The stars of the Teen Mom franchise keep the drama level high– even on the weekends! You may have been out living it up (or eating generic-brand pizza rolls on your couch, while watching a marathon of Dateline on NBC) over the past few days, so it’s likely you may have missed some of the ‘Teen Mom’ stories that broke this weekend.
In an effort to bring you up-to-date on all of the weekend’s ‘Teen Mom’ happenings, The Ashley brings you the “Monday Teen Mom News Pile!”
Here are all the major (and minor but interesting) Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 things that happened over the last weekend…
Jenelle Evans basically started a rumor about Kail Lowry giving up her baby.

Well, Juh-nelle….we see ya startin’ rumors about ya co-stars again!
Jenelle managed to majorly piss off her ‘Teen Mom 2’ co-star, Kail, over the weekend after her official Facebook fan page posted a story with the headline, “BREAKING! Kail Not Keeping Her Baby!” In addition, the fanpage added a comment that said, “It’s so hard to say goodbye.”
The link took fans to one of several click-bait sites that Jenelle uses to make money off of. (For the record Jenelle makes A TON OF MONEY off this every month!) Although the article’s headline and caption made it seem like Kail wasn’t keeping the baby she’s currently pregnant, once the article was opened up, fans realized that it was actually about the BMW Kail tweeted that she has to give up. Kail once referred to the car as “her baby.”
Naturally Kail was angry when she found out what Jenelle’s fanpage had posted, so she took to Twitter to set the record straight.
“Whoever decided to twist my words and say I’m not keeping my baby is a f**ked up individual,” Kail tweeted. “I’d really love if things I’m quoted saying in interviews aren’t copied and pasted into click-bate articles for bulls**t publications. But then again, it’s on the internet, it MUST be true.”
This is not the first time Jenelle has angered her ‘Teen Mom’ co-stars with her ‘articles.’ She recently posted one that stated that Chelsea Houska’s marriage to Cole DeBoer is in trouble (it’s not), and one that says that Leah Messer is dating John Gotti’s grandson. (She’s not.)
Jenelle defended herself by saying that, just because the post about Kail was made from her verified Facebook fan page, it wasn’t her behind it.
“Just to throw this out there,” Jenelle tweeted. “I don’t write any articles on my pages that are shared or posted about the other Teen Mom ladies. #JustSayin”
Farrah Abraham and Simon Saran were thick as thieves on vacation in Florida.

Farrah and Simon recently told every news outlet that would talk to them that they had split, but the ‘Teen Mom OG’ couple seemed very much together during their vacation to Key West, Florida, this weekend. Both made sure to post plenty of photos on social media that showed them together. Sophia was also on the trip, and ‘Teen Mom OG’ cameras were surely along for the ride as well.
In the posted photos and videos, Farrah and Simon actually seem rather happy. Even Sophia appears to be having a good time. Simon did, however, caption one photo of him hugging Farrah with “Best friend” in hopes that will keep fans guessing about the status of their relationship.
Matt Baier got in trouble with MTV over his book.

Amber Portwood’s fiance, Matt, is due to release his tell-all book in June, but it will be 20 percent shorter than it originally would have been. A new report circulated this weekend stating that MTV execs got hold of Matt’s book copy and forced him to cut out about 15,000 words. Due to his contract, Matt has to comply with the network’s demands.
To get more info on this, click here!
Nathan Griffith posted a terrifying video.
Last three weeks #thestruggleisreal pic.twitter.com/lmErjKEMfW
— Nathan J. Griffith (@GroundLevelUp) April 10, 2017
On Sunday, Nathan showed off some horrific dance moves in a video posted to his Twitter account. Wearing no shirt (naturally), Nathan pelvic-thrusted his way through a portion of Gloria Gaynor’s song “I Will Survive.” At one point, he grabs his own junk and lip syncs the lyric, “I’ve got all my love to give.”
That should sufficiently haunt your nightmares until next week’s “News Pile.” Enjoy your week!
To read last week’s ‘Teen Mom’ News Pile, click here!
(Photos: Twitter, MTV)
37 Responses
For those of you wondering about Being Matt…Don’t waste your time. It was painful to watch. It was basically Amber defending Matt to the “haters” and Matt trying to get a hold of his son Christopher the ENTIRE episode. Matt’s two kids Brooklyn and Andrew (I think that was his name) come to visit and they have one big family dinner. Then Matt takes his daughter to buy a car…Pretty sure Amber bought it. These assholes have a Range Rover, Cadillac and a fricking Corvette. Why?!?!?!?
They should be saving instead of blowing their money on luxury cars….as soon as the show is over, they’re going to be 2 BROKE jokes.
What was up with the part where the producer stepped in and he got pissed at her? Like she was trying to help him look better and that was the whole point of “being Matt”. However, it did not make him look any better. It just made it even more painfully obvious that he f*cked up 5 kids lives by being an addict and hopping from bed to bed. He’s damn lucky those two kids turned out as normal as they have. But wait, there’s still time.
I also enjoyed how it made it look like they’re constantly out doing things, being active and stuff. You know they sit at home and do absolutely nothing.
Definitely weird when Amber was talking to the producer about buying the corvette and that she makes a ton more money then him. Girl, shouldn’t be combining accounts until he puts a ring on it. And I mean wedding ring, not engagement ring.
Does he think calling him by his full name, Christopher make him sound more fatherly? Lmao. I’ll never forget last season when Amber did her voice over for her segment and she said they hadn’t seen Chris in a few weeks because he had recently moved in with a girl he met. Mind you, at this point Chris had only even been in IN for a few weeks lol.
Of all the fake relationships on this show, Simon and Farrah have got to be the fakest!
I can definitely go my whole life without seeing Nathan yank on his pbug.
Serious question. Does anyone actually careally if Farrah and Simon are dating or not?
Jenelle had better watch out! Kail will give her bruises all over her bawwwwdy!!!!!
Has anyone ever asked Adam and Nathan to be tested for steroids? Seems like they are quite um, muscular. Just a thought on my part.
How come no mention of Cate’s post and delete of a pregnancy announcement?!
Ugh. Those two. I didn’t think it was offensive. Just not funny at all. They have such a strange sense of humor. Guess that’s what happens when you treat you clinical depression with weed.
@shelby- that story circulated everywhere, and there was nothing more to add to the story. Rather cover stuff that is new and not already out there! -The Ashley
Fair enough!! Just saw a quick blurb about it on enews and figured people would be seriously pissed about it – not to mention, a very odd thing to “joke” about by parents who chose adoption for their child… (*insert shrug emoji*)
The Ashley,
How did the “Being Matt” special fair? Did it come in last place during it’s time slot?
Im curious about the exclusive, when will it be released? 🙂
So many options, so many things co u ld be going on.
Please let it not be Chelsea quiting TM, it needs a voice of some reason.
Everyone mentioned in this….I’m truly scared to think about what types of human beings they’re raising. These poor kids don’t have a chance. Poor Kaiser’s parents are truly mentally disturbed….Jenelle is SO jealous of the rest of the cast, it’s pathetic, and Nathan is the village idiot…Sophia’s mother….I don’t even wanna go there, and that petty boyfriend she has around her kid…I just cant….and Matt…like cmon Ambo…he’s writing a tell all already! what do you think is gonna happen when you get a divorce?! He’s going to tell it ALL.
Uhm, lol, Farrah and Simon. I kinda respected him for mocking MTV and thought he is not fame hungry……..but in reality he is. So they are actually perfect for each other. LOL
Jenelle just needs to take responsibility for sth! Even if she doesn’t post or write those articles, she sure as hell knows what they are about and if she had any decency, she would have deleted them immediately. But she doesn’t so yeah….she gets what she deserves.
Matt…..I said it before and I’ll say it again, this could be the end of Mamby. Uhm, Ambatt?
No comment on Nathan because I sure as hell ain’t watching that. Guy’s a jerk.
I saw a piece of TM today: Amber was upset and she told someone Matt bought her a car (Corvette?) from their joint bank account with the license plate MAMBER. You were so close it’s creepy!
Like HOW does she not see all the warning sings?! Guy’s basically using her for fame and money. And I heard somewhere that people are convinced she is so unreasonable is because she is back on drugs with him. And ofc she drinks again and claims to be “sooooooobeeer”! Okay, Amber, sure. To me she is just as bad as Jenelle now, and her “sending love” when she is being criticizes (before criticizing back ofc) is just so hypocritical. Now, you are not ‘sending love’, you are sending hate, you are just very subtle about it! This guy is really bringing THE WORST in her, anyone remember how sweet she was when she left jail and before she started dating this d-bag?! There is no hope unless she ditches him.
I forgot to add, apparently just recently he was hitting on this girl via phone. BUT STILL Amber doesn’t leave him. She has no self-respect whatsoever.
Side note, am I the only one that thinks Farrah is looking haggard AF lately? I’m not sure if it’s the brassy blonde extensions or the expanding list of inflatable body parts but homegirl is looking sketchy as of late. She’s giving Donatella Versace a run for her money with that face, geeeesh.
She looking kind of gaunt, like maybe she’s not eating as much as she should.
What?! That bitch is always eating! Yelling and eating.
I should not have clicked the video
I was thinking the same thing!
Ha! My Mac won’t play it.
^This makes me feel better about not being able to see it.
Simon and Farrah should get married. They will never find other people. Farrah used to have to (allegedly) pay men to pretend to date her and even then they hated her so much they’d ditch her (couples rehab anyone?). And Simon is a terrible person with (allegedly) fake companies and a lazy eye. It would be a hilarious special, seeing them both bridezilla their wedding
I agree….they’re not going to find anyone else to put up with their antics….just as long as they don’t procreate….I think Simon should finally pay Farrah back for that ring she bought herself lol.
Bad for business, to be married when you are looking for men to sleep with you for money.
Nah, lots of sex workers have husbands. Do you think a John really cares if his hooker has a husband? Simon won’t mind as long as she keeps him rich and famous.
Sweet baby Jesus, Nathan needs to chill on his attention seeking cause that shit is backfiring, HARD. I didn’t think it was possible to feel second-hand humiliation from watching a video but I was obviously wrong. I can’t decide which is worse, dirty ol’ David or this dancing douche Lord. My eyes may never recover.
I think Kail actually has a right to be mad about that article and at whoever wrote it or posted it.
Whoever? Someone paid by Jenelle trough her management probably. Jenelle and Tori used to run several sites and accounts spreading lies to make money for team Jenelle. Those two love making money at what they do best: being a low life biotch without any morals. Apparently, they found a slanderous soulmate.
For Christmas I’m going to ask Santa to make The Ashley write the next Teen Mom article completely in Babs-English. That would be gold, just imagine the joy of reading that with Babs’ voice in your head! Giggling already 🙂
That video of Nathan is a perfect commentary of how society is going down the toilet due to the technological advances of most people having tiny cameras connected to a worldwide platform at all times.
I mean, who among us HASN’T danced topless at one point (either in public or in private) to “I Will Survive”? But 99.2% of the people that do so know it is not something to plaster all over the internet.
Who cares about kails “Mysterious” Black baby daddy.. Simon will always be a whipping boy, Matt…creepy creeper and Nathan…I LOVEEEEE ITT!!!! ???
Merciful heavens. Please, someone give Nathan a tranquilizer to the man-jewels. Seriously. No one needs to see that…ever!!!