‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans Found Not Guilty in Assault & Battery Case

If you’re going to chuck a glass at your ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend, apparently South Carolina is the state to do it in!

"Even I'm surprised!"
“Even I’m surprised!”

Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans learned this today after she was found not guilty of third-degree assault and battery by by a six-person jury in South Carolina.

The charges stemmed from an August 2015 incident in which Jenelle allegedly threw a mason jar full of water at the head of Jessica Henry, the current girlfriend of Jenelle’s ex, Nathan Griffith. Jenelle was arrested after the incident and requested a jury trial. She was facing up to 30 days in jail if she had been convicted.

Jenelle took to Twitter on Friday to reveal the verdict in the case.

“I’ll be happy to tell you first … Not guilty,” she tweeted.

Jenelle’s lawyer, Amy Lawrence, later confirmed the verdict to Radar Online.

“The trial is over and she was found not guilty,” Amy told the site.

Jenelle’s charges have been a big part of the current season of ‘Teen Mom 2.’ On this week’s episode, Nathan revealed that he was tired of Jenelle never having to pay for her assorted crimes. In the police report of the incident, Jenelle claimed she was in fear of Jessica and meant to only throw water at her, but accidentally threw the jar the water was in as well.

Although the assault and battery charges have been dropped, Jenelle will still be spending a lot of time around the courthouse. She is currently involved in custody battles for her two sons, Jace and Kaiser.

Jenelle will next be heading to Los Angeles to film the ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 7 Reunion this weekend. It’s unlikely that Nathan will attend the reunion, but he has yet to speak out about that, or the results of the trial.

(Photo: MTV)

32 Responses

  1. ‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars News & Update: Leah Messer Dating T.R. Dues Again; Jenelle Evans Returns To Drugs?
    Parent Herald -1 day agoAMP

  2. How does this chick keep getting away with everything? She has how many offences and almost all of them were dropped or dismissed. She thinks that this is going to help her get a surgical tech job? No way in Hell her business is all over the news and they take that into consideration. So she is screwed in that department. It’s unfortunate too cause I guess she is really book smart. She does have a really high IQ. What a waste!!!!

    1. She has a high iq?
      “Dude” are you sure?
      With words like “Dude” coming out of her mouth every 5 seconds, wondering if “Dramastically” is a word & correcting her genious boyfriend that she thinks its the Empire tower in NY not the Eiffel Tower.
      She must have cheated the test just like she cheats the justice system.

  3. Thank god the charges where dropped. Now she can continue her medical career. That was the only obstacle now she will be getting employment offers from everywhere.
    You know since no one will know she is trash

    1. She doesn’t need a medical career. She lives off her acting career. Acting to care about her kids and playing the victim for MTV and court sessions.
      She will sue someone over something and live on that money for a while when MTV leaves.

  4. Whoever Janelle is paying off/ praying to/ sacrificing virgins for is really working out for her. I’m surprised she doesn’t have custody of Jace too because girl is insanly lucky. I want to believe she’ll get hers in the end but sadly she probably won’t, life isn’t fair like that.

  5. How old is Jessica? She looks about 40 lol and its weird how she’s always laughing and smiling whenever she’s talking on camera. Nervous or excited for her 15 minutes?

    1. hahahahah omg i was thinking the same thing when i saw her on last weeks episode!! i thought she looked about 40s! …y can Nathan wear shirts that fit him….

  6. North Carolina is too busy worrying about what bathroom people piss in, rather than convict a real criminal.

    NC dropped the ball, as usual

  7. Should we take bets on when her and David get into a physical fight and they both get arrested ? I’m going to day within 6 weeks

    1. It is already written in the stars. (AKA filming for ratings). I mean COME ON!! How is this portraying how hard teen pregnancy is?

  8. I saw her yesterday with Kaiser and David. I’m still not used to her living in the same town as me and her working out and the gym I work at.

    1. Now’s your chance to throw a mason jar at her head. That’s not illegal where you live!

    1. Seriously, I hope so!

      No doubt she’ll re-offend…cos she’s Jenelle, she gots no class, and she’s yet to really learn a lesson…and then I prey the courts finally stick it to her good. If I were Nathan’s girlfriend (aside from getting my head tested for the mere fact of being his girlfriend!) I’d be absolutely fuming that anyone could get away with doing this without so much as a smack on the hand.

  9. For some unknown reason, Jenelle is never punished for her crimes. She admitted to the charges…how on earth was she found not guilty!?! I don’t get it!

  10. This girl gets away with everything lol….she must be performing some “favors” for some of the higher ups in the North Carolina judicial system because this is crazy. I know Nathan regrets the day he liked her profile on okCupid….he thought he was going to get on TV and be a reality star by dating/impregnating her and that completely backfired and he got stuck with the tornado that is Jenelle….and for that I can’t do anything but laugh HAHAHA!

  11. Nathan dropped the cyberstalking charges. Starcasm just posted an update article about that on their website. Jenelle shockingly enough has no pending charges against her for the first time in ever!

  12. Jenelle will contibue to act however she wants until the day she is held responsible and punished in a court of law.
    How ironic would it be if she were punished for something she actually didn’t do?
    I wonder when she and Dave will have a cop car out for their escalating DV. I wager before summer’s end.

  13. the charges weren’t dropped, you should change the headline! She was exonerated of the charges by a jury of her peers. Charges weren’t dropped.

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