Get ready for the made-for-TV wedding special because…another Duggar girl is courting!
Duggar Daughter No. 4, Jinger, took to the family’s website last night to introduce us to her new man, 28-year-old Jeremy Vuolo. Jinger announced that she and Jeremy are officially courting which, in Duggar speak, means dating with the purpose of getting married. She is the third Duggar girl to court, following the paths of her older sisters Jill and Jessa, who both got married in 2014.)
Jinger has always been one of the more outspoken Duggar sisters. She loves coffee and photography, and in one episode a few years ago she said her dream was to live in a big city. Well, it looks like that dream may come true, as she’s landed herself a (former) professional soccer player with the San Antonio Scorpions!
Jinger didn’t reveal much about Jeremy’s background in the courtship announcement video, except that she met Jeremy last May, and that she “first saw his heart” when they completed a mission trip together.
Anyway, after meeting and making eyes at each other on the mission trip, Jeremy called up Jinger’s dad, Jim Bob, and asked permission to get to know his adult daughter. All went well and here we are anxiously awaiting another made-for-TV Duggar wedding.
Here are a few more things we’ve been able to find out about Jeremy:
- He grew up in Pennsylvania (far from the Duggars’ home state of Arkansas) and is the son of a pastor. It appears that his father is currently the pastor of a church in Maryland.
- He is an educated man. He attended Hartwick College in Oneonta, New York, but graduated from Syracuse University. He was the goalkeeper for the Syracuse soccer team and was named MVP during his senior year.
- He no longer plays soccer. People reports that after college, Jeremywent on to play pro soccer in Finland for the AC Oulu and eventually signed with Major League Soccer’s New York Red Bulls in 2012. He took a brief break from soccer to pursue ministry but returned in 2013 to play for the San Antonio Scorpions of the North American Soccer League. He resigned from the team in 2014 after completing his mission trip in the Philippines.
- He’s tall! Jeremy measures an impressive 6 feet, 3 inches, nearly a head above Jinger!
- He is an ordained pastor. In a video made for Athletes in Action, a sports ministry, Jeremy talks about his faith. “My identity needs to be in something that’s never going to change, and that’s Jesus Christ,” he said. “It begins and ends with having that foundation in Christ, finding my identity not in my skills on the field, not in the person that I am, not in the relationships I have, not in the accomplishments or how people perceive me, but having my identity found in the person of Jesus Christ and who he is and what he did for me and his unconditional love for me.”
- He’s good friends with Jessa and her husband, Ben Seewald. “I was initially friends with Ben and Jessa, and it was through them that I got to meet Jinger,” Jeremy told People. “We are very excited to begin this journey together.”
- Jessa regularly shares videos on her YouTube account that feature Jeremy. He was in a Duggar family video in April celebrating Jason’s’ 16th birthday. In the video, he can be seen giving Jason some advice. “Jason happy birthday,” he said. “My charge to you as a young man is keep your gaze fixed upon Christ. Keep your gaze upon Christ, keep your eyes there, fight every day for your affections to be towards Jesus first, and then the other things will fall into place.”
TLC has made no announcements yet, but it’s safe to say that we can probably expect a “Jinger Duggar Wedding Special” sometime in the near future!
Watch the courtship announcement video below:
(Photo: TLC)
20 Responses
Oh great, another Duggar girl is allowed to finger f**k while her beau is driving a car.
This one throws me off. He went to a normal college and was an athlete. Any chance he doesn’t have a “sinful” past and is more edgy than other Duggar mates? I mean, it’s probably a good thing if so! Just on the surface he doesn’t seem like a typical Duggar choice…
No he is super uber Christian like them too. His father is a pastor and he quit playing soccer to “focus on God”. I think he is officially a preacher too.
Dear lord…
That’s about all can muster up about this “courtship”.
As for me, I believe I am unwell. This is worse than rubbernecking. I’m flat out staring in confusion at this entire family, head tilted, eyes squinted, and all. I may need professional help.
Hey, maybe the Duggar’s know someone that’s a professional rubbernecker that can give me some pointers on how to be a better rubbernecker..err..I mean, act like I’m not a rubbernecker and pretend its just some sick addiction that he’s helping me through. You know, pray the rubernecking away, sort of thing. They seem really good at finding professionals like that.
I am going to be so giddy the day one of the Duggar children decide to fly the coop, solo, or with someone “unapproved”. Hey, we all know it’s happening, at some point. It’s going to be great to watch them wonder wtf is going on,for once…instead of the audience.
I am waiting for one of the kids to run off with a minortiy of some sort. I bet one of them will meet a very Christian, well rounded and educated, who comes from a good family African American or Latino and I gaurentee good ol JimBob will not allow it on some stupid reason. Or one of them will fall in love with someone who doesn’t fall under their strict Christian upbringing and runaway with them.
I agree I thought Jinger would be the one to do this!!! Strange how they are courting off their daughters so quickly but not their sons. I know Josiah did a courtship but a few of their sons are of “marrying age” and no courtships at all. I don’t think they are really trying to marry off Janna casue who would raise the kids? The Bates did a similar with Michella. The other kids seemed to have help from their parents when it came to courting. But it seemed like she did it all on her own and they courted for over a year before they even got engaged which is really long for them. Too in the episodes leading up to her wedding it seemed like the parents and younger kids were guilt tripping her hard core for leaving them.
I think Jana may be a lesbian. Or just very independent.
I think Jana is TIRED of living her mother’s life by raising her parents kids, plus her niece’s and nephews, since she was younger than Jordyn. I hope she’s not in a relationship by choice. Not because her parents are lazy jerks, who refuse to raise their own children, clean and run their own home…
But, let’s be real here..
Jimbob and Michelle ARE that lazy, and don’t really seem to value the well-being of their kids, particularly their daughters.
I think she met someone and for whatever reason it got shut down my her dad so she is pissed. Or she is seeing someone and her parents don’t approve.
Bang goes his career, getting involved in this farcical family
Oh poor Jana. Now she and Joy have to run the house just the 2 of them.
He is so normal!! I am kinda surprised by this
If he’s a “friend” of Ben’s, he’s anything but “normal”…
Definitely an upgrade from Ben. At least he’s an adult. Derick was an educated man also but now he looks like a hobo and lives in a hut in South America. Who knows what’s in store for Jeremy!
At least this one is educated and has a job!! I was for sure this o e was going to marry one out of the realm. At least she will get out of bumfuck Arkansas.
I think you mean “had” a job, not “has.” It just said that he resigned from his soccer career after coming back from a mission trip. So although he is still educated, he now has no job….just like the rest of them.
Except he actually has money, has skill, and may not necessarily *need* a job right now. Not that I’m at all for their “courtship via publicity” scheme they have going here…or that I think he’s necessarily down to earth either. But, not having a job isn’t exactly a deal breaker when you have your own income, not to mention the intelligence necessary, to fall back on. Neither Ben, nor Derick, really have either to fall back on, at least not at this point. They’re all relying on the bank of Duggar, for everything.
Instant favorite Duggar couple