Discovery Announces New Hosts for ‘Dual Survival’ Season 7: What Happened to Joe Teti & Matt Graham?

"We'll just be over here if anyone needs us!"
“We’ll just be over here if anyone needs us!”

Discovery Communications has announced that its hit survival show, Dual Survival, will be getting two new hosts when the new season starts on January 13. Bill McConnell, a wilderness survivalist and Grady Powell, a former Green Beret and star of Ultimate Survival Alaska, will be replacing the previous hosts, Joe Teti and Matt Graham. While Discovery has justified the cast switch as a way to get “new perspectives” on the show, there is apparently a lot more to the story than that!

“We’re always trying to get new perspectives, techniques, and insights on how to survive these scenarios,” a rep for the show told a fan on the official ‘Dual Survival’ Facebook page, when asked what happened to Joe and Matt.

In a report released last fall, Radar Online revealed that Joe was not only secretly fired from the show, but also banned from setting foot on the property where Discovery Communications has its offices!

Back in May 2015, TMZ reported that an incident had taken place during filming that led to Joe’s firing. According to the site, Joe allegedly injured or killed a dog while filming the final episode of Season 6 (which aired last fall).

“Joe was shooting one of the final scenes when some stray cats ran across the set … apparently fleeing from a dog,” TMZ reported at the time. “We’re told the dog actually got one of the cats in its jaws, and that’s when Teti went after the canine. We can’t get a straight story from the various sources, although everyone agrees at the very least Teti injured the dog while saving the cat. But some of the sources say he killed the animal.”

The Ashley cannot confirm or deny this story.

"We'll take it from here guys, thanks."
“We’ll take it from here guys, thanks.”

(It should be noted here, though, that TMZ reported that ‘Dual Survival’ had been cancelled by Discovery. In May, the network circulated a press release stating that the show was done, but the network has since overturned that cancellation.)

Anyway, Radar reported that, around the time of the alleged dog incident, Discovery sent around a security email to that office’s employees. The email reportedly read, “Information: Joe Teti is a Discovery talent, starring in the reality show ‘Dual Survivor.’ The network is currently evaluating the series and has requested that Teti not be admitted to any Discovery office during this evaluation. If seen: Do not grant access. Call Security and the office manager immediately.”

The office staff was allegedly told to call the police if Joe, a former special operations veteran, arrived and refused to leave the property or caused trouble.

Joe, who is very vocal on his official Facebook page, has not made any mention of the incident, or the new season of the show, for that matter.

This is certainly not the first time the show’s hosts have caused controversy. Back in 2014, popular survivalist Cody Lundin was fired from the show over what Discovery called “differences over safety and health concerns on the show.” At the time, the network claimed that Cody had left voluntarily, but Cody later revealed that he was actually fired. He later threatened legal action against the network. (You can read all about that scandal by clicking here and here!)

"What did I do?!"
“What did I do?!”

In addition, host Dave Canterbury was fired after the completion of Season 2 filming for allegedly falsifying his military record. (Joe Teti has also been accused of falsifying parts of his military record.)

While the alleged dog incident may have been the cause of Joe leaving the show, it is not known why Matt Graham will no longer appear. As far as The Ashley can tell, he does not maintain any sort of social media account and has not made a statement on why he left the show.

It appears that many of the show’s fans are tired of the merry-go-round of hosts that they have seen in recent years.

“I am not watching anymore because as soon as you start watching it the next thing they do is change the people in it,” one Facebook fan wrote. “I am so tired of them doing that.”

“Going to mess with the show until nobody watches it!” another wrote.

The new season of ‘Dual Survival’ with Grady and Bill premieres January 13 on Discovery Channel. The first episode will feature the new guys heading to Chile.

UPDATE: The show’s executive producer, Christo Doyle, has spoken out about the likelihood of some of the past hosts returning to the show. To read that interview, click here!

(Photos: Discovery)



146 Responses

  1. I seriously cant believe the network fouled up that badly, its quite pathetic actually. I was waiting so long for Cody to come back and be Matt’s new partner, the absolute best combo of highly skilled masters of survival and ofcourse the network dropped the ball again because they wanted apposing skills and backgrounds so they keep holding the show back,trying to find another fony military hot shot trying to rush everything, guess what Joe people watch the show to learn how to survive. Thank you Cody and Matt!

  2. I love Grady Powell so much. He has a great sense of humor, always thinks on the fly, comes up with some amazing ways to make fire, did anybody see the mustard chemical reaction or starting a fire with a shotgun shell – pretty ingenious if you ask me. and it doesn’t hurt that he is extremely hot! I love the episodes when he has to strip down to his shorts or take his shirt off… HUBBA HUBBA! I watch every episode since he’s on now.. Could care less who he is partnered with as long as he’s one of them. I also like Bo Mac and Josh the Bushman. I think it’s a good idea that the producers of the show are rotating the hosts because it gives many different perspectives of survival techniques. Keep up the good work Discovery!

  3. Had enough of them changing hosts. I’ve watched less and less episodes with each change and haven’t seen any this year and don’t intend to.

  4. I watch the series regularly and I’ve liked all the guys so far. Question I have is what happened to little Bill? Not too fond of Josh and would rather see little Bill back.

  5. What’s up with the Fake scenarios of the Survival’s finding Back Packs or camping gear in the middle of nowhere with survival gear that they can then use ?


  6. Myself, going bare foot in shorts all the time was CRAZY MAN…
    BUT I miss the BARE FOOTED WHITE INDIAN Cody Lundin being on the show…
    He had personality and made the show bearable and worth watching…

  7. Loved Matt Graham. The only reason why my entire family watched the Show. Good bye Dual Survivor…not watching you anymore! ??

  8. Cody Lundin is suing Discovery for defaming him and protecting Joe Teti who threatened to kill him and the crew on several occasions.

    Joe Teti lost his lawsuit due to Forged Combat Dive Diplomas. General Guest Testified that he NEVER signed even one of Teti’s Fake and Forged Dive Diplomas.

    Teti was fired from the Bolivia episode when he killed dogs and sliced up a cat,(not saving a cat), and for threatening to kill the crew. Discovery had to fly the crew out without telling Joe because they were all afraid of him killing them.

  9. All of the men had their +s & -s, which made for some interesting interaction. Cody was very weird, but quite likeable in many ways. Joe was A-OK, he just wanted to conquer the wilderness rather than co-exist with it. He thought most dangerous or harmful wildlife should be killed (to be eaten or not eaten didn’t matter). I liked the way he wanted to move-on and get rescued. Matt, with his gentle, laid-back, co-exist with Nature, was probably my favorite. I wish he would return to the show. His only drawback seemed to be making a good camp, getting comfortable, and wanting to stay there too long, instead of trying to get going & get rescued. Thousands of viewers feel as I do. Looking forward to a New Season with Bill & Grady. We hope they are not only good at surviving, but very entertaining to watch. Good Luck & don’t cancel the Show.

  10. What bring JOE and Matt back ?? NO MAN what is wrong with you all! Bring us DAVE and CODY back! Dave Canterbury and Cody Lundin was the best team and the best seasons ever! I am happy that matt and joe is gone, now dave and cody back then I am happy !! Why dual survival was born by dave and cody !

  11. FUCK OFF with JOE and Matt what is wrong with you all! Bring us DAVE and CODY back! Dave Canterbury and Cody Lundin was the best team and the best seasons ever! I am happy that matt and joe is gone, now dave and cody back then I am happy !! Why dual survival was born by dave and cody !

  12. Duel survivor is my favorite show and I look forward to it each week. I’m really disappointed however that Joe Teti and Matt Graham are not on it anymore. PLEASE bring them back!

  13. Bring Joe and matt back the two you have now are very boring. It was always interesting in the adventures they embarked upon. Always something to learn from this all I learn now from Dual Survivor is to go watch something else

  14. Please please please bring Matt back. Bill is not a good fit. Grady is ok but bill makes me and my friends not want to watch. We think Grady and Matt would be awesome ass hell. Bill disagrees with everything. The show is not fun to watch anymore. He is full of himself. And his mannerisms make me mad. Grady is a great guy and I think he just gives in to Bill just to shut him up. So far Grady and Matt have been the best guys you have had on the show. Give the viewers what we want Matt and Grady.

  15. At first i was really annoyed with the new choices of host but in the end all of the hosts have differing styles, sub sets although the show offers 2 mainstream techniques ie military, primative, i think the new host choices are great.Bill McConnell is fantastic and really needs his own show. He has so much more to offer where as grady is pretty well the muscle? Bill has an inner gift that is born out of love of the primative skills. Give this a go, you wont be disappointed? cant wait till next weeks show.

  16. I have been watching dual survivor for years now and I absolutely do not like these two new hosts in 2016. The worst EVER!! They do not have the skills that the previous hosts have. I am truly disappointed. I used to watch this show all the time to learn something new each and every time…and now, I feel like they do not teach and explain the stuff that they do…and most of the stuff they do is common sense. Not impressed at all!! Sorry

    1. I agree. Cody is one of the best in my humble opinion. These 2 fng are lame at best. Think they lost me as a viewer.

    2. This new program sucks. The little guy on it is so much out of place it ruins the whole show. Get some better people or I will not watch it anymore. Show use to be pretty good.

  17. tonight watching the episode, namib desert, watched the entire thing then in the last ten minutes, repeated where they had removed a tire from an abandoned vehicle earlier, but in the last ten minutes removed it again only had a bad time getting the tire off they removed earlier

  18. I like Grady much better than Joe, though that’s not saying much tbh…Joe was so awful.

    Bill is just odd, and not in a good way. HUGE downgrade over Matt or Cody, I dont get why they let Matt go…

  19. Sad to see Matt Graham gone. WHat a nice guy, well spoken, skilled and darn nice to look at! And Joe was entertaining if a bit grating on the nerves. Watched these 2 new guys today….meh. Don’t think I’ll go out of my way to keep up with the series now.

    Les Stroud (Survivorman) would be the one to watch….I wish he’d do another show because he is the real deal!!!

    Discovery should get their act together regarding their talent. Background checks go a long way towards verifying past experience.

  20. My son and I loved Matt and Joe. We tried to watch one of the new episodes, and my son said turn it off . I agreed , and we said no more. My son loved Matt, and Joe was a good narrator and survivalist. Goodbye until we see Matt and Joe

    1. you kidding me? Joe was a clown, they should have fired him months ago. Matt was brilliant and they made a mistake letting him go

  21. Matt Graham is fantastic, loveable, and just plain HOT to watch..
    Teti. ehhhhhh not so much.[ to much of a whiner]..
    the NEW replacements are total dreck. they look like lackluster boyscouts with the personalities of a squid to book. they are REALLY grating on ones nerves… cant watch it anymore. so sad. BRING BACK MATT GRAHAM. !!!!!!!!!

  22. New team hard to watch. Watched 2 episodes. No chemistry between the two. And talk about whiners! Bill has to go! Where did you dig this dude up? He can’t be real, something Dc made up and missed the mark, he’s terrible! Probably won’t watch until they change. Love the premise of the show and actually learned from it. Fix it please.

  23. I tried 2 episodes with the new guys and it’s just not for me anymore. I actually learned from Matt Graham. Don’t care about Teti. At least Discovery didn’t mess with Les Stroud.

  24. I agree that Bill was a bit annoying. However, Matt was annoying at first too and he ended up being a likeable guy. You have to remember that they are not actors and it takes a few shows before they loosen up and become comfortable in front of the camera. Hang in there, give the poor guy a chance before hating on him.

    1. Your an idiot. Matt was the man. These new guys suck and discovery needs to get their shit together. Done watching!

  25. We have enjoyed watching Dual Survival since the beginning but especially Joe and Matt. Even though Joe had to leave the show Matt would have been a great partner to Grady and smarter and less strange then Bill. Have to agree with Grady, Bill is one weird dude.

  26. Should have kept Matt on the show, he was the real deal. U lost a viewer with the new guys. Grady is a good candidate, but this Bill guy, total moron

  27. This page was shown to me and I would like to comment.
    I too enjoyed watching Joe and Matt as their differences in personalities and approaches to survival differed and made for a good team and a fun and interesting show to watch and learn from
    Give Grady a chance. We Green Beret are trained for and put into places and situations that few people could manage. Despite what some feel about either Joe or Grady, you must respect that they both risked their lives for you and our country. As a Vietnam Vet with 3 tours, I would welcome them on my team in an situation. Both are brave and skilled men….heroes

  28. Wonder how much Discovery paid jojo to type that ego-deflating drivel on his fan page….cuz teti is still brandishing their name on his page, thick as thieves they are with all of their LIES and COVER-UPS.

    And Discovery and teti are still lying to the DS fans. They believe the fans are gullible and will believe their ‘new generation’ BS. Yeah, ok. Teti got Fired and Discovery keeps lying cuz they are in big legal trouble for those lies.

    1. i could really care less why Joe got fired! He came off as a man that had Zero integrity, badly ego drivin and most the time came off as a real jack-ass. When ever he would make a kill on the show he would get these wild crazy eyes going, that was really creepy. So it’s no surprise he got fired for doing something crazy to an animal. We may never get a true answer as to what really happened, after all we are talking about an industry full of fake and built on lies.
      The only thing I will miss about Joe is, a group of us started a drinking game that consisted on taking a shot every time he’d say “and you could die”. Anyone that watched the show knew that was a lot. So cheers to you Joe for at least that.

    2. They got this little b¡tch made dude on there now named Bill McConnell, smh, dude literally started crying over fire. They both we’re kinda whiny about making a fire talking bout thier life is in danger if they don’t get it, such fake drama, grow a set, all the other guys on the show so far went many nights in the cold without fire and didnt boohoo like that. Won’t be watching this show anymore. Just can’t take that guy Bill, still can’t get over the fact that he actually cried when he made a fire. Too bad Cody ain’t there to smack him around.

      1. I hate that Bill guy and this was such good viewing with Matt.Just loved him and learned alot.Whats wrong with Discovery picking this baby snot nosed kid with a ego like Cody?

    Media still can’t get a straight answer from Discovery…

    Here is the 411 on teti:
    *teti killed two dogs on set…NO CAT INVOLVED.
    *teti threatened the crew and their families if they spoke on what he had done to the dogs.
    *Discovery had NOT Canceled Dual Survival before teti killed the dogs. Discovery had ordered 38 NEW episodes of DS that had been rated in the top 20 shows on TV.
    *Discovery did issue a warning and instructions to their North Carolina Properties that if teti showed up to not allow him entrance and to call Law Enforcement. NOW, would Discovery go to such lengths if they did not FEAR Joseph Teti?
    *Bottom Line: Discovery’s LIES to their fans and to the world are as big and damaging as Joe’s LIES.

  30. What the hell!!! Those two new guys are a joke. So bad we deleted the show from our auto record.
    Les(from survivorman)and Matt would be a great show. We could all learn something. But Matt he’s the REAL man, loved him. I could have me some Matt all day every day.

  31. If you want a survival show with integrity, that is educational and entertaining, then go watch Marooned with Ed Stafford. It’s actually a Discovery show but hardly aired in the US. 10 days in the wilderness with nothing but hands, brain and humility. No ego, no bragging just down and dirty hardcore stuff.

    1. His last run I saw where he sought out things that looked strange from space and getting an explanation from them was pretty good.

      More of a Les Stroud fan myself. Accessable and down to earth and none of the BS reliance on interpersonal drama. Probably to “real” for most tastes these days.

      I like Matt Graham and while he may not be in the new run of dual survival he has also been on “Dude, Your Screwed” too and its pretty entertaining. He’s a lovable guy who probably isn’t the best choice for a format based on a show that relys on the tension between two people that some do. I always got a laugh when they tried their best to play this up between him and Joe but I personally thought he wound up mellowing Joe out with his infectious laid back approach.

  32. First mike Rowe, now Matt and joe, I’m done, and so is discovery channel, they must have a saboteur making the decisions.

  33. I WATCH THE SHOW WITH MY 7 AND 9 YEAR OLD..They love Matt….you have to atleast bring back matt with the green beret…yoir ratings are going to drop…My little guys said Matt is the best and would go great with the new green beret guy….Please bring back matt your ratings will suffer…the new weird guy sucks…almosts tap in in first episode. .not good

  34. I watched the first show of the new season last night. I have to say I was disappointed in the two new hosts. They seemed to be whiny and said that if they couldn’t get a fire going they might not make it through the night. I have seen shows where Matt and Joe or Dave and Cody couldn’t get a fire started but they didn’t succumb to the whiny or fatalistic jargon I heard last night. I don’t know anything about the 2 new hosts, but if last night’s show is any indication of the coming episodes, I won’t be tuning in. I thought the purpose of the program was to show us how they can adapt and improvise out in the wild. They know what they signed up for, so let’s see some ingenuity and creative thinking. And what’s up with the knife Grady had? Early in the program they said they did not have knives. Bill was so excited that he found a rock he could make a cutting tool out of, then Grady had knife when he was trying to get a fire started from the phone battery. Seriously?

  35. First, a few critiques on the show. I think Discovery needs to re-imagine the show as a whole. Rather than making it one survival example after another (teaching moments), it would be better if the two hosts actually survived naturally and the crew filmed it. Shows with prefab scenarios end up feeling fake. I know this is the core of the show, but the best survival shows on TV right now leave people to their own devices and film what happens naturally. I think Dual Survival can benefit from this. Canned scenarios get old after awhile. Spontaneity doesn’t. As for the prior hosts vs Discovery’s sanctimonious drama queen routine, we’re all sick of it. Dave lied–SO WHAT, he was the best host you had bar none and his talent is self-evident, military record be damned. Matt loves nature and was a natural for the show. I admit, I didn’t care for Joe, he seemed a bit egotistical and brash for my taste. As for Cody, he was great in my opinion. Discovery needs to stay out of the drama business and let the hosts be who they are–and most importantly, let the court of public opinion decide. It’s unbecoming of a network to allow this amount of drama to ensue over a television series. Grow up, recognize the talents people have, not what they say they have and let that stand on its own. If they screw this season up, it’s over for Dual Survival, because the fans are sick of the crap from Discovery. And so what if Joe killed a dog to save a cat. Guys bite heads off of snakes, kill wild animals and you don’t blink an eye. I think you were looking for an excuse plain and simple. Get your act together Discovery.

  36. Please bring Matt back to DS or your show is going down. Every time we get interested in a program on TLC they take it off or replace the main people. BRING BACK MATT!!!!!!!!

  37. The new ‘hippie’ is bad! He is a loud mouth arrogant man. Matt was 100% better! I watched this program since it started but will now stop.

  38. Who gives a fuck if he injured/killed a dog…it’s not as if it were blatant animal abuse…he has a heart & was trying to save the cat obviously.

    The biggest joke of all this is Discovery acting like it has some code of ethics after putting out shit about mermaids & megaladons & trying to pass them off as genuine documentaries.

    Even now they can’t even be honest about why they’ve changed the cast…fucking liars…screw Discovery.

      Media still can’t get a straight answer from Discovery…
      Here is the 411 on teti:
      *teti killed two dogs on set…NO CAT INVOLVED.
      *teti threatened the crew and their families if they spoke on what he had done to the dogs.
      *Discovery had NOT Canceled Dual Survival before teti killed the dogs. Discovery had ordered 38 NEW episodes of DS that had been rated in the top 20 shows on TV.
      *Discovery did issue a warning and instructions to their North Carolina Properties that if teti showed up to not allow him entrance and to call Law Enforcement. NOW, would Discovery go to such lengths if they did not FEAR Joseph Teti?
      *Bottom Line: Discovery’s LIES to their fans and to the world are as big and damaging as Joe’s LIES.

  39. I personally think discovery is making a huge mistake not bringing my grand back. He was an awesome teacher and very sincere about teaching and showing survival skills. He loved the land and the animals and show them great respect. At 60 years old I will go four wheeling and a lot of the things that I watched on Dual Survival could be put into practical use. And I watched Dual Survival not for the entertainment. To learn survival techniques. As for Joe I could take him or leave him but I does love Matt. I wouldn’t have even minded seen Cody come back.

  40. I really loved Matt Graham I think he was honest and sincere and his love for nature. He has natural easy way about him. He also. Great ways to survive without leaving damage to land. I am almost 61 years old I love watching Dual Survival not necessarily for Joe but because of Matt. Matt was very honest and sincere in what he taught. Discovery has made a big mistake and not bringing that back he will be sorely missed. And as far as show host I wouldn’t have even minded seeing Cody come back

  41. Is it me or did they not say that they had no kind of blade,knife or etc. When they were not able to get a fire, Grady produces a knife to spark the cell phone battery.

    1. How do the editors, producers and others miss this type of things. This shows that the problem may not be with the various Host but in managing. Maybe they should be replaced.

  42. I finished the entire show,but is it me or did yhe say the had no blade, knife or etc? When they could not get a fire and decided to use the cell phone battery Gary produces a knife.

  43. OMG…..these new guys are a joke. My nine year old grandsons more of a survivalist than they are. I’ve watched DS for years and haven’tever liked the fact that they change hosts every time ya turn around, but at least all the former guys had some sens. These guys are idiots. I’m over it.

  44. I didn’t like the new cast members. I won’t be watching the new season. THANK GOD FOR RERUNS !!!! I want Cody and Joe back

  45. What is wrong with saving a cat from a dog? And before anyone stupidly says “He should have let nature take its course” well, guess what? HUMANS are part of nature. Therefore, what we do is natural too. The Hoover Dam is just as much a part of nature as a beaver dam in a stream.

  46. With a background as an Officer in the military including 13 years in a National Guard Infantry,I liked Teti but respected the survival skills of Matt Graham. In the military, survival is a team concept.At times, Joe just didn’t fit the protocol and his skills were quite often surpassed by Grahm.The current cast members however have a long way to go in matching survival wit with either Joe or Matt.

  47. 2 men with no personality and no talent and as entertaining as watching weeds grow. My family won’t tune in to see the next agonizing episode

  48. The first show tonite of the new team was less than good. I got the feeling that they didn’t know what they were doing, and they even talked about tapping out if they can’t get fire. It’s not entertaining if they don’t know what to do. At least bring Matt back.

  49. I will not watch Duel Survior ever again, since you fired Joe Teti and Matt Graham is gone. I enjoyed Joe’s cockiness and Matt’s free spirit. They made a great pair. Please put them back on together. I know what was said about Joe, I still want them back !

  50. As far as I’m concerned, Joe has always been a jerk. He’s so ridiculous the way he looks both ways after killing something. He’s too over the top and quite annoying, but Matt is a mystery as to why he’s gone, he had lots of knowledge and a good attitude, I’ll be sad to see Matt go. In any case, I’m sure we’ll get to know the new guys, it’s not their fault so let’s give them a chance.

  51. No Joe, not gonna watch the show. If I saw a dog chasing cats and trying to kill one I would kill it too…. Watched episode one of season 7 and I wont watch another…

  52. These two seem like the worst pair on the show at first watch. Bill seems like an annoying cocky pick and Grady is just there along for the ride.
    Might give it another episode or two, but this does not look promising.

    1. They keep changing these people out left any right for the silly reasons. They are who they are because of what they are have been through or the lives they live. So now we have these to new wonder twins. I am dissatisfied with this change and the new replacements and will not watch this program anymore……..

  53. O well. They will be missed. Roid rage is a bitch to control, you lose joe. He was juiced. But good for saving the cat

  54. I don’t like them already, looks to me they are going for more actors than guys who know what they are doing, they hippie sounds like a real dude man. Bring back Joe and Matt they were the best!!!!! until then take this show and shove it. I will watch expedition unknown same time slot! typical over educated egg heads running corporate america today, go play with your computer models.

  55. This just hurts my heart. Matt & Joe were a perfect duo, and this is such a shame. In my opinion Discovery has made a huge mistake by replacing the best two hosts on a reality survival show…EVER. I’m no longer watching, I can’t stand going through the disappointment again.

  56. I am so upset that Matt and Joe will not be doing Dual survival! They were the best…sorry won’t be watching it anymore!

  57. I was happy when Lundgren was gone. Joe deserved a better team member. When Matt joined Joe, they made the perfect team. I learned so much from both prospectives. I highly respect both Matt and Joe for who they are and what they teach. It was a great run and I highly doubt that I will watch Dual Survival any longer without them. They were that great together. What a shame. Good luck Joe and Matt in the future. You both have a fan here.

    1. I totally disagree and stopped watching this program when Cody left, now I will watch again if Cody comes on again, like tonight.
      Joe was obnoxious.
      Cody has a fan here!!!!

  58. What a joke! Joe and Matt were the best. Matt is a stud so why they would not bring him back is ignorant. I loved t his show and I don’t watch TV! Screw you discovery I will no loner tune into your channel.

  59. Just seen tonight that they are airing these new guys. Joe and Matt had chemestey and them continuing to screw with it will crush the show. I understand Cody not being there because he got burnt out, but I have a feeling this will be the last season.

  60. i am not watching this crap the new dual survival show sux.bring back dave and cody made dual survival fun to watch.dave and cody are sexy to.yep i am gay

  61. I agree that Joe is a bit raw & loose in how he engages with his survival tactics. For me, that’s what I found appealing with the revamped series versus the past. In survival mode, I want a partner that is decisive. His counterpart Matt, was a perfect fit to his ego. Intellectual, quirky & a camera smile that’s contagious. If threats to the crew & family were made, there are bigger challenges than to continue Joe’s employment. Unfortunately, Matt’s presence on the series will be surely missed. And, my wife agrees!!! NYC

  62. I won’t be watching.. Matt made the show and so did Cody.
    I want to watch people who are really teaching us how to survive.
    Matt made it look too easy.. It was a walk in the park for him..Showing us many ways to survive without suffering horribly, as most of us would.. I wanted more of that, and less stupid action shots..Which are pointless for teaching anyone survival.
    The show misses being great because the producers want to entertain rather than teach.. Too bad. they could do both well, and really be a great show.

    1. I think Cody and Matt were great teachers, and even Dave respected the wilderness. I would love to see them bring Cody and Dave back for the chemistry they had, and the ability to teach true survival. This new pair is ridiculous, at first viewing, and I can honestly say I am unhappy with the turn this show has taken.

  63. Without Matt the show loses its value. Matt honors and respects all of nature including the other host . OUR world is in trouble and we all need srong loving spiritual teachers like Matt. What have you done?! Not everyone wants to watch a fake macho production. I am tired of the violence and lets not forget swag. You know there are good people that enjoy and respect what Matt shared and taught. I feel very sad for our culture. We have forgotten who we are. Matt was reminding us that we are compassionate and have a responcibilty to nature and each other. Matt Graham is a blessing to us all. We have seriously thinking about cancelling our network service. Thank yoy Matt Graham for all you have done and are doing.

  64. They should have just brought in one of the military guys from the show “Dude, You’re Screwed” to partner with Matt

  65. What a joke Discovery has made of the show. I loved it in the past but bow that they changed the guys AGAIN we’ll see.

  66. I as a women loved to watch this show because of Matt I personally think you screwed up by taking him off,,, He was awesome on this show taught me aot why should he be punished for something he didn’t do???? I will not be watching this show NO MORE!!!!! Hope att see’s this I give him the up most respect!!!!!!!

  67. Well no Matt ,, I for one wont be watching , I have previewed the new shows and Don’t like either the hippy or Green Beret. Shutting down my Facebook and twitter feeds to the show as well. Have watched every episode for the start but wont be any longer. But at least they didn’t pic a bunch of pussies like A&E did for Alone or Discovery did for Men, Women, Wild those where a real freaking Joke.

    1. You guys can’t see the forest for the trees! The Dual Survival show isn’t about the so-called stars of the show, it’s about learning to “Survive”. Admittedly, the network does juxtapose different stylistic matchups as to promote variety and maybe a little drama but again…the show is called dual survival not dual my favorite “stars”. Grow up!

      1. You are a fool if you think the show will survive because people are watching strictly for the survival. There are literally DOZENS of survival shows available now. Many with two people with different approaches. The differences between then are the hosts. And changing the ENTIRE CAST of a show means there is no more continuity and herefore it is not hte show.

      2. It’s the entertainment industry…of course you care about the stars of the show. People like Dual Survival as opposed to the 50 other boring survival shows because of the personalities & dynamic of the hosts. If you care so much about the survival aspect…you can cut out all the filler & just watch some bland YouTube videos.

  68. TeTi killed dogs on set, threatened the cerew. He is a man of stolen valor and should have never been on that show.

        Media still can’t get a straight answer from Discovery…
        Here is the 411 on teti:
        teti killed two dogs on set…NO CAT INVOLVED.
        teti threatened the crew and their families if they spoke on what he had done to the dogs.
        Discovery had NOT Canceled Dual Survival before teti killed the dogs. Discovery had ordered 38 NEW episodes of DS that had been rated in the top 20 shows on TV.
        Discovery did issue a warning and instructions to their North Carolina Properties that if teti showed up to not allow him entrance and to call Law Enforcement.
        NOW, would Discovery go to such lengths if they did not FEAR Joseph Teti?
        Bottom Line: Discovery’s LIES to their fans and to the world are as big and damaging as Joe’s LIES.


    Media still can’t get a straight answer from Discovery…

    Here is the 411 on teti:

    teti killed two dogs on set…NO CAT INVOLVED.

    teti threatened the crew and their families if they spoke on what he had done to the dogs.

    Discovery had NOT Canceled Dual Survival before teti killed the dogs. Discovery had ordered 38 NEW episodes of DS that had been rated in the top 20 shows on TV.

    Discovery did issue a warning and instructions to their North Carolina Properties that if teti showed up to not allow him entrance and to call Law Enforcement.

    NOW, would Discovery go to such lengths if they did not FEAR Joseph Teti?

    Bottom Line: Discovery’s LIES to their fans and to the world are as big and damaging as Joe’s LIES.

      1. I was involved int the SLAPP lawsuit that teti filed against the ONLY men who could PROVE his LIES are actually LIES. I have been privy to all of the info that has been subpoenaed on the LYING FRAUD. Maybe teti should have thought twice about suing the ENTIRE Special Forces Association (over 3000 Honorable & Retired SF Men) along with Captain Mykel Hawke, who is also an Honorable, Retired Green Beret Officer. Yeah, it kinda sux when you are so stupid that you sue the men who ran the schools you said you attended and never did or the men who served in the same Units as you and know EXACTLY what kind of Lying dumbass you are. But hey, that is how stupid teti is along with an attorney who took him on without ever filing for the REAL SCHOOL RECORDS.
        Now those records show that teti boy FORGED TWO, not ONE, but TWO Combat Dive Diplomas when the MILITARY School records show teti FAILED. Yeah, teti is in one heck of a pile of doo doo.

        1. Wow..are you 5 years old? Whining about someone demanding proof of a claim? For your sake, the sake of your parents and taxpayers who support welfare, you really need to grow up little child.

      1. I was involved int the SLAPP lawsuit that teti filed against the ONLY men who could PROVE his LIES are actually LIES. I have been privy to all of the info that has been subpoenaed on the LYING FRAUD. Maybe teti should have thought twice about suing the ENTIRE Special Forces Association (over 3000 Honorable & Retired SF Men) along with Captain Mykel Hawke, who is also an Honorable, Retired Green Beret Officer. Yeah, it kinda sux when you are so stupid that you sue the men who ran the schools you said you attended and never did or the men who served in the same Units as you and know EXACTLY what kind of Lying dumbass you are. But hey, that is how stupid teti is along with an attorney who took him on without ever filing for the REAL SCHOOL RECORDS.
        Now those records show that teti boy FORGED TWO, not ONE, but TWO Combat Dive Diplomas when the MILITARY School records show teti FAILED. Yeah, teti is in one heck of a pile of doo doo.

  70. Matt was fine! Teti was the problem and I’m glad he’s gone. Good riddance. I hope the new cast does something besides argue with each other. I for one would like to see a little more survival and a little less BS.

      1. Lol wow merle stop posting hate comments geez and you’ll probably reply and say I’m posting a hate comment and so I say to you. You are probably just a fat 30 year old sitting on his computer who is photoshoping his photo to look like the is skinny and fit. . lol

    1. Why Bill! You didn’t those al-Qaeda snipers lurking when GI Joe killed that pig? He must have the way he was ducking and looking both ways. And the snake! Why if he had not have made that circular motion with that knife after he killed it, it just would not have been as dead! Now I was raised right in the middle of snake country, and we didn’t have a fraction of the problem GI Joe did with that one. I’m sure it was because we didn’t have cameras and all that fake military training. Wait! That was his first snake too!
      We laughed just as hard as Cody did when GI Joe did that hat dance! I have to try that the next time I see one.

  71. I hope that Discovery Channel has made background, Resume should not be accepted, credential should be check thorough, reference thorough check and stop putting wannabe clown that is going to cause someone to die and you have a lawsuit in your hand….i will no longer watch dual survival this include discovery channel for lying to the public

      1. Troll much???????? Stop tarnishing the Dixon name with your ignorant babbling and yammering! I am ashamed to have the same last name!

        1. This means you are 9 too. That is generally age age group where kids call everyone trolls simply for having different opinions.

          Time to grow up little boy.

      2. Seriously shut up. I see you have been trolling all over these comments. It is you Merle who is the child. I can’t stand people like you. Someone states their opinions or their likes and you just have to come along make issue with it. Most likely because you get off on starting problems. I can’t stand your face.

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