Meri Brown‘s catfish nightmare seems to be never-ending! The Sister Wives star, who earlier this year engaged in an emotional relationship with a person she believed to be a man named Sam Cooper, has admitted that she was catfished by a woman named Jackie Overton who was pretending to be “Sam” for months. Although Meri is no longer falling for Jackie’s game of pretend, the catfish is still insisting that Sam is, indeed a real person.
On a blog kept by “Sam,” a new post states that “he” has been offered a book deal to discuss what happened between “him” and Meri during the months of their affair. (According to Meri, and by all accounts, she never actually met or Skyped with “Sam.” Jackie was able to change her voice to sound like a male, which is how Meri was able to be fooled into thinking she was “dating” a guy.)
“I have a publisher lined up,” the person pretending to be Sam wrote on October 29. “I’m currently looking for an Editor to help me write this book. Any help would be appreciated. The book does not have a working title yet but it will be released on March 1, 2016! I’m excited to share all of my thoughts from this experience.”
Meri has not mentioned the catfishing incident since October 6, when she released a statement confirming that she had been duped.
“During an emotional and vulnerable time earlier this year, I began speaking with someone online who turned out to be not who they said they were,” Meri said in a statement. “I never met this person and I regret being drawn into this situation, but I hope because of it I can help others who find themselves in similar circumstances.”

Meri has not elaborated on her affair with Sam/Jackie , but it was a serious relationship. At one point, “Sam” hinted that he and Meri were engaged and that Meri was planning to leave the Brown family for good. (This was happening during the time that Meri was filming the season of ‘Sister Wives’ that is airing now.)
“He” backed it up by posting numerous voicemails left for him by Meri in which she declares her love for Sam. “He” also posted screenshots of intimate conversations “he” had with Meri during the affair.
Meri has not yet mentioned Jackie’s claim of having a book deal, but it is possible that it’s true. Numerous tabloids have tracked Jackie down, trying to get her to do an interview, but she has pretended to be a different person each time. However, no publishing company has come forward yet to confirm the claim of a book about this incident.
Read more about Meri’s catfishing ordeal by clicking here and here!
13 Responses
A book deal? We already know that this “man” has difficulty with the truth and “he” really likes attention. There is no book deal. This person just wants to keep themselves on the gossip blogs.
I don’t get this whole polygamy thing. Marriage should be for love. How can you love 4 different women? Naturally the founders of Polygamy are men, so hey make the rules. Sounds like a way to get multiple sex partners, and be the boss of all of them, in Gods name. They believe having more wives and kids gets you to heaven. Not for me thank you very much.
I really feel bad for Meri – she got railroaded into a divorce by the woman she brought into the family and thought was a good friend (earlier seasons showed Meri and Robyn thick as thieves – now not so much) and then this.
She’s been so sheltered in life I don’t think she was equipped to spot a catfish the way some other women may have been. Just based on some of the stories, at some point she should have thought that it didn’t pass the smell test and started to look into it. I don’t think happened until it was WAYYY too late. I think it is just exacerbated by the fact that she was upset about the family stuff, her daughter is away at school, and the sister wife she had the closest bond with is now stabbing her in the back.
Can’t wait for the “book” – probably a book deal to offer it for 99 cents or free at the Kindle store.
Sorry – “I don’t think that thought and the checking happened until it was WAYYY too late.”
Agree. Poor Meri.
Meri has exposed the truth about polygamy and the extent of its innumerable shortcomings. Now people see just how inadequate Kody is. Kody has become a laughing stock to the vast majority of those following the story. The future of the show is in doubt and the whole future of the family is in deep trouble. To add to all this doom and gloom, Robyn has presented herself in such a way as to become a center of unpopularity.
totally agree-this family and their ideals are seemingly sunk. all of the glowing comments they make about their marital situation ring untrue when one wife is clearly feeling neglected and is found looking for affection and attention elsewhere. Robyn is sooo off putting and unlikeable. janelle and christine are great, (chrisine seems pretty loopy at times, but i’ll let it slide), but kody devotes the lions share of his attention to sobbin robyn and her brood
Meri should hire a good attorney and sue this creepy woman/man. A book deal? Come on!! This person set her up. Anyone who would publish such bull should be held accountable themselves. Be strong Meri.
That is just so crappy.
You couldn’t be more right, Cindy, the whole thing is a complicated mess that is getting much worse as time passes. The “best before” date is well past and the smell of decay has begun to bother everyone.
No, just no.
There is absolutely no way fake Sam, I mean Jackie Overton has a book deal. By believing this you are part of the problem. Fake Sam likes to lead people to believe he’s all big and rich. He’s not. Sam is a woman who lives in Shidler, OK with her mom (who is currently incarcerated). Let’s not feed into the rumors and BS that’s out there mmmmkay?