‘Vanderpump Rules’ Stassi Schroeder Reveals Details of Her Breakup with Patrick Meagher on Her Podcast

“He dumped me and ditched me but…it’s OK!”

Stassi Schroeder of Vanderpump Rules announced her breakup with on-again, off-again boyfriend Patrick Meagher this week with social media posts likening her situation to that of Carrie Bradshaw’s in the “Sex in the City” movie.

In a new podcast episode posted on Thursday, Stassi revealed how she is feeling after the shocking split with her longtime boyfriend!

While Stassi’s announcement explained that the breakup was initiated by Patrick just days before their planned Mexico vacation, she did not give fans any other details on the sudden split, aside from announcing her friend, comedian Rachel O’Brien, would be stepping in as a last minute replacement for Patrick.

(For those unfamiliar with Stassi’s reference, in the “SATC” movie, Carrie’s fiancé Mr. Big fails to show up at their wedding, resulting in Carrie’s best friends accompanying her to Mexico on what was supposed to be her honeymoon.)


Joined by Rachel in Mexico, Stassi spoke candidly about the breakup on this week’s episode of her podcast, Straight Up with Stassi, which was appropriately titled, “Stassi is in a Mexicoma.”

“Without getting into too many details, ‘cause I’m not here to s**t on anyone – I’m only sh**ting on a certain person in my thoughts, but like, I’m not like here to publicly s**t on this person – I am single, again,” she told her listeners.

Stassi said she had planned the trip for her and Patrick with the intention of it being their first true romantic vacation, as it is a rarity for her and the SiriusXM radio host to be off work for an extended amount of time together. And, despite the breakups that have occurred along the way, Stassi noted, the trip was also to celebrate their four-year anniversary, which she said Patrick failed to remember.

Stassi told her listeners that the day before the couple planned to take off for Mexico, an argument took place. (She didn’t give us any of the juicy details of the argument, unfortunately.) The fight apparently prompted Patrick to back out of both the trip and the relationship.

“We get in a fight, obviously, just like any other fight we’ve ever gotten in, it’s not like anything new popped up,” Stassi said on the podcast. “Nothing new happened to where I would be broken up with and jilted a day before our Mexican vacation for our anniversary that only I remembered…”

After giving Patrick time to reconsider, Stassi said she was ultimately left with less than 24 hours to figure out what to do with the pre-paid romantic rendezvous. She told her listeners she started going crazy, mindlessly sobbing and “taking mad amounts of Xanex” to calm down, eventually propositioning Rachel to take Patrick’s place approximately 12 hours before takeoff.

After discussing the undeniable couples atmosphere of the resort and how they had been utilizing Snapchat stories as a way to keep things light, Rachel bluntly asked Stassi how she felt about the situation and if she missed Patrick.

“I miss him every f**king minute … I’m going to cry,” she replied, adding that she did not know if they would get back together. “I don’t know how to bounce back from that.”

Stassi told Rachel this split with Patrick felt worse than their past breakups because they had taken the time to discuss how their relationship would go this time around before reuniting. While Stassi said she was not innocent in the matter and admitted she “can be a terror” when she and Patrick fight, she said she had started therapy to work through her own issues and believed she had done her part to make things work.

“I’m not trying to be the victim here because [Patrick’s] always saying that’s part of my problem, that I act like the victim, but I truly feel like one, I really do,” she said.

Stassi said Patrick should be buying a ticket and showing up in Mexico to apologize because she knows how much he loves her, blaming his actions and absence from the trip on his pride.

“I’m really sad, I’m really f**king sad and I think what makes it harder to say like, if we’d be able to reconcile ever again is because how many more f**king times can I do that,” she said. “The one thing that I do deserve is consistency.”

Stassi said she and Patrick “really love each other” and despite the confusing split, she complimented her now ex during the podcast, calling him a “really moral, stand-up guy.”

She wrapped up by telling her listeners she was scared to do this episode because she did not want to paint Patrick as a bad guy, requesting they do not “go after him” on social media.

“He’s a wonderful person,” she said.

Fans of ‘Vanderpump Rules’ have heard Stassi talk about her and Patrick’s relationship (the good and bad) in seasons past, however, Patrick has yet to make an appearance on the show. With Stassi’s confirmation of his involvement in Season 6, viewers will finally get to see their dynamic on screen and presumably find out more about the recent split.

(Photos: Instagram, Bravo)


3 Responses

  1. I don’t know how any man could be with Stassi for 4 hours, let alone 4 years, lol. Run, Patrick, RUN and don’t look back.

    1. THIS ^^^^
      She is a shitty human being. Pretty much everything that is wrong with this country crammed into one primate, kinda like Farrah. I feel like religion could use them as an advertisement: “Want to spend the afterlife in the same space with these two for eternity? Then start praying and acting right…”

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