‘Sister Wives’ Season 6 Episode 9 Preview Recap: “Give Us Those Kids!”

They're all so happy....
They’re all so happy….

By Holly Rasmussen

This week, TLC treated us to a special mini episode of Sister Wives on Friday night! After last week’s episode, which was centered Kody and his daughters, it’s time to bring the show back to what really matters—Kody’s fourth (and favorite) wife, Robyn! Wife Number 4 Number 1 apparently has a “big announcement.”

We start out with Kody and Robyn signing the paperwork for Kody to be able to adopt Robyn’s three children from her previous marriage. Forgotten third wife Christine isn’t feeling too hot about their chances of adopting the children, however.

“Polygamist don’t usually win custody cases,” Christine tells us. She is afraid the evil polygamists like Warren Jeffs are giving them all a bad name and the judge won’t grant them custody.

"No one is gonna give us those kids!"
“No one is gonna give us those kids!”

Kody and Robyn (and the three wives who can just be called “The Others”) all head down to the lawyer’s office to discuss the details of the adoption. The lawyer tells them that if the adoption goes through, the kids will be issued new birth certificates with Kody listed as their father.

“Hey, Meri! That’s a payday isn’t it?” Kody says. Meri seems so unenthusiastic. She can barely muster a “That’s cool.”

This accurately describes Meri's and Christine's reactions to the adoption...
This accurately describes Meri’s and Christine’s reactions to the adoption…

Christine, however, is all into it.

“He’s a good person to put your kids on paper with,” she says with tears in her eyes.

They also talk about how Robyn’s son, Dayton, will be legally changing his name. His current legal name is David Preston Jessop, after his father. However, he has decided to change his name to David Dayton Brown to reflect his nickname.

In the preview for tonight’s episode,  Kody and Robyn sit down with Robyn’s three children, Brianna, Aurora, and Dayton and telling them two huge pieces of news. The first is that Kody signed the paperwork to adopt them.

The second is….they’re getting a new sibling. Yes, of course, Robyn is pregnant again! Everyone knows that the thing the Brown women like to do the most (other than cry, of course) is make babies with Kody!

On tonight’s episode, they break the news to the whole  family that they will be adding a new member.

To read Holly’s recap of the previous episode of ‘Sister Wives,’ click here!

(Photos: TLC)

9 Responses

  1. Kody is not a father because he, himself
    , has never grown into adulthood. He’s just a child-like aging balding man.

  2. i’m not going to pretend that i understand ANYTHING about plural marriage-but this is epspecially hard to understand-how does any other wife accept Robyn without resenting her? She clearly is the favorite, she brought with her 3 kids (not THEIR fault, of course) and all of the trouble that comes with children and a broken marriage, plus a mountain of debt to boot! she commands all of Kody’s attention, either by advising him on his other marriages, or CRYING-and she is dragging the family down with her laughable “dream” of “my sister wives closet.” When Kody turned to Christine and said “i am done having kids with you, i am only having kids with robyn now”, i was quietly hoping she would knee him in the nuts and end the possibility of more kids altogether

    1. Nuh uh! I haven’t watched this yet (I’m okies with the spoilers, it helps brace me for the the madness of this family) but did he really say that to Christine?

      Oh.. Oh. Had that been me, that would have ended with an E.R. visit for Kody. I’m talking some end scene of “I Spit On Your Grave” stuff. That man has epic sized cajones.

      1. for real he said that shiz! it was an episode before this last one, however- i believe it was the same episode where he dragged his marriage counselor on his anniversary trip.

          1. Kody is a major creep. The long full body hugs with Aurora are disgusting and inappropriate. She needs to be careful around that balding horndog.

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