The MTV cameras weren’t around to capture the much-anticipated moment when Taylor McKinney asked Teen Mom OG star Maci Bookout to be his wife, but there’s a good chance they’ll be there to capture the moment when the couple says, “I do!”
Maci, who is currently pregnant with her third child, recently spoke to Reveal UK about her wedding plans., and hinted that on-camera nuptials may be in her future. Her co-stars, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra allowed their August 2015 wedding to be filmed for the show.
“So far, that’s the plan,” said Maci, who recently went to London to promote the show. “[Catelynn] has given me some tips on having the camera crew and MTV be a part of it. That’s been helpful. Filming is a lot of work, so having that added stress can be a little rough. She’s been talking to me about how to handle it, so that’s been nice.”
Maci and the other ‘Teen Mom OG’ girls are currently filming the show’s sixth season, and it’s likely that the wedding of Maci and Taylor will make it into the new season. Maci, who is currently six months into her pregnancy, told Reveal UK that she and Taylor are waiting to get hitched until after Baby #3 is born, however.
The baby boy, as well as Maci and Taylor’s daughter Jayde and Maci’s son Bentley, will have play some role in the wedding. Maci and Taylor are currently looking for a venue to hold the affair at, and Maci shopped for wedding dresses during her trip to London.
Maci and Taylor aren’t the only ‘Teen Mom’ franchise stars that are currently planning weddings. Maci’s co-star, Amber Portwood, is planning to marry her fiance, Matt Baier, in October. Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska is also getting hitched in October, but has indicated that she and fiance Cole DeBoer will not let MTV film the affair.
(Photo: MTV)
30 Responses
I hope the baby boy is okay. Maci drinking nonstop during her pregnancy is disgusting. She is supposed to be a role model, with all her public speaking gigs. Girl is nothing but a drunk.
I pray that baby TJ doesn’t have FAL. Does anyone know if beer is less harmful than spirits?
Will Taylor be sporting a TTM tux? That’s what I need to know.
I think the real question is, will she invite Mimi Jen to the Bachelorette party?
C’mon…..Macis got to con someone into watching her THREE children while she gets her drink on!!!
Nope….. Maci’s gotta con someone into watching her three kids….. Momma needs to get her drink on
She has to do the wedding on camera, they are going to need to save all they can to pay for the medical bills of their son once he’s born. He will definitely have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome unfortunately.
I sincerely hope not. Part of me thinks she knew all along but wanted to wait until after the proposal to make herself look better and pretended to drink. May just be hopeful thinking though. I hate to see children suffer bc of mothers being selfish
It seems like a lot of people think that. But honestly I’d rather look like I had another accidental kid than look like I was drinking while pregnant, with knowledge or without. Both are irresponsible but only one of them presents a danger to the baby.
Oh I completely agree with you!
I understand that people are pissed off. Drinking while pregnant is awful, i didn’t even take Tylenol while pregnant because i wanted to be careful. But Danny some of you are being nasty and seem to be hoping this baby has FASD. Let’s all hope she has a healthy baby boy
I haven’t seen anyone say they hope Maci’s baby develops FASD. There are two scenes that are huge red flags in the last two episodes alone. In the first, she is shown at lunch with a friend and being carded before being served and drinking hard liquor. In the season finale, she is alone upstairs when Keeli comes over to talk to her. She had just finished eating lunch or dinner because there is a dirty plate and a mostly empty glass of beer on the desk in front of her. She had an obvious baby bump in this scene. All anyone has said is, that by drinking while pregnant, Maci has put her baby in danger and that her baby has a high risk of developing FASD. That is neither nasty nor hoping her baby has FASD. It is simply the truth.
People here are way too excited and eager to discuss it. And it’s gross. Very negative for everyone to go on endlessly about this baby definitely having FASD and how messed up he’s going to be. Like i said, we can all be angry at her while still hoping for the best rather than predicting the worst
I wouldn’t say excited and eager. Passionate is the word, and I think people have every right to become passionate when the well-being of an innocent child is involved.
I think you feel the same way as these people, but we are expressing ourselves in our unique ways. Nobody wants ANY harm to come to ANY child.
IMO couples that have their wedding filmed for part of their reality show lose my respect. A wedding is about each other, family and friends, not about showing off for fans or tv. I gotta hand it to Chelsea, she and Cole seem very genuine and probably have the best chances for a long and happy marriage.
Also, I thought the reason that Taylor was waiting to propose was because he wanted to do a grand over the top proposal? Didn’t he just ask her on the beach? I feel that Maci and Taylor planned the timing of their kids, proposal and wedding around filming to get more attention and have the wedding paid for. Not genuine at all.
I agree with you people shouldn’t have their wedding filmed on a reality show, though I have to admit watching Catelynn & Tylers wedding was fun…
With C&T I just think everything is for show. I honestly don’t think they’d still be together if MTV hadn’t portrayed them as some starcrossed lovers fighting the good fight & doing right by Carley.
nope. ty even finally said everything i thought he felt on couples therapy and called off the wedding. he said he’s only 21, never lived, never could imagine doing that to cate but wanted to badly to be independent. then he got sucked back into it cuz cate is shameless when it comes to keeping tyler. she threw having paid for the venue, carly, everything to deter him, and when the cameras stopped, she got pregnant. i don’t think either one is truly happy, they just don’t know who they’d be if they weren’t cate and ty.
That Bud Light isn’t going to pay for itself!
Oh you took the words right out of my mouth!! ???
I get second hand embarrassment looking at her – begging someone to marry you?! He’s not particularly good looking or intelligent and he’s short to boot. At least Ryan has good genes for making children with – but he doesn’t want anything to do with her. Boy has she settled…
I cringed during the scenes about marriage. Really, Maci? “I’ve had your kid, make me your wife!” And now Taylor has given in to her and she’s getting her consolation wedding and I wonder if it’s really going to be that satisfying for her.
She already said the crew filming will add extra stress to the wedding?!?! Ok so don’t let them film! I’m surprised she is shopping for a dress pregnant too
I’m really not. Maci has always been all about getting married. I know a girl like her, luckily no kids in the mix, but ignores very arming things just because MARRIAGE/WEDDING. End well this will not.
Of course she will do it in front of the cameras, after all, she’s all about making more moneys, right?
Chealsea is the only one with class and morals at this point. Everyone else did/will do it for raring and a pay day. Also have things paid for. They can use fans as an excuse all they want. It’s purely selfish. You don’t care for fans that much if ur consistently mean to them anyways.
Was there ever any doubt they WOULDN’T do it on camera?!?!?! Another huge pay check for them…. Someone’s (MTV) gotta pay that bar bill at the wedding!