Teen Mom 3 star Briana DeJesus announced her second pregnancy earlier this month and, at the time, made it clear that she was hoping she was carrying a baby boy. It looks like the ‘Teen Mom’ stork had other plans, though!
In a series of social media posts, Briana showed photos from her recent gender reveal party. Included in the photos was a slice of pink cake, indicating that the baby Briana is carrying is a girl.
“Another one!” Briana captioned the cake photo.
The baby will join Briana’s five-year-old daughter, Nova, whom she gave birth to during the fourth season of 16 and Pregnant. While Nova’s father is Briana’s ex Devoin Austin, Briana has yet to reveal who fathered the baby she is currently pregnant with.

Briana has been posting photos of her ever-growing baby bump to social media, including one recent shot of her tummy that she captioned, “I love you already.”
Although Briana had initially said she was hoping to have a boy, she seems to be excited for her second baby girl.
“Pink everything,” Briana recently tweeted, along with, “Another queen to take over my life.”
Nova is also anxiously awaiting the birth of her little sister.
“My baby girl will be a big sister and she’s so excited,” Briana recently said. “She puts her ear on my belly and tells me she hears the baby calling her name. She tells me she’s gonna stay up at night just to help me.”
The ‘Teen Mom 3’ star stated that she already has a named picked out for the baby.
In addition to Briana, three other girls from the fourth season of “16 and Pregnant” are currently pregnant. Katie Yeager, Sarah Roberts and Hope Harbert are all due to give birth this year. (Sarah and Katie are having girls, while Hope has not yet announced the gender of her baby.)
Briana is due to give birth in July.
(Photos: VH1, Snapchat)
36 Responses
Is it true that her mom and sister pretty much raise her daughter?
You just know that picture of her belly was taken while she was laying on the couch. Probably while her mommy was giving her a bath!
Those teen mom 3 girls are seriously something else….I dunno who’s flightier….her or Mackenzie
Another dejesus man-hater! ?
At least she’s taking responsibility and not having an abortion like jenelle. I respect that!
Honestly, I think it was more responsible of Jenelle to have the abortion. If one doesn’t have a job, doesn’t parent their already existing kids, and doesn’t have a stable life to raise the child in, an abortion is more responsible than having a child in the above circumstances.
She isn’t going to be raising it tho!! Her mom will, just like she raises the other kid, taking responsibility would have been using birth control, don’t you think!!!!
Baby’s sex, not gender. Gender is a social construct, sex is biological.
All that surgery for nothing.
I’ve been saying the exact same thing !
I think there’s more of a chance of Nova staying up all night with this baby than Brianna.
I ? percent agree! Scary to think of Briana having another kid! She still lives with her mom! She hasn’t done shit with her life!
That family is sort of like a witches coven. There’s not a dude in sight. She will probably have like 6 girls who will have 6 girls each. And so on and so forth.
Father’s Day must be so confusing in that house.
I wonder if she’s going to have a couch birth?
Lol good one ??
I can’t stand this girl, why is she still trying to be relevant !!!
Is it bad I get some sort of enjoyment out of when a parent is so vocal on having one gender, and then end up with the other? Just like Tyler’s face when New Carly was a girl. Don’t have a baby if you just want a certain gender people. Briana can lie all she wants now on how excited she is, but her baby is still going to see how deeply she wanted something else. Whatever happened to being happy either way?
Completely agree! I’m a children’s hospice nurse. I had 3 boys when I got pregnant for the third time (have a set of boy twins) I didn’t find out the gender I assumed I would have a 4th boy was fine with that as I love my boys. Other people seemed to need for me to want a boy I said I don’t mind either way I just want to be blessed with a healthy baby, which I was…. a beautiful daughter. And do you know what she pooped and cried exactly like the boys. Wish people would just enjoy what they are fortunate enough to have. I have seen parents lose their children it’s heartbreaking
Infinite respect for you and your career. <3
I couldn’t agree more with your comment.
C, respect to you ????
We had similar C. We had 2 girls and when I was pregnant with my 3rd everyone assumed we would want a boy but I was happy either way. We didn’t find out the gender and the doctors were shocked when I wanted my tubes tied during the section because they thought that if I found out it was a girl I would change my mind. We ended up having a girl and having my tubes tied and I have no regrets and love my 3 girls more than anything. Who cares the gender, you’ll love your baby either way.
HEALTHY baby…should matter MORE than the sex of the baby-js!!
I have two girls and I would love to have a boy. However, I would actually expect another girl since that seems to be what my husband produces. The baby will be loved regardless and I have some wonderful names choice either way.
I agree with you Sammy??
agreed. i get a weird joy if someone says “think pink!” and they end up with all boys. You should only care that they are healthy. I had triplets and didnt even find out the genders because it didnt matter to me. They ended up all the same and i love them to pieces!! so glad i never found out because it made delivery that much more exciting.
New Carly ????
Real classy their girl two babies under the age of 25 with two different fathers. I love how these girls are all “I am not going to be a statistic teen mom” and then most of them are.
I don’t understand why there are so many young woman who can’t keep a job, a stable relationship plus their knees together and don’t protect themselves against pregnancies and nasty diseases.
Not saying young women should keep their knees together until they are married but djeez girls, protect yourself and your child to be. Pick the right guy to father your child to be, not a random one.
I don’t really care if a woman decides to have a million babies with a million different fathers. As long as she’s a good, responsible mother who takes care of her kids and make sure they are raised in a healthy and happy environment…Obviously, this is NOT the case here. Woman who can’t even take proper care of their existing children should just keep their legs closed.
I just am sick and tired of paying my hard earned money to the government, and these skanks collecting it in welfare benefits.
You breed it, YOU feed it.
I did, most of them don’t.
8 teen mom welfare claimers down voted you? Shame those 8 don’t get off their asses and get jobs and pay their own way in life, im sick I’d working my fingers to the bone to feed Lazy bastards that can’t close their legs and get some financial security behind them before adding to their families.
( rant over)
Sure Gaby, I have a single mom by sperm donor in my family. She is working and raising her child by herself (well, apart from daycare when she is working, obviously but she works for the same daycare). She has a stable job and life. All the power to her.
Especially as she has had the guts to say that she wanted a child really bad and got pregnant by a donor, not some random dude walking in and out of the child’s life.