‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Barbara Evans Addresses Nathan Griffith, Plastic Surgery & Farrah Abraham

"Finally! It's my name in lights instead of Juh-nelle's!"
“Finally! It’s my name in lights instead of Juh-nelle’s!”

MTV has dropped a little bit of heaven off for The Ashley today! The network gifted us with a plethora of Barbara Evans in the form of a “Babs Breaks it Down” webseries! The nine new videos are just precious and feature only Babs! Babs! Babs! (No Kieffa or that “bitch of a daughta” of hers, Jenelle Evans, to muck things up!)

In the new videos, Barbara does household chores (because someone’s gotta wash the baby’s clothes!) while giving us her opinion on a variety of topics, including her daughter’s ex-fiance, Nathan Griffith, and Jenelle’s ‘Teen Mom’ franchise co-star Farrah Abraham!

In case you’re at work and unable to watch the videos without your boss finding out what a creepy ‘Teen Mom’ fan you are, The Ashley has attempted to summarize a few of her favorite Babs videos. However, she highly encourages you to watch the videos if you can, to get the maximum Babs experience.

What follows are Babs’ take on a few hot topics…

On Nathan Griffith:

Barb dished on her daughter Jenelle’s ex, Nathan, while doing the dishes.

“Nathan was quite the gentleman when he came in the first time,” Barb tells us. “Pssh, was I fooled!”

Babs held nothing back while describing her daughter’s ex (otherwise known as “Mista Disrespectful #2″).

“I don’t trust him at all! He’s a user, and it’s aaaaall about Nathan,” she said.

According to Babs, Nathan is as conceited in real life as he appears on ‘Teen Mom 2.’

“He’s just so into himself!” she says. “He’s just a pretty boy and he’s just disrespectful! He’s disrespectful to me, he’s disrespectful to his motha. He treats Juh-nelle like a daaaawg! He’s controlling, she’s unhappy.”

Babs also gave us insight on how Nathan convinced Jenelle to have his kid.

“He talked her into having Kaisa!” Babs said. “He said, ‘Let’s have a baby.’ Let’s have a baby?! She just had an abooooortion from her ex-husband, Coooourtland and then he’s talkin’ her into getting’ pregnant! Now she has his baby and now what?!”

“He’s like an A-1 assh*ole!” Babs exclaimed.

On Farrah Abraham:

Barb gave her opinion on everyone’s favorite “Backdoor Teen Mom.”

“Ya know I can’t believe that Faaarrah did a p0rno flick!” Babs exclaimed. “It is to me, like totally disgusting! Disgustin’!”

Babs also regaled us with the tale of how she learned that Farrah has a line of sex toys.

“One of the security guaaaaahds when we were filmin’ one day showed me a picta of it!” she said. “O-M-G!”

That rascally Babs decided to spice things up at her workplace by spreading a little rumor about Farrah.

“I went into Waaaahl-marrt and I told everybody it was her actual hoo-ha thing! So everyone thinks she had reconstructive surgery done on her vagina and actually it was her sex toy line!” Babs cackled.

“I spread that whole rumor around town!” she added. “Sucks to be you, Farrah!”

On Plastic Surgery:

“Ya know, everybody these days is gettin’ plastic surgery!” Barb said. “Ya know, I would love to look like I’m 20 again, but let’s be real, ya know!”

Babs says that she can always tell when someone’s had surgical enhancements.

“They may have a 20-year-old face, but look at their neck, man!” she exclaims. “They’re like, eiiiiiighty!”

Barb’s daughter, Jenelle, got herself a boob job a few years back, and Barb had something to say about that procedure as well.

“Ya know they’re implants because they’re haaaard!” she said. “Juh-nelle did them because she didn’t have nuthin’!”

On Attending the Upcoming VMAs:

As The Ashley told you, some of the cast of ‘Teen Mom 2’ was invited to attend the upcoming MTV Video Music Awards. Apparently, Babs wasn’t on the original invite list, but things have changed since then.

“I didn’t get invited, so Juh-nelle made a lil’ phone call there to LA, ya know, and I’m invited now!” Babs said gleefully. “I’m sooo excited to go!

Barb realizes that while she’s strolling the red carpet at the music awards show, she may run into stars like Nicki Minaj or Kim Kardashian, whose butts are a thing of marvel for Babs.

“I mean it’s like, how can ya ass be that big!?” Barb asked. “I mean, come on! And they think that looks good? I don’t know!”

Oh Babsy, we couldn’t love ya more!

Watch all of the “Babs Breaks it Down” videos here!

30 Responses

  1. How can anyone “not” like Barbara? She’s hysterical! If any one of the Teen Mom cast mates deserve a spin off — it’s her. #lovebabs

  2. Babs may not be perfect – who is – but she’s pretty dang close! Jenelle should be ashamed of herself – for many reasons – but most of all for disrespecting her mother – a mother who has always been there for her – no matter what she has done wrong (and God knows that’s been more than most people) or how cruel she is – Babs is the reason Jace wasn’t aborted or put in foster care – and still to this day Jenelle doesn’t give Babs one ounce of credit for stepping up and taking care of Jenelle’s child – this woman has worked at Wal-Mart for years trying to put food on the table and pay the bills – and even though Bab’s was a single older woman with her kids already raised – without any help – and with little money – Babs took on the job of raising Jenelle’s child – six years later the only thing Jenelle can think about is how to make her mother miserable by taking Jace from her!!!! Now that’s being grateful to your mother whose always been there for you and your son! Jenelle is just like Nathan – me, me, me – and – like Nathan – Jenelle doesn’t want to hear about what she’s doing wrong – or how to fix it – it’s Jenelle’s way or no way – and everyone but Jenelle is wrong – and no one has it harder than Jenelle – she’s 23 now – it’s been 7 years and still she hasn’t matured any – only gotten worse – the drugs were replaced with alcohol because it’s legal and she can’t go to jail for failing a drug test for alcohol – she’s still needy as hell – selfish – uncaring – self centered – addict – needs a man around 24/7 just to survive through a day – and picks nothing but bad no good men because they like to do the same bad things she enjoys doing – no good man would be with someone like Jenelle though – she has no serious ambitions – she has no desire to improve – she loves herself just like she is – everyone else has the problem – Jenelle will regret the way she treated her mother one day when it’s too late – she’ll realize then when it’s too late just how much her mother cared and did for her – so many people without a mother it’s so hard to watch Jenelle not give a damn about hers – someone motherless would love the opportunity to have Babs as their mother! Jenelle doesn’t deserve Babs!!!!!!

  3. Lol… So love this anty se is just what mtv needs a women that tells it like it myself was raised by my granny so loads of respect to anty from sa (cindy beukes)

  4. Thank you for posting this! I can’t watch the videos because I’m at work but also because they’re not available in Canada. Terrible!

  5. “Babs also recanted us with the tale”-think you mean regaled. anyway, glad she admitted she was fooled and told jenelle to make a good impression with nathan to start with. i was socked barb was fooled cuz i saw it a mile away, totally self-obsessed

  6. Single handedly the best quote from this woman ever was


    This woman is amazing. She deserves a million bucks for putting up with her stupid ass daughter and the nonsense she has put her through.

  7. How has no one mentioned the absolutely AMAZING ‘sucks to be you Farrah!’ That Babs just dished out? It’s like The Ashley’s Christmas come early! And mine. I hope that if they do another season/ when they do another season, that they break the fourth wall completely, and Barbara looks straight into the camera and just trashes everyone up and down .

    1. Or they do a marathon (before the finale) & have Barb comment on the show during the breaks.
      Barb commenting on each scene, I would reach hours for that.

  8. Barb is the best! I’m so glad she gets to go to the VMAs, she deserves something fun like that! Also I love how The Ashley always has to mention the “bitch of a daughta” quote. Lol

  9. I can’t watch them right now, but the quotes read exactly like what I imagine Babs would have to say about these topics. I’m dying!

  10. I just love to hear her say Keefah. What a small package of dynamite. She should have her own talk show. Love ya Babs!

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