EXCLUSIVE! Farrah Abraham Refuses to Let ‘Teen Mom OG’ Crew Use Her Bathrooms, Forces Them to Rent Portable Toilets

"Pee in a hole for all I care!"
“Pee in a hole for all I care!”

Farrah Abraham‘s home in Austin, Texas, may have four bathrooms, but the Teen Mom OG star refuses to allow any of the show’s production or camera crew in them! The Ashley‘s production sources tells her that Farrah, who is currently filming the next season of ‘Teen Mom OG,’ has ruled that the crew cannot use the bathrooms inside of her massive home, forcing MTV to rent portable toilets every time they go to film Farrah!

According to The Ashley’s source, Farrah feels that the ‘Teen Mom OG’ crew shouldn’t use her toilets.

“She flat-out refuses to let any of the crew use her bathrooms, even the producers who have been with her since the 16 and Pregnant days,” the source tells The Ashley. “She doesn’t really go into specifics, but the whole crew knows better than to use Farrah’s bathroom!”

The Ashley’s source tells her that, while having a crew of about 10 people using your bathrooms during filming can be somewhat of a hassle for the girls, the crew does their best to be courteous and respective to the girls’ homes.

“We always ask before we use [their bathroom]” the source tells The Ashley. “We try not to intrude.”

Having to rent Port-a-Potties for the crew to use during Farrah’s shoots sounds like a big pain. Luckily it doesn’t appear that any of the other ‘Teen Mom OG’ girls feel the way that Farrah does about sharing her bathroom. In fact, Farrah’s co-stars have stated in the past that they are very close to the crew.

“They’re like family,” Amber Portwood told MTV News of the crew. “They’re like distant cousins that come every other week.”

Farrah hinted that she disliked having the camera crews in her home during last season’s “Unseen Moments” episode. When it was brought up that additional crew members are usually sitting in vans outside the house during a taping, and Farrah expressed her feelings on the subject.

“I don’t understand why there are so many people [in my house], instead of staying in the vans,” she said. “I’m just weird I guess. I guess I’m not so friendly all the time.”

Farrah…not friendly? Who could even imagine?

During the same segment, ‘Teen Mom OG’ stars Maci Bookout and Catelynn Lowell stated that they have no problem with the crew using the facilities in their homes.

“They’re like, ‘Um, can I use your bathroom,’ and I’m like, ‘I’ve known you for like eight years. Yes you can use my bathroom!'” Maci said.

Unfortunately for the crew chosen to film Farrah, when nature calls, they’re shown the um, back door, to head to the Port-a-Potties!

As The Ashley told you a few months ago, ‘Teen Mom’ has been renewed for a sixth season and is said to premiere early next year.

(Photo: MTV)



37 Responses

  1. Selfish nasty bitch
    I pray for the day the headline says uber sues Farrah and Farrah is left homeless and without a pot to piss in or should I say portable pot.

  2. Hey guys, next time you’re in Austin and need to use he bathroom, just shit on Farrah ‘ s lawn. She’s loves that.

  3. Hmm. Not sure I buy it. If she has 4 bathrooms, why not designate one to crew? And I would be more disgusted with a port-a-potty on my lawn than people using a bathroom that I never have to use since I have 3 others. She can even require some lowly PA clean it at the end of the day. If someone gives me this chick’s location, I’ll drive by and check it out.

  4. Why is MTV still bothering with her? If she doesn’t want them around and she doesn’t want to be on TV doesn’t everyone benefit for them to say “bye fElicia”?

    1. And as we all know, bathrooms need to be cleaned by hard-to-book specialists. And that homeowners sign over any rights to not have strangers traipse through their home whenever they like as soon as it goes on the market.

    2. That “fact” is bullshit. These are people. People she works with, and I’d hope, has developed some sort of personal relationship with over the years.

      Here is a fact for you. Farrah is simply a raging thundercunt. Simple. If she can twist a basic human need into a gross, terrible experience for someone, her day wouldn’t be complete unless she made that happen.

      Thumbs up, you vapid, sanctimonious, cruel bitch. I hope your kid grows up to smack talk and slap the shit out of you someday, just like you did your own mother. 🙂

    3. Oh, hey there Debra! Don’t worry- I don’t believe that MTV has to rent porta potties—-I’m sure they’ve been on-site for years for you and Michael to use.

  5. Ya know, 99% of the time, I can find at least a tiny sliver of good in almost any person, but this girl…….I don’t know. Unless she is giving to charity or otherwise doing something good that we don’t hear about, I’m not sure there is any good there. And I really do hate to say that about anybody, I really do….

    1. If she was giving to charity or doing good works, she’d be the first one to shout it from the rooftops. It’s not there. She’s all selfish and skanky to the core.

    2. Wasn’t she selling her blood “for charity”? That really doesn’t help your case though, I guess. Never mind.

      1. Guess what? She was unable to sell even one vial of her DNA so the company pulled it. Now she’s suing them b/c of a comment they made. Something about no one was interested in her DNA.
        So, if she was really doing this for charity, why is she now suing? She was delusional to think anyone would want anything to do with her DNA. She’s not a nice person in any way, shape or form.

  6. I don’t know why anyone would want to watch her anyway. She’s a vile person. Famous for spreading her legs and getting pregnant as a teenager, selling a sex tape and selling moulds of her nasty ass vagina

  7. Farrah is funky, and I don’t mean that in an awesome Rick James kinda way either. Funky as in smegma funky.

    I’d avoid her facilities anyway, MTV. No doubt most of you are heading home to loved ones. You don’t wanna pass on a gift that’ll keep on giving… if you know what I mean..

    Poor Sophia.. man, did that kid lose the parent and grandparent lottery.

      1. Her daughter is already turning into a brat. Farrah never stops her when she’s acting up. When she was pulling on the seat belt, choking that guy, Farrah never told her to stop. When she was jumping all over him and grabbing him, he kept telling her to stop. Farrah not only said nothing but accused him of being in a bad mood.

        I wonder how she will feel when Sophia treats her the way she treats her mom. I don’t think there’s room for 2 victims in their family. Sophia doesn’t stand a chance. She will grow up to be a nightmare. It’s all rather sad.

  8. If I was the MTV team I would like u don’t haft to tell me twice to use the bathrooms out side because unmight catch some nasty if u sit on that nasty girls bathroom I’m not playing she is gross If I was maid to haft to use her bathroom I would put like the hole thing of toilet protectors on the toilet seat just saying sorry that’s how I fill u MTV should be happy u can’t use her bathroom the dirty slob

    1. If I was the MTV team I would like u don’t haft to tell me twice to use the bathrooms out side because unmight catch some nasty if u sit on that nasty girls bathroom I’m not playing she is gross If I was maid to haft to use her bathroom I would put like the hole thing of toilet protectors on the toilet seat just saying sorry that’s how I fill u MTV should be happy u can’t use her bathroom the dirty slob

  9. A portable toilet might be less convenient for the crew but at least they won’t need a round of antibiotics after sharing a toilet with Farrah lol who knows what they could catch!

  10. So The Ashley if Teen Mom OG comes out in January and Teen Mom 2 is filming now then when should we expect that to air? Next fall? I understand editing takes time but I think their timings are ridiculous! With social media its dumb.

  11. Farrah should just have the plug pulled on her part of the series. Who would really miss her? It’s the same old same old with her and what man (or beast) in his right mind would put up with her romantically? there wouldn’t be any love lost I’m sure if she just disappeared from filming. I personally thinks she gets off acting so big bad and rude and when the filming is done at the end of the day, she has nothing……….

  12. That is sooo disrespectful and horrible!!!…She should be ashamed!!…She is no better than anyone else!!…SMH

  13. Yeah, because I’d rather have a disgusting, ugly porta potty in my yard than designate 1 bathroom for them to use and then make Myyycull clean.

  14. Who would want to use her bathroom. She’s pretty nasty especially all the pron conventions that she does. Your probably safer using a port-a-potty.

  15. It’s obvious Farrah needs the money, otherwise there is no way she would continue doing the show. That being said, I don’t know how she gets away with some of $hit she says to the production. I don’t think there’s any amount of money that I would take to work with that narcissistic semi-human being.

  16. Farrah gets off on treating other people like garbage, including her own family. It is downright uncomfortable for me to watch her segments because of how she talks to people. I feel sorry for her crew.

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