When the fourth season of The People’s Couch premiered earlier this month, fans noticed that show mainstays the Egber family were mysteriously missing from the couch (er…bed). On Friday, the second episode of the season aired and the Egbers were still nowhere to be found, leaving fans to wonder what has become of Julie, Andrew, Sam and Jack (and their beloved neck pillows)?
Unfortunately for fans of the funny family, The Ashley can confirm that the Egbers will not appear on this season of the show.
Egber matriarch Julie took to her Twitter to tell fans that she and her family are “taking a break” from the show, and assured fans that she and her boys were not fired.
“[It was] our choice to take a break!” she tweeted. “Had to get off that bed!”
The family, who has been on the show since its first season, stated on their Twitter account that they are “on to bigger and better things.”
On the family’s Facebook page, the Egbers made it sound like they have no plans to return to the ‘Couch’ for future seasons.
“We have gone a different direction and we are not involved with the show anymore,” the family wrote. “Too many conflicts.”
The family informed fans that Sam Egber will be appearing in ‘Grease: Live’ this Sunday on FOX. (His neck pillow, however, was not given a role in the production, sadly.)
Want answers to all of your questions regarding ‘The People’s Couch?’ Click here to read The Ashley’s “Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions” post about the show!
(Photo: Bravo)
8 Responses
Julie is on FB
One of the Egber boys left a scathing comment on their Facebook page, explaining the show didn’t represent their values or who they were. Basically saying they were above the show
I never liked them.I thought it was creepy that the entire family would be in the bed together. Glad they’re gone.
I wish they would come back so they can get rid of the new couple. Those two are such a bad fit for the show. You can tell they are trying hard to be funny, and it’s SO annoying.
Get rid of the new couple…please!!!
The new couple need to take a hike… Js
Thank you Ashley! You responded to my question about where this family went so quickly! I’m super sad I’m not going to be seeing this family on The People’s couch this season. They were one of my two favorites! My all time favorite is Julie and Brandy.
Nooooooooo! I loved them, they were one of my favorites from the show.