EXCLUSIVE! ‘Brother Husbands’ Star Chad Liston Answers Questions About His Family & the Possibility of More Reality TV

Chad (left), with his wife Amanda and his co-husband Jeremy…

The recent TLC special Brother Husbands left a lot of viewers in shock.. and with plenty of questions!

The special showcased Amanda Liston, a woman who is married to two men– Chad and Jeremy. The trio raise their kids as siblings and live as one big family unit. ‘Brother Husbands’ did well in the ratings, and started quite the firestorm on social media when it aired on February 5.

While the special touched on the family’s dynamic, it failed to answer many viewers’ questions. In an exclusive interview with The Ashley, the family’s first husband, Chad Liston, answers all of the questions you may have regarding his family and the future of ‘Brother Husbands!’

“We felt like our family’s story was worth telling,” Chad explained. “We know there are many ‘modern families’ out there, especially ones that aren’t defined by patriarchy and monogamy, and we wanted to be a part of starting those conversations for people who may have never seen a family like this before.”

Chad said that, naturally, most people want to know about the sexual dynamic of his marriage.

“I think it’s easy to over-sexualize our relationship because of the unique make up of it,” Chad told The Ashley. “We are probably much more boring than you think!”

Chad answered more of the frequently asked questions he’s been getting since ‘Brother Husbands’ aired.

Q: Who’s having sex in the family? Are you and Jeremy having sex together, as well as with Amanda?

Chad: Jeremy and I do not have a sexual relationship with one another! Jeremy has his own relationship with Amanda as do I.

Q: Isn’t it weird to know that some other guy is having sex with your wife?

Chad: When we are all in a good spot and trusting and communicating well, I can honestly say, no it doesn’t [feel weird]. It’s a choice we all made. It doesn’t mean it’s always easy….but I love and trust them. I don’t feel threatened by love.

Q: Do you try to hold back affection toward Amanda when the other husband is present?

Chad: We try not to limit expressions of love no matter who is around. Love should be shared and enjoyed always, and we do our best to support that for each other.

I think jealousy happens in all relationships. I don’t feel like ours has any sort of abnormal amount. Considering our setup, I think we handle those issues pretty well! I also think that is something we are constantly working on figuring out. Especially as men, we have been raised with a certain mindset and expectations placed on us by society. A lot of those are in direct conflict with the way we now live.

Chad, Amanda and Jeremy, and their five kids during the filming of ‘Brother Husbands’…

Q: How do the pregnancies work? Does the other husband have a say when Amanda wants to get pregnant by one man?

Chad: There were many discussions prior to the babies being conceived about the babies and what that meant. I was a part of the decisions being made and we all tried our best to listen to one another and respect everyone’s wishes while still being honest. I was very excited for them to have a baby! We never expected it to be three!

Q: Will you be adding any more children to the family? Or any more spouses? 

Chad: I don’t know how I would feel about that. With the babies it’s really hard to even consider adding any more members to our huge family. We all feel pretty happy…for now.

Q: Do you consider yourself married to both Amanda and Jeremy? Or just Amanda?

Chad: I consider Jeremy my co-husband. We clearly are a family unit and my relationship with him matters just as much to me as my relationship with Amanda. They just are very different relationships. I would recommend the book Sex at Dawn [link at the bottom of this story]. I especially look to that book as the template for how I operate within my family.

Q: Do you feel this relationship dynamic will have any sort of negative impact on the family’s five kids as they get older? 

Chad: We have some fears and worries that our relationship will impact them negatively. We would be naive or lying to not admit that. But I don’t think we have any more than any parent has for their kids. I think, and really believe this, that it takes a village.

I was raised in a home that had adopted and foster kids. So I have a huge family myself with many siblings not biologically related to me in anyway, but they are my people and my tribe. It made me a better person and I have no doubt the same will be said by all of our kids when they are adults. At least I hope!

[My sons]  never had, nor have any issues [with our marriage]. I love seeing their special relationships with their second daddy, and I love the relationships I’ve made with the triplets.

Q: How does your marriage compare to the marriages of the Brown family of ‘Sister Wives?’

Chad: They seem very separate with each couple having their own private relationships and ways to operate. The three of us operate as a triad, not as two couples. We share finances, we make all decisions together…but at the end of the day we both look to Amanda as the leader of our family. We also did not do this for any type of religious reasons, as none of us are religious any more.

Q: Amanda had so many different hair colors and styles during ‘Brother Husbands!’ Does she wear wigs?

Chad: She doesn’t wear a wig but sometimes has extensions in. We filmed over a period of time, and I’m a hair stylist so we change her color often.

Q: What do you wish people knew about your family?

Chad: We have kids, job, bills just like everyone else. We love and we fight. We just have an extra person around to love and be loved by. And because of him I have the girls in my life and my boys have sisters. It’s really lovely, so not matter the question I’m proud of my family and how it looks.

Q: Will TLC be turning ‘Brother Husband’ into a full series?

Chad: We don’t have any firm answer on that yet! Our family is totally willing to do more, but at the end of the day that’s up to TLC and the viewers demands and response to the special. Let TLC know you want more if you do!


In the meantime, you can follow along with Chad and his family on social media at @BrotherHubsChad on Twitter and @brotherhusbandchad on Instagram!

13 Responses

  1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I’m a man and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a woman married to two men, as I can somewhat relate. In high school, me and another guy dated the same girl for over two years and we both fell in love with her. However, the one and only time the three of us got into bed together, it did not end well as me and the co-boyfriend ended up in a wrestling match due to the natural jealousy. The relationship eventually fizzled out due to many reasons, but I always spent a lot of time wondering if we both ended up marrying her, how me and the other man would tolerate each other in bed with our wife between us. Anyways, as someone who has a co-boyfriend in the past, I can relate to the emotions as well as the tension involved when two men love the same woman.

  2. I wonder why people care what other couples do. Why criticize? Why is it anyone’s business?

    I clicked on the links and none of them worked. Are they still together? I hope they will be happy.

  3. Wow, what a twisted situation. What is keeping Chad from getting turned on to Jeremy when he sees him lying naked with his wife. There has to be a lot of conflict and chaos in that house. How sick.

  4. How could Jeremy not get turned on when he sees Chad naked with his wife? They all three are twisted and have no boundaries.

  5. I wanted to know if they have sex with Amanda together like a threesome or separate. Also, were the triplets conceived naturally or by ivf? Natural triplets is rare but they didn’t seem to know who the dad was for each baby.

  6. Up-votes all around!

    I like this family. I like how refreshingly honest they’ve been (Chad, I’m aiming this at you for being so damn open here on The Ashley and over on Starcasm before your show aired) no matter how invasive our questions get, we don’t get snooty attitudes
    (yeah, I’m side-eying you, Brown family) like how dare we ask anything about.. *gasps* sex, or that any questions asked are just too “private” to get real answers. Chad gives answers honestly and with a grace I’m deeply impressed with. I don’t admire folks on a whim. I’m not impressed by much. You’ve gotta work for my admiration, and these people.. laying it out like this.. it’s impressive and I admire them letting us into their lives with such dignity and grace.

    Thanks Ashley for doing this interview and thank you Chad, Jeremy and Amanda for sharing so much with us.

  7. I am embarrassed to admit that I’m slightly obsessed with this family and their show. I am impressed with how maturely they handle their family and differences and how well they communicate with each other. They seem to be very considerate of each other and their feelings. It’s very sweet to see and I’d rather watch a show that embraces this educated family and their different lifestyle then some of the trashy stuff on tv these days.

  8. I would watch a show about them. This certainly isn’t a lifestyle I would want but they seem happy and functional. The only part I find weird is that they all share a bed together every third night. This seems very strange if the men aren’t involved with one another as well. I can’t imagine why they would want to do that. Also, why have a head of the family especially if they aren’t religious anymore? Why not make all decisions together?

  9. I never thought I would see the day were someone in reality TV would actually be real and honest to others and themselves.
    The truth doesn’t have to be perfect, nobody is.

    When these people are happy and everyone’s needs and feelings are respected in this family, why not?

    Good questions, thank you Ashley.

    The only thing I read that does not sound good to me is that she is the boss. I believe in equality in relationships.
    It might seem easier to make someone the boss, someone who decides and has the final word but all you are doing is making things really complicated in the long run.

  10. Good for them. It’s nice to have a family embodying ethical non-monogamy on TV. I personally don’t think the Browns are ethical, given the massive power imbalance

    1. They seem more “normal” than my family, lol!

      I’m sure they have their challenges, but they seem ready to face anything in their path head on.

      I hope the best for all of them. 🙂

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