Chelsea Houska Reveals if Her Upcoming Wedding Will Be Shown on ‘Teen Mom 2’

"We're getting hitched-- and you're not invited!"
“We’re getting hitched– and you’re not invited!”

Teen Mom fans were able to watch the wedding of Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra on last night’s episode of Teen Mom OG. Judging by the social media reaction, the wedding episode was definitely a big hit with fans who loved watching the couple’s special day.

With so many ‘Teen Mom’ franchise stars currently engagedMaci Bookout and Taylor McKinney, Amber Portwood and Matt Baier, and Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer–fans can’t help but wonder if there will be more televised ‘Teen Mom’ wedding specials in the near future.

Chelsea has previously spoken out on what type of wedding she wants, and she recently revealed whether or not her nuptials would be filmed by MTV.

“I don’t want anything too big,” Chelsea has said of her wedding. “We both love fall so we were thinking [of having the wedding] sometime around then.”

Unfortunately, ‘Teen Mom 2’ fans will not be invited to the fall nuptials. A fan asked Chelsea if her wedding would be filmed for the show.

“It will not,” Chelsea revealed, adding that she is willing to share photos from the big day with fans.

While Chelsea and Cole have not yet released a wedding date publicly, The Ashley hears that they are planning to get hitched in very early October in their home state of South Dakota.

“Chelsea wants her wedding to be very private and low-key,” one of The Ashley’s show sources tells her. “MTV is begging her to let them film it but Chelsea refuses. She usually stands firm on stuff like this, so it’s unlikely that she’ll change her mind. Besides, Cole has never really been comfortable doing things on-camera.”

The Ashley will have more details on the wedding soon!

Chelsea and Cole aren’t the only ‘Teen Mom’ stars planning to tie the knot in October. Amber Portwood has stated that she and her fiance Matt will also be getting married that month.

(Photo: Instagram)



31 Responses

    1. Exactly. People talk about getting Farrah off the shows, but atleast the bitch brings the drama. I vote we get Chelsea off. She is by far the most boring reality star lately. If she wants out of the spotlight, fine by me. Leah, Jenelle, and Kail are interesting enough to take up the hour without her snoozefest segments.

  1. No! Chelsea what are you thinking? You have a once in a lifetime chance to have the wedding of your dreams and MTV pays for it. They also film it and document the experience. On another note, if Amber has to marry a much older man with a history of addictions, why can’t she marry Butch? Now that would be some great tv.

  2. Chelsea is the most grounded and normal of all the Teen Mom girls. She seems to live her life regardless of the cameras being there. She is the only one who has a normal job that she got on her own. I am really impressed with her.

  3. A wedding should be for the couple and their guests not a bunch of voyeuers! Kudos for Chelsea. Ever think how weird the guests must feel at a filmed for a million wedding? Like they are just bystanders.

  4. Good for her for standing her ground. Your wedding is such an important day in your life and not everyone wants to share something so intimate with the whole world.

  5. This just proves that they are truly in love and they aren’t just getting married for more fame. I hope they last a life time and have a happy life together.

    1. I feel like it also shows that Chelsea respects Cole. She is probably comfortable on camera, but he is clearly not. It would be awful to feel uncomfortable on your wedding day, and it’s nice to see how she respects his feelings.

    2. Plus I love how Cole isn’t camera and fame hungry. He’s not huge on social media, wants to stay off camera as much as possible, and doesn’t get into the Adam drama. Chelsea found herself a good one, but her and Aubree deserve it after dealing with that dirt ball baby daddy Adam. I know Randy must be elated, you see his face light up every time he talks about Cole.

  6. …I think I believe she will stand strong on this one. Honestly, I’m not sure I ever thought that she would be possibly the most grounded of the entire franchise a few years ago. But no arrests, no second pregnancies, has her foot in the door with a longterm career, and is pretty likable…good for her for proving me wrong!

    1. RIGHT! who would’ve thought! When the show first started (to me) she was up there with Jenelle with how stupid she was. The whole kicking her friend out and letting Adam move in, losing all of her friends because of Adam, that cracker jack box promise ring he got her, and constantly trying to force Adam to be a family man. It was super desperate and sad. You just wanted to shake her. But this girl has gone through with everything she said she was going to do…Got her GED, went to cosmetology school, finished aesthetician school, got a career and even found her hot guy. It’s refreshing to see one of the girls ACTUALLY do what she said she was gonna do, and is thriving from it. Hope her and Cole are very happy together.

  7. If I was the betting type, I think I know which of the two forecasted October weddings I would put my money on…either way, I’m sure Macy’s ass will be there, dressed inappropriately per usual

    1. You must have an axe to grind, because Maci has class. She’s also a natural mother, which I think is sweet. Chelsea is a nice girl, as well.

  8. hopefully 1 and 2 will be cancelled before these doomed weddings takes place! Yes doomed neither will last until one of them passes away, neither will Ty and Cate, either they will split or he will finally come out!

  9. Good for her. Not all things need to be televised.

    When I saw her at the TM2 reunion last July Dr Drew was really badgering her about Cole coming on stage to talk & she stood her ground that it wasn’t gonna happen. She’s actually stunning in person [not that I ever thought she was ugly on the show] & she’s an itty bitty tiny thing. I’ll never understand how she got hooked up with Adam, she’s way out of his league.

    1. Agree on all accounts. But, if you watch the older episodes or even her original 16&P episode, he was always a jerk but a helluva lot hotter back in the day. So I understand the psychical attraction from years ago. Any time they reconciled…nope!

      1. I agree! Adam went to heck in a handbag. I think Chelsea has grown prettier; Adam, not so much. Er…at all. Cole, on the other hand, is nice AND handsome. Chelsea, ya done good. 🙂

    1. I hate to say it but I agree..

      And while I agree that she has a good life for herself none of her achievements would have been accomplished if she hadn’t gotten the financial and emotional support from her parents.

      There is nothing wrong with getting help from your parents. However.. Randy was paying for her house and cars most of the time.

      SHe turned out to be a levelheaded, self sufficient girl (eventually) but her parents influenced her greatly.

      1. She does have great parents. I’m actually a little jealous of the emotional support she has (I don’t care about the financial support; I would feel like I owed my parents if I’d accepted anything like that). Her mom and dad are super.

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