MTV has finally heard our prayers and created what Teen Mom 2 fans have been asking for since we first met Jenelle Evans‘ mom, Barbara, back in 2010 during Jenelle’s episode of 16 and Pregnant. Yes, kids, that’s right– there is now a whole show devoted to Babs!
A few months ago, The Ashley told you that a Babs series was reportedly in the works— and now it’s here!
On Monday, MTV released a four-episode web series that shows Babs trying to find herself a man! A Bae for Babs shows our gal going out with several men, while MTV cameras captured it all! The web series shows Barbara’s quest for a boooooooyfriend of her own!
Barbara, who broke up with her longtime boyfriend, Mike, several years ago, has been single for a while, unlike her “bitch of a daughta” Jenelle who has been married and divorced, in addition to being engaged several times in the six years that we’ve been following her.
“I would never pick any boyfriend like Juh-nelle did!” Babs cackles in the first episode. “I haven’t been on the dating scene since the yeeeeahr 2000 so that’s like 16 yeaaahrs!”
Since The Ashley realizes that many of you aren’t able to watch the videos because you’re in other countries (and/or you’re supposed to be working but are instead on the Internet reading about ‘Teen Mom!’) so she will provide a brief recap of each of the videos.
Episode #1:
Barb meets up with 60-year-old Tom for a date at an oxygen bar. Babs is immediately impressed by Tom’s “characta” because he shows her photos of his grandbaby right away. The date continues and Babs cackles as she straps on an oxygen mask and starts to feel the effects.
“This is like….so weeeeird, man!” Babs tells us. “I feel like I’m on an aaaaairplane or somethin’!” (Honestly, it’s worth watching this video simply to see Babs make weird sounds while wearing an oxygen mask.)
Tom and Babs are feeling a bit “HIGH! HIGH!” after breathing in all that oxygen, but Barb says she enjoyed her date.
“It feels good to, ya know, go out and have an adult convaaaasation!” she tells us, as she rates that date an 8 out of 10.
Episode #2:
In the second episode, Barb heads to a painting place to meet up with 68-year-old retired teacher George. Barb tells her date that in addition to working at the “Waaaaaahlmart deli,” she is also an MTV reality star. George seems to have no idea who Babs is, which makes her happy.
Barb like George’s “sense a huma” and the fact that he likes to write poetry. Babs is in rare form on this date (most likely because they gave her wine!) She is impressed by how nice George is to her, and tells us that, sadly, it’s been over 35 years since a man has been that nice to her.
Barb rated this date an “eight and three quartas” out of 10!
Episode #3:
On episode 3, Babs meets up with 69-year-old body builder/dancer Gerald at a winery. (Gerald looks like he’s been lifting weights with Jenelle’s ex, Nathan, because he’s cut!) Gerald is a country boy, which intrigues Barb, because she’s never dated one before. (She has, however, seen them while working in “Waaaaahlmaaart.”)
Gerald says that his days are filled with gym workouts, and he starts flexing to prove it. Barb seems less-than-impressed (probably because he reminds her of an older version of “The Nathan!”) and is put off when Gerald starts to get handsy. Babs does, however, enjoy all the wine she’s getting, which is much better than the boxed wine she usually drinks at home.
Gerald is quite the card. He’s full of great lines.
“The more I drink, Barbara, the better you look!” he tells her. (Isn’t that what every girl dreams of hearing from her date?!)
By the end of the date, however, Gerald starts to grow on Babs. She rates the date an eight out of 10.
This video is worth watching to watch Gerald do some sort of dance/shake thing at the end of the date. Can we get this man his own show too, MTV?
Episode #4:
For her final blind date, Barb goes on a date with 73-year-old motivational coach Chuck. You know the date is going to be good because Babs starts it off with “Oh, hi….!” (It just doesn’t feel right for her not to say ‘Juh-nelle’ after ‘Oh, hi’ though.)
Babs and Chuck are going to be running a treetop obstacle course and doing some ziplining, which makes Barb nervous. Apparently, she doesn’t like to be up too “HIGH! HIGH!” but she’s willing to give it a shot. She gets across a bridge but isn’t having a great time. She starts to freak out and wants to leave the course, and is eventually sobbing in a tree.
Babs says the course was “haaaaaaribble” but her date enjoyed it. She eventually completes the kid’s course, and says she is open to seeing Chuck again in a different setting. She gives the date a 7.5 out of 10.
That’s all for the ‘Bae for Babes’ web-series (for now, anyway!) If you still haven’t had enough Barb, though, you can click here to watch the “Babs Breaks It Down” videos that MTV did last year!
(Photo & Video: MTV)
26 Responses
I would love for her to find someone AND see how hard it’s been for her never holding the child jack as a host and all the hard work of being a working mother at her age a day raising such a young child with the mental case she has for a daughter who obviously can’t live without a dramatic and violent lifestyle and men one after the other she needs spade like a cat!!! I want everyone to see when your senior how hard she loves thus child protects him dang jewellery hasn’t even been. There for the first day of school inoculation’s NOTHING…AND KNOCKED UP AGAIN …..WOW. ONE DAY POOR BARB WILL HAVE A HEART ATTACK FROM THAT DAUGHTER IT’S SO SAD LET’S SEE HER FIND HAPPINESS AND HOW RAISING. ‘S CHILD AT HER get effects the relationshipsame she gas,to have a life do thanks to her lovely jewellery no man in that age group wants senior full time mom! Shame on everyone criticizing her. I want a show of her side Ll she’s lost I want jewellery to have to be off 275,000.00 year and give Barbra chance to show her side and get some money too let jenelle work and see what the real world is and what it’s like to work for mone everyday and pay. BABY SITTERS DAY IN AND OUT REALLY….SHE’S A WASTE OF TIME AND SPACE HER 15 MINUTES ARE UP.SHE DRANK THEM SCREWED THEM BIRTHED THEM DITCHED THEM AND SMOKED UP ALL THE FREE TIME AND MONEY SHE EVER SHOULD GET THE REST OF CAST WORKS HARD FOR THEIR CHILDREN WHILE PAID FOR SHOW ….TUFF IF SHE DIDNT SAVE AND GYS USED HER FOR HER FAME AND MONEY SHE’S SO YESTERDAY AND I WANT TO SEE THIS BECOME A REAL TV SERIES FOR BARBARA AND ALL THE HATERS HAVE TO EAT IT! UNTIL THEY DROP JENELLE AND SHE HAS NO MONEY GUESS WHERE ALLLLLLL TE KIDS ARE GOING TO END UP??? DUH. IT’S NOT FAR I WISH ALL THE BEST TO THE OTHER CAST MEMBERS AND HOPE MTV Makes it permanent some people cNt watch online so unfair…get ready barb…were rallying for you doll!!!
When will these episodes air on mtv?
They need to give Butch a show too!
Yes let’s reward ex cons and druggies!
Ffs how stupid
Yes let’s reward the jail birds
Jesus Christ
Oh hi juunelle
I’ve got my own deal going for tv
These are fun and we all love to see more Barbara, but honestly I would not wish that family situation on any man. He’d get the world’s worst step daughter in Jenelle and don’t forget, Jace is probably going to turn into a monster in just a few years. No thank you.
MTV had a missed opportunity by bringing out the big guns and setting Babs up with Butch for her final date
Butch would loose his parole for sure, so why inflict Jenelle and her madness on him?
Hell no that’s a huge mistake
They should hook her up on a date with Butch. THAT would be so great!
Nooo. We all have a soft spot for Butch because he’s ridiculous. But Babs deserves better than a domestic abuser, honestly
Ah god no, butch would be back in jail, for assaulting David, I’d not inflict poor butch on that family ( as much as I like babs) I’d not want him getting mixed up in Jenelles drug and arrest situations.
I love Bab’s. I’ll never understand how Jenelle can be so mean to her. She’s such an awesome lady.
I can’t stand Barbara she is awful to both Jenelle and Jace. Jenelle wasn’t born as messed up as she is it was years of bad parenting that made her that way.
I don’t know why you’re so heavily downvoted, because you are absolutely correct. I admit, i love watching Barbara because of the comedic aspect, but I also think she gets a great edit. Jenelle is awful, but her two siblings seem to be equally as bad. Seriously, for those interested, do some digging— the sister had a YouTube channel that was filled with 40 minute videos of the most bizarre rambling, and has issues almost identical to Jenelle, especially in the man department. Barbara really screwed up raising them, and she’s repeating the cycle with Jace, as Jenelle is as well. The kid needs SERIOUS counseling, which he’s not getting. Barbara is always screaming. Was it good that she took Jace? Yes, I think it’s the lesser of two evils. But it’s blatantly obvious by Jenelle and her siblings that there were CHRONIC parenting missteps, and poor Jace is on the road to destruction. I think Barbara has good intentions, but she probably had crappy parents as well. It’s a terrible cycle unless you are able to recognize it, get help. and break it.
I agree.
Even tho I do like Barbra
Hope she finds happiness
Haha that’s totally me, in a different country at work looking at Teen Mom……living the dream. Babs sounds legendary, I hope I can find it here soon………great updates, love reading your recaps. Cheers
I’ve only seen the first episode but this is amazing. Babs <3. I'm holding out hope she goes on a Skype date with parole Butch.
Surprised Jenelle isn’t involved. I wonder why Jenelle was being nice to Barb lately! Trying to jump to the next show if Mtv doesn’t bring back Teen mom 2.
Gotta love Barbra
I think it’s admirable she took in Jace, but I think that child should have been adopted when he was a baby, so he could have ad a decent start In life, I like Barbra, but she and Jenelle are toxic and the child already has issues because of the atmosphere he lives in, he has miss treated Barbara animals and has major psychological problems, I feel he’ll have a life of drugs jail and worse, this poor kid needs counselling before he changed into his mom and has a rap sheet bigger than Garry’s ( Garry Shirley) waistline
Pmsl@ Garry’s waistline ?????
But for sure jace had major problems poor boy
Lol poor Garry
Love your comment well said.
Pmsl at the bit about Garry tho ??????