UPDATE: Former ‘Voice’ Finalist Christina Grimmie Dead After Being Shot After Her Concert

Christina-Grimmie-Voice-Top-12Christina Grimmie, a finalist on the sixth season of The Voice in 2014, has died after being shot during a meet-and-greet with fans after her concert this evening. She was 22.

Authorities have confirmed that Christina was shot at close range by an unidentified man. She was signing autographs when the man walked up to her and opened fire.

“It is with a heavy heart that we can confirm that Christina has passed and went home to be with the Lord,” her rep said in a statement released to the press. “She was shot at her show in Orlando and, unfortunately, didn’t survive the gun shot wounds. We ask at this time that you respect the privacy of her family and friends in their time of mourning. If you’d like to give back to Christina’s family in her memory, please consider donating to the families GoFundMe page in their time of need.”

Although it hasn’t been confirmed how many times Christina was shot, Orlando Sgt. Wanda Miglio said in a news conference that Christina’s brother tackled the man, who then turned the gun on himself. He died from his injuries.

Authorities are calling Christina’s brother a hero because he was able to stop the man from hurting anyone else.

Christina was rushed to Orlando Regional Medical Center, where she remains.

A fan who was at the meet and greet posted a photo of herself with Christina that was taken moments before the shooting. In the comments of her Instagram post, the fan claimed that she watched Christina “get taken away in the ambulance.”

Christina was a YouTube sensation before starring on ‘The Voice.’ She finished in third place during her season, and was a member of Team Adam.

The official Twitter account for ‘The Voice’ posted a message regarding the shooting.

“We are heartbroken. @TheRealGrimmie is a loved member of our family. Our thoughts are with her and her family. #PrayForChristina,” the account tweeted after news of the shooting broke.

The Ashley will update this story when more information becomes available.

Christina posted the video below just hours before concert:

(Photo: NBC)

10 Responses

  1. I just want to say even though I did not really know her she is a big part of my life because she is an inspiration to me and she is such a wonderful person that I don’t know why that man would do that to her!! I love her so much and I bless her family and her! I am so so so sorry for your lost!

  2. Barbara's Home for Abandoned children created with soulmate of the day #justlikethenotebook says:

    She had such a beautiful voice. What a senseless tragedy.

  3. I am so so sad… Used to listen to her covers a lot. I can’t believe someone would do this

  4. Very very sad. I’m not a voice fan, but recently stumbled across their audition videos on YouTube and she was one of 4 who actually really stood out. this is just awful news, I’ll keep her family in my thoughts today 🙁

  5. Jesus Christ. I don’t know what I can say that nobody else has or will. This always hurts, but having heard her sing before and knowing how gifted she was makes the horror of it all a bit more tangible 🙁

    Also, I believe she has 2 million, not 200 million YouTube subscribers. I don’t think anyone has 200 million.

  6. No words,only tears..what world is this where we live in?RIP beautyful singer,and my thougth’s are with her family.

  7. I can’t believe this. What a senseless act to take this young woman’s life. Really what is the world coming to? I have always been a fan of hers since I saw her on the voice and she had such great talent. It saddens me that someone could just take her life at the tender age of 22. Prayers to her family. Rest in peace Christina.

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