic. one thing about jenelle, she does get hers in before it’s over. i’d be like, what’d u say baby, trailer trash? what? while he’s begging, whose trash now b***h lol
And Nathan telling Barbara she turned Jenelle into a heroin addict because she was a bad mom. WTF??? I wanted to slap the s*it outta him for saying that to Babs!
“She is crazy.”
What was your first clue, Nathan? Seriously?
Jenelle was crazy before you met and inpregnanted her. She was crazy the whole time you were together. She will stay crazy because she got you for 17 years, buddy.
She was crazy when she was aborting Courtland’s baby in the midst of their first date!