“16 and Pregnant” Season 5 Star Millina Kacmar Suffers Miscarriage of Second Child

millina-kacmarLast month, 16 and Pregnant Season 5 star Millina Kacmar excitedly announced that she was expecting her second child (and possibly third child, as her doctor suspected she may have been carrying twins). Millina has since given The Ashley an unfortunate update on the pregnancy, confirming that she suffered a miscarriage recently, eight weeks into her pregnancy.

Last week, Millina found out that her baby had no heartbeat. A day after finding out the tragic news, Millina had a dilation and curettage (D&C), a surgical procedure done after a miscarriage to remove the contents of the uterus.

Millina told The Ashley that she’s heartbroken, but is finding comfort by spending extra time with her son Kayden, who is now almost three, as well as her fiance Dylan.

“Having Kayden makes this a lot easier,” Millina told The Ashley. “If I didn’t have Kayden right now I don’t know what I would do.”

Millina said her mother plans to take the baby’s sonogram photo and turn it into a shooting star tattoo for Millina.

(Photo: MTV)

7 Responses

  1. Who even knew there was a part 5 of 16 and pregnant? Don’t get me wrong having a miscarriage is a very sad situation, as I know personally. But who is still trying to make this girl and a part 5 of a series relevant?

  2. How sad, I. Can’t imagine telling the whole world you’re pregnant then having to say you lost it.

  3. I feel bad for her. I don’t remember if this was a planned pregnancy or not losing a child that you would have eventually given birth to is one of many horrible things some people go through. I have never had it happen to me but I can emagine what heartache a person at any age would have. At least she is not alone. Hoping she has positive thoughts and supportive people around her.

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