New ‘Arranged Life’ Series to Give Updates on ‘Arranged’ Season 1 Couples

"We're still around!"
“We’re still around!”

Wondering what’s become of the three couples we met on the first season of Arranged? You’re in luck: the FYI Network will be catch us up on what’s been happening in the lives of the three couples since we last saw them!

Fans of the show, which follows three couples who have been matched by their families as they get married and begin a life together, can catch up with the couples via the new series Arranged Life.

According to TV Ruckus, the video series will show the couples- Maria and ChristianMegan and Josh, and Ragini and Veeral–as they take over the cameras to document their daily life.

The first episode of ‘Arranged Life’ will air right before the premiere of ‘Arranged’ Season 2 on May 10, according to TV Ruckus. A second episode will immediately follow the Season 2 premiere on the same night.

After the premiere, an episode will air once a week at 8:55 p.m. on Tuesdays.

Although The Ashley has been unable to find any additional information on the show (such as if it will be a full series, or how many episodes there will be), Christian’s parents retweeted the info on their Twitter account to confirm the news.

The new season of ‘Arranged’ will introduce us to three new couples: Orthodox Jewish couple Vicki and Ben, Southern couple Taylor and David, and Maneka and Mayur, who were arranged by their traditional East Indian parents.

Watch the Season 2 trailer below:

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    I am excited to hear the updates. Really anxious for the updated show to air, I loved the original!!

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