They were once “strangers picked to live in a house,” but now Tony Raines and Madison Walls are officially co-parents!
The Real World: Skeletons stars welcomed a daughter yesterday in Austin. The couple, who met on the show in 2014, has stated that the baby’s name is Harper Delaney. Tony tweeted that Baby Harper weighed in at 6 lbs., 15 oz. but has not released any more information yet.
Tony and Madison began dating during their season and continued their relationship after the show ended. Madison announced her pregnancy in August but by September, the couple had confirmed via Instagram posts that they had split.
“Alright, everyone is asking and yes, Madison and I did split up,” Tony wrote in September. “The reason, I’m not sure if that should be made public. I’ll leave it up to her out of respect, even tho I was hurt… I never wanted things this way but I trust God has a plan. Thank y’all for understanding.”
It is rumored that the couple split after Madison found out that Tony had been unfaithful to her while he was filming The Challenge: Bloodlines in Turkey. (That season was filmed in June and July 2015, by the way.) In a recent interview with OK! magazine, however, Tony denied that the breakup was due to his making out with cast mate Christina LeBlanc.

Anyway, the exes seem to be getting along much better these days. The day before Madison gave birth, both she and Tony posted photos of their joint shopping trip. In his interview with OK! magazine, Tony seemed to be hinting that there may be hope for a “Tadison” reunion down the road.
“Madison and I are currently not together,” Tony said. “We’re working through that and trying to do the best we can. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. When this baby comes along, my feelings may change. Moving [to Texas where Madison lives] is definitely in the back of my head. Maybe Madison and I could work on our relationship for the sake of Harper.”
Madison seems to be open to the idea too, judging by the photo she just posted of herself with the baby and Tony. She captioned the photo, “My world.”
(Photos: Instagram)
14 Responses
Well the baby has Madison’s last name not his, so at least she did something right.
That poor baby. Good luck Harper, you’re gonna need it.
she’s beautiful. tony’s dog so unfortunately there’s not way her parents relationship will be ok. he wasn’t even able to not cheat for 2 days. with a girl who can’t hold a candle to madison. he’s a dog.
Love Tony’s utter and absolute refusal to accept any sort of responsibility for a documented hookup. First in his interviews/confessionals he completely denied ANYTHING at all happened even though they clearly went into the bathroom together after discussing how they both wanted to f*ck each other. Then MTV provided the audience with the whole “belt unbuckling” narration itwasn’t clear what was going on. Christina admitted they hooked up off the bat without any sort of shame. Now that the show’s aired conveniently he’s going to go with the “we made out” ….explanation? Well..she did make out with his penis…..
*narration- if it wasn’t clear
Gah..Tony’s such a sleaze!!!! It takes a true douchebag on MTV for me to stir up this much disgust and dislike for them. His brother, however, is awesome, and I hope they bring him back for another season soon.
I was saying that same thing yesterday. I actually just found out that she was pregnant by Tony yesterday and now I just found out she had the baby! Tony is such a PIG and I just want to shake Madison. She picked a total skeeze to be the father of her kid…Good luck to her….I feel like this is going to be way more than she can handle, and he’s going to continue to be a selfish prick
Yes Tony, God does have a plan…unfortunately it has to do with sh*t that really matters in this world and nothing to do with “Tadison” because…newsflash…God doesn’t give a flying f*%k if you get back together with your ex.
Well, if God had a plan for a douchebag to impregnate his naive and emotionally vulnerable girlfriend and cheat on her on TV, I really feel sorry for the church of Tony.
I’ve never seen such a skinny neck on a woman who just gave birth! props to her
Agreed, most of the babes I knocked up put on massive neck fat which made me leave them.