Fundies rejoice! Jessa Duggar Seewald has added another child to her ever-growing litter!
The Counting On star and her husband Ben Seewald announced via People that Jessa gave birth to their second child– a son– early Monday morning. The baby boy, whose name has not yet been released, joins his brother Spurgeon, 15 months.
“We are so happy to announce the arrival of our sweet second son,” the couple told the magazine in a statement. “He was born at 4:26 a.m. this morning, weighing 8 lbs. and 11 oz., and measuring 21 3/4 inches long. Mom and baby are both doing well. We are so thankful to God for this precious new gift of life and are excited to be a family of four! Thanks to everyone for your prayers and well wishes!”
It is not known if Jessa had a home birth, or if she gave birth in a hospital. Typically, the Duggar girls strive to give birth at home (and in Anna Duggar‘s case, on the toilet), but both Jessa and her sister Jill Dillard had to go to the hospital for the births of their first kids, due to complications. (Jessa gave birth at home to Spurgeon, but had to be rushed to the hospital afterward due to excessive bleeding.)
Jill is currently pregnant with her second child. She and husband Derick Dillard recently announced that they, too, are having another boy.
Jessa and Ben have not yet announced the name of Baby Seewald. When Spurgeon was born, the couple waited nearly a week to announce the [unfortunate] name they had chosen for their son. While they have stated that they will likely not subscribe to the Duggar family habit of choosing names for their kids that all begin with the same letter, Jessa and Ben have said that they may continue to name their babies after prominent Christian leaders.
Baby No-Name will likely not be the last child for the couple. In the past, Ben and Jessa have expressed their desire to adopt children, and they are also sticking to the typical Duggar birth control regiment: not using any birth control and “allowing God to decide” how many children they will have.
Click here to see the first photo of Baby Seewald No. 2!
(Photo: TLC)
18 Responses
Also- if you’ve been conditioned from day one to be a baby machine and know you’re going to have a billion kids- wouldn’t you have a few names on a short list? How hard can that be? It’s literally the only thing these girls will ever accomplish! Maybe pick a few you like so you’re ready to go next time around!
I used to like Ben and Jessa, now I just think she is a narcissist. She always has to find a way to shine her own light, understandable in such a large family, but she is a grown woman now with no need to compete with anyone. It’s so annoying the way she thinks she is stringing us all along with the gender reveal and name reveal. Guess what? No one cares and you just come off as petty and immature. It doesn’t give off a “fun, mysterious” vibe, it gives off a “I may be carrying the next Messiah and my child is so special that I need all attention on me” vibe.
Name your kid whatever you like. Wait till he’s six- no one is sitting on the edge of their seat for that info. No one cares.
Congrats. . just hoping baby gets a name soon. Jessa always seems to stand out
She can’t kiss Ben at wedding in front of everyone. . she had to go to Paris for honeymoon . .she can’t announce baby’s gender (twice). . and can’t seem to find a name for her children until weeks later. . what did she do for 9 months? She always has to be different and be center of attention. So annoying.!
Shout out to Jill for stealing baby Seewald’s thunder and spilling her baby’s gender in advance of her nephew’s birth haha
Watch her keep to the SP theme and name this poor kid “Specond”
Just as horrific as his brothers name with no explanations needed! 😉
Haha specond, good one! ?
I was thinking Spartacus. LOL
He’s a beautiful baby! Congrats to Jessa & Ben.
What is the matter with you? And when did two children become a litter? You are a seriously a hateful old bag. I bet your ovaries are dry and rock hard.
“I bet your ovaries are dry and rock hard”? I think it’s you who is the hateful old bag. And plenty of other things I won’t say because I am a kind and decent human being. It’s a blog. If you don’t like it, go elsewhere.
Keep doing what you do, The Ashley! I really enjoy your site.
Seriously? How do you not understand what kind of blog this is by now???
From the background of the picture I bet she gave birth at home. Also, I guess it is socially acceptable to them to have pedicures? Or did one of her sisters have to paint her nails for her ((like they will have to do night wake ups for her))
He’s cute, but there’s no prayer that he won’t end up with a name he won’t want to change the second he turns 18.
The level of snark in this article gives me life…
I’m glad it’s another boy. With this family’s unhealthy view of women, I hope they continue on having them. Mackynzie and Meredith (Josh’s daughters) are already doomed.
Can’t wait to find out the name of that poort kid
Time to get started on # 3.
As long as they continue to have children, TLC will employ them. They make a good living off the reality show.