If you’re one of the dozen or so people who are jonesing to have more Farrah Abraham in your life, WEtv is here to help! Next month, the network will bring Farrah, her mother Debra Danielsen, and father Michael Abraham to a special “Family Edition” of Marriage Boot Camp Reality Stars, but WEtv just gave us our first sneak peek of the family fighting it out on-camera.
The train wreck trio sat down to introduce themselves in a little “Meet the Abrahams” clip. The network hopes the clip will get us all pumped up for the level of family dysfunction that they will be bringing to the series.
The clip starts out with the family arriving at the ‘Marriage Boot Camp’ mansion, while discussing their tumultuous relationship.
“I still get to parent my divorced, dysfunctional parents,” Farrah tells us.
“Farrah can become angry within a matter of seconds,” Debra says.
Deb tells us how Farrah once wished her mom was dead.

Of course, while Deb is telling us this sad story, we watch clips of her arriving at the mansion, sporting a midriff-bearing top, her trusty “double belt” look that she’s still trying to make happen, and skintight pants. Deb, who is 58, has clearly come a long way since the early days of ‘Teen Mom,’ when she sported 1990s power suits and a Farrah Fawcett hairdo.
We also get to hear from Farrah’s dad, Michael. Michael says he came on the show to help Farrah find ways to deal with her anger.
“I think Farrah could be a little more considerate,” Michael says in the clip. “She’s disrespectful to me.”
Um…ya think?!

Of course, according to Farrah, the problem is not her, but actually her father’s push-over behavior.
“If I could have one word to describe my dad….I would say….my dad’s a pansy,” Farrah says.
(Michael was not thrilled when he watched this clip and heard his daughter say that. On his personal Facebook, he posted the clip and wrote, “What I’m a pansy! I think NOT!”)
Anyway, in the clip, Farrah continues to insist that she doesn’t have any family supporting or helping her. (Funny, we see both Deb and Michael dropping everything to help Farrah with her daughter and her various businesses. Poor Michael had to sweat his Froco Coba balls off when he dressed as the mascot to open Farrah’s yogurt shop last year.)
Farrah says that she wants to break the cycle of hostility and awfulness for her daughter, Sophia.
We will, of course, be recapping this train wreck for your enjoyment once the episodes start airing on WEtv on April 28..
Watch the full “Meet the Abrahams” clip below:
(Photos: WEtv)
29 Responses
For the love of all that is holy can this family PLEASE go away!?
They are all doing this for money..they are so fake.
Let’s get this settled. They are all awful people. All three of them. Most dysfunctional family if I ever saw one. Farrah-delusional, Debra-delusional woman who can’t accept she’s aging. Michael-delusional man who gets into petty fights with cast mates. They deserve each other. End of story.
These people need real therapy with real professionals, OFF CAMERA. They are all out of their fucking minds. A bunch of money hungry bozos. I can’t wait until they are irrelevant and forgettable.
Of course Michael is scared to stand up for himself around these two insane women he has in his life. I suspect Debra used to beat him up and farrah trashes him to no end.
Farrah is seriously THE MOST delusional person out there. Then it’s like where does she get it? Cue in Deb, teenage clothes, crazy wig and weirdo boyfriends or is it fiancé?
Then it’s ball less Michael with his nuts hanging up in the yogurt shop..next to the cobbadebobba costume.
If the amount of therapy that they’ve had combined up until this point hasn’t help hem, nothing will.
The only benefit to this shit show is what’s benefiting their bank accounts…
But oh boy, @TheAshley I’ll be sure to looking forward to your recaps!!
I so badly just want to hear Farrah take responsibility for and ownership of her terrible behavior. Typically if you have a difficult relationship with everyone in your life and family, the problem is within you. Farrah seems to love to play the victim, and yet is an absolute bully. Clearly the years of therapy have not been money (or time) well-spent.
Also, I think it’s odd one of the first things she advertises about herself is her sex tape since she has tried repeatedly to play the victim in that situation also. The studio tricked me, it was a private tape made with my boyfriend, and all the other pathetic excuses we have heard her spout.
I believe she truly loves Sophia. I really do. I think she has no clue how to have a healthy, respectful relationship and I feel sad for her.
Farrah’s back door antics and a desire to please showed a whole new side of her to her many adoring fans. With her raw talents on display she was able to put her mouth where the money was to prove her worth. Nicely done!
I still subscribe to the “Farrah was molested as a child and Michael/Debra dismissed it or covered it up, leading to Farrah hating them. Due to her mental illness, she cannot communicate like a normal human being” theory.
What does Farrah’s older sister think of this entire situation? Has she peaced out of the family altogether?
I believe something happened to her as a kid too. She also modeled as a teen so who knows if she was raped, molested, touched. Whatever happened in her childhood it was enough for her and Dr Jenn to not want it revealed on camera. According to Jenn, what Farrah told her was some of the most heartbreaking things she ever had to hear. The jury is out on whether Jenn exaggerated that statement or not but I think we can all agree Farrah isn’t right in the head. Whatever it is I think it was exacerbated when she decided to film that porno with James Deen.
Your username is the best thing I have seen this year lol.
And yes, I completely agree. Something dark and heinous happened to Farrah.
lol thanks
I don’t understand Farrah’s fashion sense either…one minute she’s dressed like a complete whore, and the next minute she’s dressed like a 40 year old woman. What’s the deal with the maternity dress here?
I’m not an angry or hateful person, but Farrah makes me so frustrated!! I know we are only seeing a snap shot of her life, but she is extremely disrespectful towards EVERYONE! When I think back to her time of celebrity big brother over here, she was foul and crazy to all. She will never listen to anyone who tells her the truth, and Sophia is going to be just as spiteful as her mother, the difference being she will be worse as she has had a childhood full of money thrown at her. They both need a reality check
Just please tell me that Debz OG rap music and equipment was left home!
I wonder will someone finally, FINALLY confront Debra about her baby prostitute makeover and get to the bottom of why the HELL she started dressing like that in her late 50’s! I literally cannot stand nobody addressing it and acting like it’s normal! WHY IS IT ALLOWED TO HAPPEN?!?!
Right. I liked her more when she was sporting those mom jeans, those suitcases under her eyes, and dated Farrah Fawcett layers. God I hope those sagging suitcases and hereditary and Farrah and So-Fee-Uh end up with them
So many things are happening here I need to process who says you might know me for my sex tape? That’s just crazy to me and wouldn’t really be a topic of conversation I myself (if I was in a sex tape) would want to bring up she talks all the time about how she wants to break the cycle but the way she talks in front of Sophia and to Sophia is unbelievably disrespectful it’s also knows and it’s all she’s going to do when she grows up I got to say though I really feel for Farah because at this point she has had so much plastic surgery she doesn’t even look real… what is Debra wearing did she just come from work out in 1980?
I think it’s less of “you might know me for my sex tape” and more of “I desperately hope that by saying ‘sex tape’ I can get people to buy a few more.” I guarantee you that every episode will have at least one plug (no pun intended) for a product, store, the stupid froco sunglasses, etc. While she says “I don’t respond to nay-ga-tive people because God blessed me with a brain”.
Farrah is quite literally the most self-absorbed, hypocritical, delusional plastic barbie doll. When can we ship her to outer space???
She is a monster.
Her lack of insight is astounding. She has to be a narcissist. She’s so out of touch with reality.
Has to be a narcissist! I totally agree. There is not anyway a sane person acts like this with no remorse at all.
I’m not gonna lie, I only came here for Deb’s outfit #sorrynotsorry
Something nice… Farrah can hussle. She knows where she gets her money. I just wish this whole family would invest some of their money into therapy for ALL of them.
I’ll ask again: What happened to Debra??? She used to argue with Farrah now she cowers in fear. She has to be heavily medicated. And Michael, although I hate Farrah, you are a pansy.
I’ve always been wondering that as well. So much must have happened during the time TM was on hiatus, otherwise it makes no sense at all. Not that I expect sense from the Abrahams, but at least enough to understand Deb’s (sorry: Debz) sudden change in look and character. Now it looks more like Deb’s evil twin sister locked her up and is pretending to be Deb and miserably failing at doing so. Ugh, this family makes so little sense it’s giving me a headache.
I especially am baffled by Debra’s paramour, Dr. David. WTF? Where did she find him? He looks Captain Kangaroo on an acid trip.
Farrah is seriously THE MOST delusional person out there. Then it’s like where does she get it? Cue in Deb, teenage clothes, crazy wig and weirdo boyfriends or is it fiancé?
Then it’s ball less Michael with his nuts hanging up in the yogurt shop..next to the cobbadebobba costume.
If the amount of therapy that they’ve had combined up until this point hasn’t help hem, nothing will.
The only benefit to this shit show is what’s benefiting their bank accounts…
But oh boy, @TheAshley I’ll be sure to looking forward to your recaps!!