TLC Renews “90 Day Fiance” & Reveals Plans to Introduce Another “90 Day Fiance” Spin-Off Show

"Maybe you can teach them some of your gold-digging tricks?"
“Maybe you can teach them some of your gold-digging tricks?”

Viewers just can’t seem to get enough 90 Day Fiancé, and TLC is making sure to capitalize on that!

According to The Wrap, TLC is about to introduce 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days, a spin-off that shows the couples beginning the K-1 Visa process, and getting to know each other.

“The newest addition to the franchise will follow couples who have an existing relationship online, but haven’t met in person. Viewers will experience their journey as they travel to the other’s foreign country for the first time to establish a relationship,” The Wrap reports. “The couples will begin the K-1 Visa process, for which the U.S. government recommends at least a five-week relationship to prove they are a legitimate couple.”

We’ve seen the couples get married, and we’ve watched as they live through their first year of marriage, and now TLC is hoping that viewers will want to see the process that leads up to the couples’ engagements.

Earlier this year, the first spin-off—90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After premiered to great ratings. That show follows some of the original show’s most popular couples during their first year of marriage and… it’s a doozy! Just as TLC had hoped, viewers have tuned in to watch couples like Melanie and her now-husband Devar trying to make their life in Pennsylvania while still supporting his family in Jamaica. (The show also follows the show’s most-memorable and dramatic couple, Danielle and Mohammed. Their relationship could make for a whole other show, though!)

In addition to the premiere of “90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days,” fans of the show can look forward to yet another season of both “90 Day Fiancé” and “90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After.” Both shows have been renewed by TLC, according to The Wrap.

It’s no surprised that the network wants more “90 Day Fiancé.” The Wrap reported that both the original show and ‘Happily Ever After’ have averaged 1.6 million viewers and have season-high ratings among the female demographic.

This proves one thing: we ladies love watching a train wreck in action!

Both “90 Day Fiancé” and “90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After” air on Sunday nights on TLC.

(Photo: TLC)

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15 Responses

  1. 0
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    Danielle got what she deserved imo. She really thought this good looking, MUCH YOUNGER man was in love with her? Of COURSE he did it for a green card. All these people who rob the cradle are stupid old fools and get what’s coming to them!

  2. 5
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    I love this show. I can’t stand Anfisa. That said, she may be a 2 dollar hooker gold digger but at least shes an honest one. He is the one that made her all kinds of promises and broke them. Shes been honest that it’s all about money and stuff the whole time.

    1. 10
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      So true. He promised her a lavish lifestyle and basically tricked her into moving with him. She left her family and life thinking that she was going to marry a millionaire, and he’s definitely not a millionaire. He has money, but not nearly as much as he lead her to believe. I can appreciate Anfisa’s honestly and I don’t feel bad for Jorge. She has let him know her motives from the very beginning, and for whatever reason he thinks she’s faking or something…I dunno what else she can possibly do to show him that she is only using him for his money, and their relationship is not going to last…so until he gets his self esteem together, or grows a brain and tells her to kick rocks, Jorge gets no sympathy from me.

  3. 9
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    I just hope that Anfisa comes back. Say what you want about her, but the girl has shown her true colors….she has told Jorge time and time again that if it weren’t for his money, she wouldn’t be anywhere near him and he keeps coming back like “I know she really loves me”…LOL. I would be good with a show about Jorge and Anfisa and Mohammad and Danielle….that reunion last night was something else. When he said he wouldn’t be intimate with her because she smelled, I almost threw up in my mouth.

  4. 10
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    These shows are my dirty little secret. I love watching this crap! I’ll most likely watch the new spin off. Because I just can’t get enough of all the stupid that is this crazy show.

  5. 5
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    I feel like going through the TV and punching Danielle in the throat for being so stupid and weak. While he wanted a green card, she wanted a man to come here to take care of her financial problems. …they BOTH used each other and the system….I’m tired of her fake ass tears….grow up!

  6. 2
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    People love watching this show because it’s like watching a train wreck! I think it’s so sad. Poor Danielle really thought she would be HAPPY. I feel sorry for them, I really hope some of them find the happiness they crave with out suffering too bad. But I can’t see much good coming from this dog and pony show.

    1. 6
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      yea Danielle’s story has got to be the worst. She wants a man so badly and she’s letting Mohammad run all over her….She needs to divorce him and move on because he totally used her. But in the same breath, Danielle seems a little nuts. Mohammad says she keeps stalking him and I believe it…plus on their season she lied a lot about money and seemed pretty annoying.

  7. 4
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    How “real” can the evolution of a couple’s relationship be, if they know they’re being filmed for a TV show? Totally bogus – it will all be manufactured.

  8. 0
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    Is this an advertisement for women to contact you since you put your name, city, zip code and email in your message? Darn…you must be desperate lol…lol. Please learn to use spell check too…lol

  9. 7
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    I love Happily Ever After 🙂

    Side note: Jorge, please don’t marry Anfisa! She’s using you, this is OBVIOUS. She’s pretty much told you this!

    1. 5
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      lol not even “pretty much told you this”….she has flat out said that she’s with him for his money LOL…you can’t be mad at her, she’s told him time and time again she’s with him for financial gain and he doesn’t believe her or something. Just hope he signs a prenup!

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